Always Locked


Long term member
Sep 22, 2016
Indiana, USA
For those that live this lifestyle , myself included. My lovely goddess asked me a question that I could not reply to. Question was, since you are constantly locked, (with exceptions for cleaning which she handles. ) What is Locktober really about?
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For those that live this lifestyle , myself included. My lovely goddess asked me a question that I could not reply to. Question was, since you are constantly locked, (with exceptions for cleaning which she handles. ) What is Locktober really about?

Locktober is really for those that don't yet do chastity continuously.
When you are constantly locked, it's no different to any other month.
Honestly... I think it is more of a month for people that don't have it as their constant lifestyle...

I could see a couple doing for a month or even just parts of the month. Could be fun, right?
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Locktober for me has been the motivation to push my chastity, to ensure I can do at least a month, but has also pushed me into the realisation that I want to be pushed even further and leave that decision to keyholder. And as such have recently uped my efforts to find a keyholder, and as it happens will be lucky enough to hand over that control and my keys, both of them, this weekend. As we have agreed that I will no longer be in control, I may be in for more than just Locktober, but I have accepted that as part of the arrangements.
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I am also locked 24/7 for the past 4 years. For this Locktober, my wife/KH decided I would wear no more male underwear. I already had a couple of panties, but she ordered 5-6 more, and took away all my male underwear. So, I haven't worn regular male underwear since 9/30. I suspect I may never again.

Plus, I started shaving from the waist down. I had been shaving my genitals for several years, but as of 10/1, I shaved my legs as well. It's a great feeling to be so smooth up and down your thighs. I think shaving may become permanent, too.
Wow, Interesting perspectives.
Locktober is not about me. It's about her. Can i focus on her for 31 days straight and be concerned about nothing but her pleasure?
If I can then can that be the start of something better for us?
I think that seeing as male chastity is a very niche lifestyle, and the 24/7/365ers are very much a minority, Locktober gives the non-permanent practitioners amongst us a chance to practice longer-term abstinence than we would normally.

Speaking personally, I'm given a couple of ruined orgasms a month on average and also get my prostate drained in a variety or more or less pleasurable ways - but during Locktober this hasn't been the case and I've been left with no release at all.

I guess you could say that for me, Locktober is a month where I see what it's like to be permanently denied - I would find it very difficult I think.
Question was, since you are constantly locked, (with exceptions for cleaning which she handles. ) What is Locktober really about?

As another year-round couple, October is just another month. In fact, since we often travel during this month, I'm ironically apt to be unlocked even more than any other month. This year being an exception, understandably.
Always licked is a way of life for some. For me end of October will be 3 months locked no release.