Ball pull out

Discussion in 'CB Range' started by jaimelynn, May 26, 2010.

  1. jaimelynn

    jaimelynn Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2009
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    Last night after wearing this thing for almost 5 months, it was a little warm in the house last night. Mistress R. got cold as She turned off the A/C. In the middle of the night i was awaken by a pain in the groin. :confused0068: After turning on the light, i found out that one of my balls, slipped out. This was a little painful, since the key is still in the safety deposit box at the bank. (Great Banker's hours)

    When i first started out with the CB6000 back about two years ago, i settled on the largest ring(#1) and smallest post. This got to be my standard, then, when the summer months came, i would change to ring #2, and the shortest post, this was more secure and more comfortable. Then when the winter came around and the temperature changes it was back up to ring #1. Well, now, wearing ring #2, i have escaped ring #2.

    i have noticed the sac hanging a little lower when not in one of my Dora's thongs. So i guess it does take a toll on the skin stretching, but about a month ago when Mistress R had me tied to Her bed for some extreme teasing, She broke out the 12" ruler to "deflate me" She measured me standing tall, well over the 2 years of chastity, She reports that it still about the same 6 1/2" W/we started out with 2 years ago. So, it has stretched out my skin, but has not yet shortened anything.
  2. aaa1231

    aaa1231 Junior Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    its a problem i also have. moreover it make the cage completely escapable. it happens often to me...i try to decrease the ring size but at a certain time it gets very uncomfortable, and as i work with the cb on, i dont want to ache all day...

    maybe putting something to hold the balls in place? like a hair rubber thing?

    btw having an escapable cage isnt fun...i dont wanna get pierced, but id like to find a solution!
  3. weezies02915

    weezies02915 Junior Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    @ aaa1231 a piercing is about the only thing that will make any device inascapable. Getting pierced isn't as bad as you think, it's over in the blink of an eye, and it's tender for a day or two....When I went to get my PA I was 46 so i'm no kid, and I lived, but short of that you can get yourself out of any device, even a full belt...Now i'm not saying you could get back in but you can get out....
  4. SubScott

    SubScott SubScott

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I had the same issue with my CB-6000 and finally had to take all posts out. I still use the largest ring but without a post there is very little space between the ring and the cage. My experience is that its not the size of the ring but the space between the ring and the cage that was allowing my testicle to slide through. It is painful and prefer the tightness compared to the pain.
  5. jaimelynn

    jaimelynn Senior Member

    Feb 7, 2009
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    An update, when W/we ordered the first CB6000, way back when, W/we order the KSD-G3, too. After heating and bending one of them around a bit, i'm fairly secure in the #2 ring, again.
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