An unexpected but welcome consequence...


I help others make Solo Chastity Fun & Thrilling!
Nov 14, 2023
Pittsburgh, PA US
Hello. I'm new to this game and this community so I thought I'd introduce myself and share my beginner experience thus far...

I've been hypersexual since I hit puberty and I suspect it's because I have ADHD... Was a compulsive masturbator for many years and I enjoyed it, but recently I decided to be a little more productive, so 2 months back I bought a CB6000S chastity cage and fell in love with it the moment I first put it on. It was amazingly comfortable... Later that same day, my body was following it's usual daily routine and made me spontaneously horny so I pulled out the porn and went to jerk off, but I ended up grabbing the cage instead & I said "Oh, that's right... Oops! Hehehe..." Then I noticed something...

I really REALLY wanted to jerk off but couldn't because I locked the key in the safe on the other side of my residence so I could only watch and for the first time in my life, I made it through a whole porn DVD without having to clean up a mess. It gave me a real sense of accomplishment... But also I noticed that wanting to jerk off and not being able to felt so much better than succumbing and "blowing it". It gave me an even bigger high than anything that would've physically polluted me. So a means of self-control turned into a serious fetish for Tease & Denial. A bit Paradoxical but I absolutely love it!

I've been sober for more than 2 years now and I feel this new fetish I acquired gives me a dirty but good reason to stay sober, because it's much better than drinking or inhaling something that's sure to give me bad day the next morning. So, I intentionally tease myself by watching porn regularly while locked in my cage. I hear alot of people describe it as "evil" and "torturous" but I just can't get enough of it... Now, when I want to watch porn but don't want to waste time jerking off, I just put a DVD on and watch with a separate screen and continue what I'm doing on my PC.

Currently, I'm taking note of how I feel after so many days of not getting an orgasm when aroused... I also noticed I seem to have alot more energy at work and I don't need as much sleep at night. So, I'm going to see if this holds up through the retail holiday season. I work full time in a department store and with Black Friday and Christmas well on their way, I need that extra energy. My longest lockup so far is 12 days so I'm gonna shoot for 20 days (no pun intended) and if I can manage that, then I'll go 25 days and allow myself release on Christmas day as a present to myself. After that. I may play the dice game via mobile app to determine how long my next session will be.

Hope you found my beginner experience entertaining... Glad to meet you all and happy see this lifestyle ain't as "isolated" as I thought it was. I guess it's true what they say... "You never know until you try!"

Great update. I have ADHD also and find that chastity helps with many of my symptoms. I believe it is linked to the increased dopamine levels in your body while wearing. The orgasm actually releases a hormone that drops dopamine levels significantly. Beware the Longer lockups may cause a significant drop and lead to increased problems for a while after orgasm. My longest lockup has been about 23 days.
Great update. I have ADHD also and find that chastity helps with many of my symptoms. I believe it is linked to the increased dopamine levels in your body while wearing. The orgasm actually releases a hormone that drops dopamine levels significantly. Beware the Longer lockups may cause a significant drop and lead to increased problems for a while after orgasm. My longest lockup has been about 23 days.
Did you notice anything undesirable after 2 or 3 weeks? Like drop in horniness or desire for orgasm? Or something else that wasn't pleasant?
Day 5 of 20... 5 seems to be something of a magical number for me. On the previous sessions, the first 2 or 3 days were pretty easy and on day 4 things began to noticeably intensify. Day 5 on every session, including this one, is when things really start to take off! Yesterday, I watched some porn in the morning and in the evening without any real trouble, but today I watched one video with one of my favorite models and I started whimpering and tugging on my padlock, wishing it would magically unlock itself... I even got shaky like I was about to go into a seizure, but I made it through and I'm still locked up.

Gonna take me about an hour or 2 to fully calm down and get on with my day, but I loved every moment of it... I'm feeling pretty great right now!
Day 10 of 20. Half way there. Another 2 days and I'll tie my longest session. :lock:

Things are starting to get a little intense for me now. The other day I started leaking and I'm getting these sudden surges of horniness. They don't last very long but they're a bit disruptive. I was browsing Ebay and Amazon this morning looking for Holiday ideas when I suddenly had an urge to tease myself with a porn session. It hit me fast and hard, so I obliged by watching a 30 minute video. 2 or 3 hours later, I got hit with another surge and I verbally told myself to calm down because I had to get ready for work soon.

Later while at work I saw a customer who was SMOKING HOT and totally my type (uh oh! :oops:). That triggered another horniness surge and I had to stop what I was doing and stretch for a few minutes and take a deep breath to suppress it. My coworker asked me if I was alright, because they noticed I seemed a bit "on edge" about something. I just gave them the good old "too much coffee this morning" excuse and they bought it. ;)

Even though my longest session was 2 days longer than today, it seemed easier than this one. This time seems to be having an even bigger effect on me. I honestly don't remember getting sudden urges like this during the last session a couple weeks ago. I'm not worried at all, though... To be honest, I'm actually enjoying it. I just gotta remind myself to be careful while at work or in public.

I just hope I don't start leaking while at work. At home, it's no big deal (feels very nice), but at work it could get kinda award... Not to mention embarrassing if it gets bad enough. but I'll find a way to deal with it if it happens.
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Day 15 of 20. Just 5 days to go, but this is getting serious!

I've already beaten my previous longest time of 12 days without orgasm, but things are going from intense to just downright torturous! The past 2 days I waited on some customers at work who were HOT enough to trigger sudden urges. I had to excuse myself from the sales counter at one point because I started leaking right then.

This morning when I put my cage on, as I do every morning upon getting up, I noticed my balls had grown considerably (they're not swollen, just bigger) and I'm pretty sure it's because I'm loaded... I was watching some porn this morning like I always do and not only was I swelling and leaking in my cage, but I started literally shaking from the arousal. My mind wants to keep going, but my body Really REALLY wants an orgasm right now.

I think desperation may be setting in, because my body is doing everything it can to make me cave in and get the release I need very VERY badly! This week is going to be quite interesting to say the least.
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Well, I got some news and for novices it would probably seem bad, but for me it's great news!

I just had a change in my work schedule and picked up a full day at work on Dec 1st, so I can't get release on that day as I had planned. I have to hold out until Dec 4th, so a 20 days lockup session just became 23 days! I'm actually happy about this, because I'm looking forward to a whole week of desperation... Not to mention a bigger paycheck for the holiday season. :D
Thanks for posting this is has been a great read. Not knowing when or having to wait even longer is one of the more exciting parts for me about chastity. Can't wait to read more and see that time in chastity keep increasing!
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Day 23 - Release Day FINALLY!

Yesterday was a whole day of torture & desperation for me... The other night, I was so tired from work that I didn't bother to unlock myself before going to bed in the evening... That was a mistake! It triggered an all-night urge that kept me up the whole time and I was a horny zombie all day. To make matters worse, I was working at the store in an area where there was no shortage of Lovely Young Ladies holiday shopping for their little ones. Alot of them were my type too. It took everything I had in me to stay calm and maintain a professional composure. I even started leaking behind the counter in the last hour of my shift. :(

I really really REALLY wanted to jerk off and get relief when I got home yesterday, but I fought off the temptation and put my cage on. My balls were really aching the rest of the evening, but I slept fine and had a good night.

This morning, I got the release I promised myself... At first I tried to get a caged orgasm, but the anti-pullout stopped all direct stimulation and also stopped me from moving the cage, so I couldn't do anything at all. Good part about that is the device did its job, but all I really did in the end was give myself blue balls and add to my desperation. An hour later, I got hit with another urge and tried again, but this time I swapped out the anti-pullout for the cage cap to allow some movement inside... It wasn't enough and I ended up blue-balled (again) and leaking. At this point, I got so desperate that I couldn't stand it anymore! I went and got the key out of the safe, unlocked myself and gave myself a full orgasm. After 23 days, it was the biggest load I ever shot out!

I feel drained, not just in my balls, but my energy as well... That orgasm damn near made me pass out! I'm glad I waited until I had a day off to get release. I totally cannot go anywhere today, I'm so exhausted. But damn, Do I feel GREAT right now! Can't stop smiling this morning! :D
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My next session starts now and will go until at least Christmas Day. I know I'm gonna get desperate again, but hopefully next time around it'll be a little more bearable and I'll be able to hold out until New Year's Day, perhaps a bit longer depending on my work schedule...

I'm considering playing my dice games throughout next year. Here's what I have in mind:
  1. Roll 6 dice and the number (Must be higher than 14 or I'll roll again) will be my initial session time.
  2. On the last day, I'll roll 2 dice. Only one roll. If I roll doubles, then I get release. If not, then I add that number of days to the session before I try again. This will prolong my sessions and make release days totally unpredictable for me. :D
Starting next year, I'm promising myself 3 guaranteed Full orgasms every year: Late April, Late August (Birthday) and Christmas Day. That'll set a hard time limit of 4 months for any given session. Hope I don't get there too soon, though :eek:.

The ticker under my signature will keep you posted as to how long my sessions will be in the future. :+1:
Thanks for the experience tale. Im more interested in this side of chastity. For years and years, decades and decades actually, I was a chronic masturbate daily. Sometimes 2-3 releases a day. Feels great and all but Im realizing the dopamine crash is getting worse and worse.

This past year Ive been more into edging for days with one release a week. It helped a little. Im looking to see how short term, edging/denial, and only giving releases to the wife will work.
I tried simply not touching myself for a while and that triggered hands-free edges (got seriously SERIOUSLY hard without grabbing myself) and that made both my balls and pelvis pinch so badly that tears started rolling down my face until I jerked off to get relief. For some reason, my body HATES edging but loves chastity.

I described this conundrum in this thread here:
My body hates edging but loves chastity! Weird... But Why?

I spoke to a few people privately about this and nobody can seem to figure it out.
So if I read right, you were unlocking at night and relocking in the AM? That’s willpower if you were able to do that… try keeping locked at night next time around…totally new experience as your body gets used to the nighttime erections etc.
I've been trying that with my anti-pullouts in place and I always woke up in the middle of the night with my cock feeling pinched :eek:, even with the large anti-pullout. So, just last night I swapped out the anti-pullout for the cage cap and that did take away the pinch, but something else happened... I kept waking up every hour because I had to pee all night long. :confused:

I have no idea why that happened, so I'll have to try it again a few times with the cap and not the anti-pullout and see what pattern(s) emerges.
I'm considering playing my dice games throughout next year. Here's what I have in mind:
  1. Roll 6 dice and the number (Must be higher than 14 or I'll roll again) will be my initial session time.
  2. On the last day, I'll roll 2 dice. Only one roll. If I roll doubles, then I get release. If not, then I add that number of days to the session before I try again. This will prolong my sessions and make release days totally unpredictable for me. :D

by my reckoning if you follow that game, you'll have the following approximate chances:

100% chance of 2 weeks.
75% chance of 3 to 5 weeks
50% chance of 4 to 6 weeks.
25% chance of 5 to 12 weeks.
10% chance of 7 to 21 weeks.
5% chance of 9 to 29 weeks.
1% chance of 14 to 40 weeks.
0.1% chance of 15 to 52 weeks.

Then, you might never throw a double, ever. That's random chance!
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