Bad situation, any ideas?


Junior Member
Jun 23, 2009
Germany, the wild south
I have a problem right now that I consider to be very serious. I live in a FLR and my wife keeps me chaste, mostly with a steel cockcage. Since I am very skilled at manual work and have a lot of tools, my wife likes to "lend me out" to friends or relatives to repair things or do smaller projects. I am particularly often lent to her sister or one of her friends, neither of whom has a man in the house who would do such "men's work".

Since both women really like me, my wife naturally has a certain... let's call it basic jealousy... which is completely unfounded on my part, but I have to admit that the ladies really like to press me more intensely when I come and while walking than I know from other encounters. Otherwise they are very nice and kind to me. But I would like to emphasize that there were never any inappropriate advances.
In any case, I definitely won't go there without my cockcage! My wife checks every time that it is locked correctly for her own peace of mind.

Now it happened yesterday that she sent me to her friend, as she had often done before. I should check the washing machine. The problem was solved very quickly and she invited me for a coffee. So I was sitting on the sofa and her little daughter (9 years old) came in. She really likes me because I hang out with her when Im at their Home. She is allowed to help with repairs and show me things from school and I praise her for it. Simple things. As so often, she stormed up to me and threw her arms around my neck in greeting, put her unicorn in my hand and while I continued chatting with her mother, the little girl quickly fetched a notebook from school that she wanted to show me about its good grade. Before I could react she was sitting on my lap, right on the cockcage. She shifted back and forth and complained that there was something hard under her bottom...
Her mother got an indescribable expression on her face, picked up her daughter (a 9 year old girl!) and carried her out of the room. Of course the little one complained, asking why she did that...

I didn't wait for her to come back but left full of shame. At home I told my wife the whole thing. She's angry with me now because I didn't come out about what was so hard in my pants.
But how could I have done that? Explaining is great. I can say a lot. Should I have proven it? Pants down? And then immediately explain why I even put something like that on there?
"Oh you know, that's just a little perversity of mine. My Penis needs to be caged because ... (fill in text by yourself)"
"Oh, you know, my wife is afraid I'm cheating on her, she doesn't really trust you about this."

My wife doesn't really know what to say to her friend either. She's not exactly the most sexually open woman. And we don't know what she said to her daughter either. There's ghosting at the moment, but that's not good either because she's a long-time and very pleasant friend who we both want to keep if possible.

Any ideas other than the harsh nature of the entire coming out?
Well, I think admitting you were in cage is far better than her thinking you were aroused by a nine year old. You or your wife should call her and tell her you wear a chastity device for you and your wife’s pleasure and apologize that her daughter detected it. You don’t need to explain any more reasons for wearing it. But I am of the opinion you definitely don’t want her thinking you are a pedophile.
Yeah thats tough. I'd get ahead of it before the worst is cemented in their heads. Could you say it was your phone, pack of cigarettes or something? If not I'd just own up you and her practice chasity. Better then the alternative
... then the vicar walked in and my trousers fell down, i fell over and the dog mounted me.
Yeah thats tough. I'd get ahead of it before the worst is cemented in their heads. Could you say it was your phone, pack of cigarettes or something? If not I'd just own up you and her practice chasity. Better then the alternative

You’re worried about TSA being non-consensually exposed to chastity kink, yet telling the little girls mom he practices chastity in a metal cage and allowed her daughter into his lap is okay with you? I hope he goes with keys in his pocket.
You’re worried about TSA being non-consensually exposed to chastity kink, yet telling the little girls mom he practices chastity in a metal cage and allowed her daughter into his lap is okay with you? I hope he goes with keys in his pocket.
I clearly give an alternative and said if that doesn't work. Big difference in going thru x rays and life happens. Nice mental gymnastics however
I clearly give an alternative and said if that doesn't work. Big difference in going thru x rays and life happens. Nice mental gymnastics however

I’m sorry you are either being disingenuous or being obtuse. As many explained to you their really isn’t issue with TSA and chastity most importantly it’s not going to put you in legal jeopardy. However, if he confesses his kink to a parent who ran off with her child because she believed he had an erection, she’s unlikely to react positively. If she calls the police snd tells them he has exposed her child to his kink he could very likely be arrested. Even though his “exposure” was inadvertent, your advice (and others), to fess up, is terrible advice!
I’m sorry you are either being disingenuous or being obtuse. As many explained to you their really isn’t issue with TSA and chastity most importantly it’s not going to put you in legal jeopardy. However, if he confesses his kink to a parent who ran off with her child because she believed he had an erection, she’s unlikely to react positively. If she calls the police snd tells them he has exposed her child to his kink he could very likely be arrested. Even though his “exposure” was inadvertent, your advice (and others), to fess up, is terrible advice!

I’ve actually come over to your way of thinking, I think the “I had a small flashlight in my pocket and I was so shaken by your daughters reaction I behaved poorly” is a much better path.

wow, look at that. Someone on the internet reading other opinions and changing their own! LOL
Thank you everyone here for the quick and insightful recommendations! I will discuss the options again with my wife today and we will then decide what to do.
In any case, there will be a conversation very quickly, we already agreed on that. Just so that no false accusations are spread.
But I also reacted really stupidly. Why didn't I get the matter sorted out immediately? Then I would have been outed and she could have decided whether she thought it was that bad or not. After all, a chastity belt poses no risk of sexual violence.
Rather the opposite. And her friendship with my wife probably wouldn't have been up for debate at all, despite my/our kink. Definitely it was a wrong decision.
Now time has passed. Time that fuels the suspicion that we are now making up something to sugarcoat the situation.

I'll keep you updated, thank you again.
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I’m sorry you are either being disingenuous or being obtuse. As many explained to you their really isn’t issue with TSA and chastity most importantly it’s not going to put you in legal jeopardy. However, if he confesses his kink to a parent who ran off with her child because she believed he had an erection, she’s unlikely to react positively. If she calls the police snd tells them he has exposed her child to his kink he could very likely be arrested. Even though his “exposure” was inadvertent, your advice (and others), to fess up, is terrible advice!
How exactly is a phone or cigarettes any different advice then keys? It's clear many who want a cheap thrill off unsuspecting TSA are clearly upset not everyone agrees with their bad judgment. Lose sleep over it, I won't
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But I also reacted really stupidly. Why didn't I get the matter sorted out immediately? Then I would have been outed and she could have decided whether she thought it was that bad or not. After all, a chastity belt poses no risk of sexual violence.
Rather the opposite. And her friendship with my wife probably wouldn't have been up for debate at all, despite my/our kink. Definitely it was a wrong decision.
Now time has passed. Time that fuels the suspicion that we are now making up something to sugarcoat the situation.

Yes. You are fucked. Doesn’t matter what excuse you come up with now, as it’s well after the event it will only come across as an excuse. She’d probably believe that your wife is protecting you… that’s doesn’t change whether it’s keys, phone, tools.. she’ll be perceived as a naive housewife who doesn’t want to lose her husband.

I don’t know the law in the US. Whether, you’d be arrested for “exposure”, but to me the best option is for your wife to have a frank heart-to-heart with this other woman. Explain from her side what’s going on and explain you left through awkwardness.

Otherwise, time to leave town before the rumours spread :eek:
If you aren't pulling your junk out in public, shoeing everybody what's going on between your legs..who cares if someone knows you have a cock cage on? Genuinely want to wear one, it's "kinky", it's "exciting in publuc because noone knows"..why not just own it and tell people when it happens? I don't care if someone knows I have a cage on, honestly. But that may come with age, and not caring about what people think.
Ask to speak with her with your wife.

Explain everything to her, the cage, the key the whole nine yards. Be truthful and up front. Talk about why you do it, how it proves that you will stay faithful, how only your Wife has the key.

You are in a bit of a pickle.

The sooner it is resolved, the better for everyone.

Sounds awful, it's one of the many dangers of wearing a sex toy when there others who may not understand it.

I have no advice to give.
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@squier i think that you shud have sayed something when you was there in the Ladys house as well. it happen to me once but Mistress told the Lady what it was and She just laugh.
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I think the truth has the best possible outcome. I think the mother will sence excuses and recognize the truth. Tell the truth, I think this is the only option you have to bend the situation into the right direction.

Only with the truth all 4 of you have the ability to come out stronger.

Good luck.