
I was considering getting one or at least Master was but was put off when some one mentioned how tight the ring was and even went as far as saying their balls went blue.

My scrotum is quite tight can you see this being a problem with the device?

Great review BTW
I've ran into the "blue balls" a few times when wearing the birdlock. It's only happened when I was excited, and tried to have an erection. Once I calmed down, the swelling went away, and things went back to normal. It is incredibly comfortable to wear, but I also have to admit that i've never worn any other type of device, so I have nothing to compare it to.

And yes, getting the ring on is a pain. Once it's on though, everything else is easy. Only problem i've had, is the strap that goes from the head of the device to the ring. It chafes alot. I put a piece of cotton gauze around it, and that took care of the problem.
How about sleeping overnight? I've tried the Cb3000, 6000, and the curve and I just can't get over the excruciating pain at the base of my scrotum. I wear them all day with no problem but can't sleep in them.

I wore it for 48 hours right off the bat. The first night, sleeping was very pleasant. Second night was not as easy, but still much easier that with any other device I have tried. Very comfortable for daytime wear. I don't want to jinx myself, but so far, I have not had any trouble with urinating.
I received mine the other day and, at first glance, I was like "eeep? That's very small".

I totally concur that it is a struggle to get the danglies in. Un(?)fortunately i was blessed(cursed?) with a large scrotum too so makes for plenty more pulling. Much as i was excited mentally at this device I have to say that, like slave-krs had heard, once everything was in place things started going rather dark from lack of circulation. Very disappointed as I was looking forward to wearing this one, after not being able to wear the cb2k. :(
sissypiggyslave said:
I received mine the other day and, at first glance, I was like "eeep? That's very small".

I totally concur that it is a struggle to get the danglies in. Un(?)fortunately i was blessed(cursed?) with a large scrotum too so makes for plenty more pulling. Much as i was excited mentally at this device I have to say that, like slave-krs had heard, once everything was in place things started going rather dark from lack of circulation. Very disappointed as I was looking forward to wearing this one, after not being able to wear the cb2k. :(

what was your issue with the 2k?
There was a lot of rubbing/chafing of my scrotum from the inner part of the ring at the bottom, but after just a couple of days i took it off to wash and ... well, parts of my shaft and glans were sort-of 'puffy', like when you use a pump and you end up with fluid build-up, coupled with ridges down the length as well. The 'puffy bits' didn't look that pleasant/conducive to health so i stopped wearing it. (I'd tried a curve before but that thing was too long)
i had an issue with the ring on the CB2K as well.
others here have recommended sanding it smooth since from production it does have a ridge.
I never did sand it, I sold it instead and bought the CB6k which I do not have that issue with because the ring is wider like a square o-ring.
I have had the CB6k for 2 months now, and I have been wearing it most of that time.
We all have different anatomies. Some showers, some growers, some larger here, some smaller there. Sometimes we have to make some adjustments to get that proper fit, and not every device will work for every man. When I go back into the Birdlocked Saturday night or Sunday, I will keep you guys posted on my progress. My first experience was good, but I know constant vigilance will be necessary.
my husband has been in his birdlocked since saturday morning,and he has had no took him about two to three minutes to put it on in the shower with just having it wet with extensive CBT play with stretchers with weights attached over the years before chastity got his balls very pliable and loose to easily fit in the ring that people say are suggestions for anyone having trouble is to have your mistress utilize a ball stretcher with some weights attached.
i curently wear a cb3000 with the points of intrigue on a 24 24 basis.i use a medium ring the biggest POI and a medium spacer. In this configuration i just cannot get out.
sleeping in a cb3000 needs an adjustment time. As for the pain due to the back ring, first you have to be sure you have the adequate ring size (for me the smallest that does not cause a permanent pain after a few hours) second personnaly , using a swabb ,I lubrificate the inside with lub, and the back ring with vaseline before going to bed. doing this makes the device quite comfortable and barable in case of night hard on . I hope that can help.
I also have a question what is the size of the birdlocked device compared to a cb3000? (in length, dinner diameter...) could also anyone give me an advice on comfort and pull out possibilities comparisons? thanks
thank you to answer this question
I too, just got the birdlock. Quite a comfortable device. When they say it moves with you, it really does. I was expecting the immoveability when getting into the car, and quickly realized, I can move normally. Very nice after the 12E ;-)

Here are the Dimensions from '
BTW; they have a sale on until thursday.

Total length of the unit : 3.7 inches (95 mm) Length of the ring: 1.17 inches (30 mm)
Length of the cage : 2.53 inches (65 mm) Diameter tube : 1.36 inches (35 mm)
Ring Inside Diameter: The ring is not round but it is larger on the top than on the bottom. It is
1-3/4" across on top and 1-1/2" across about 2/3 the way down the inside of the ring.
The BirdLocked may not be for you if you need it smaller than 1-5/8" or larger than 1-7/8".
Minimum thickness of silicon: 0.15 inches (4 mm)
thank you for this impressive set of data i appreciate

the birdlocked ring inner diameter appears to be comparisable to the medium cb3000 ring inner diameter, all other figures (exept the ring lenght) are not very different

would you mind commenting what you feel in terms of comfort security (compared to the cb300 performances)

thank you again
I am thinking of getting one of these but as I am used to the Sentinel I like the ease of the hinged ring - especially for its ease of removal. My guess is that the bird lock will be difficult to remove while one is aroused!

Anyway I'm wondering if anyone has considered simply cutting the ring of the bird lock at the bottom. This would allow the penis to be inserted into the tube before the ring is wrapped around the back of the scrotum and the band fitted in the usual way. I can see that it might give a potential pinch point at the bottom where the two halves of the ring and the front strap meet.

Can anyone see a reason why this modification would be doomed to failure before I try it?
Cutting the ring would allow you to overlap the 2 halves and then pinch them together. This will give you enough to slip one of the halves out of the band, and then remove the whole device. I wouldn't advise that unless you want to buy a new device.
TCFun said:
Cutting the ring would allow you to overlap the 2 halves and then pinch them together. This will give you enough to slip one of the halves out of the band, and then remove the whole device. I wouldn't advise that unless you want to buy a new device.

I wondered if the device has a weakness even before it is cut by being able to work the back rim of the ring under the band. My thoughts here are to punch a suitable size hole in the centre of the top of the ring so that the peg can be pushed right the way through the ring and both ends of the band. That way the ring and the band can't be separated even if you work the ring out from under the band.
Hi all...this is my first post ...I have just recieved the birdlocked and upon 1st impressions I have found my 1st purchase to be a complete waste of money...I am able to pull out without to much trouble...I am now seriously considering a penial peircing and looking at something like the Gerecke Twister II with the correct PA lock....but for me...the thought that I can escape it...takes away any pro's that it has.

pylofm said:
I am able to pull out without to much trouble...

I have just ordered one with the though of modifying it to get it both easier to fit/remove and, if possible, more secure. When you say you can pull out without much trouble are you able to pull out behind the ring or do you pull out of just the cage?

I wonder if, for some, it would be more secure if the strap to the end of the cage were effectively shortened. This might be possible by passing the strap inside the ring before being doubled back and threaded onto the plastic strap and secured as normal. This would effectively shorten the strap by about 30mm which might be rather severe (though escapologists tend to bring such things on themselves:happy0011:)
Since you are in the UK you might be pleasantly surprised - I ordered mine last Monday and got it on the Wednesday.

I was expecting to want to modify it to make it easier to get on and off but have been surprised that with a little Liquid Silk lube it is easy to get on (using too much lube was my initial problem). Since it's not easy gripping lubed skin with lubed fingers a pushing/stuffing technique is the thing to go for!

I discovered something interesting about the transparent locking strip. People had mentioned that the fit seemed to slacken off over time and I found this as well. By comparing the length of the used strip with the spares I have I found the reason - the used strip had gradually stretched and even 24 hours after being removed it was still about 5mm longer than when new. I'm looking into getting a suitable substitute material to make strips that don't stretch.
Since you are in the UK you might be pleasantly surprised - I ordered mine last Monday and got it on the Wednesday.

I might be... he might not! :manga_champers:

I can't wait to get this one, even it is a temporary fix until we figure out exactly what we want... 100 was not such a huge dent, especially as I didn't pay for this one! :party-073:
Just to add to the locking strap thing I have used some leather strap material (left over from making a strapon harness :bj:) cut to 12mm width and with a bit of experimentation got the length just perfect for a comfortable and secure fit and this now gives a consistent fit. I also found that a slightly tighter fit seems to hold the ring further back and paradoxically is more comfortable than a looser fit that seems to promote the ring slipping down and putting a strain on the 'nuts'
HELP, and i mean help! :giggle:

seriously though: Mistress had been considering the mini-birdlock on me for a month or so. but She heard something about it that really irked Her.

another chastized sissy told Mistress it's possible to ejaculate while in the birdlock while using a vibrator. this got Her concerned, since i am not to ejaculate ever, since it ruins my attitude as Her maid.

but then on the other hand, i understand the mini-birdlock shouldn't allow that to happen based on a previous post here, or on antoher site. according to what i remember, the sissy was locked in the mini and given full rein to attempt to masturbate and ejaculate for a full 15 minutes! but it didn't happen...

can anyone tell me by experience if it's really possible to mastrubate to ejaculation in the mini-birdlock? it would really mean a lot to me and Mistress!

thank Y/you for this kind of help! i really appreciate anyone's experiences with this device!