CB3000 and Points of Intrigue. Spacer?


Junior Member
Feb 9, 2009
Hi all,
I'm new here and absolutely loving the site so far.
I have been in chastity to my Mistress for 29 days wearing the CB3000.
It has been an amazing/life changing experience and I plan to write all about it here soon.
I am currently using the middle size A ring and as of Sunday I have been locked with the Points Of Intrigue beginner teeth attached. The ring is a bit tight so far and i am using the small spacer with the points attachment.I have had no problems with the points so far, but the ring is a bit tight and causing some abrasion on my Scrotum.

Mistress wants to to move up to the mid level POI and my question is about using the points without a spacer to ensure that the device remains tightly in place and will be escape proof. Has/ does anyone wear the CB300 with POI and no additional spacer, and is it safe for long term wear.
Any advice greatly and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
welcome slavejxx,

Mistress Michelle keeps this slave locked for long periods of time wearing Her CB2000, middle sized A ring, small POI and no spacer. a picture of this arrangment is at my profile. this configuration took a long time to work up to and to become comfortable (?) with. personally the small POI are a perfect "reminder" and additional security while not being overly painful. i could only handle the medium POI for a few days before begging like crazy for their removal resulting in little bite marks.

be careful and enjoy.
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Thanks CKS,
We appreciate your advice and have agreed that I am to be locked up with the severe(POI)points without a space for a term of 2 weeks. so far so good I just had my first release in 2 weeks tonite and wow now I' am locked down again
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slavejxx said:
Thanks CKS,
We appreciate your advice and have agreed that I am to be locked up with the severe(POI)points without a space for a term of 2 weeks. so far so good I just had my first release in 2 weeks tonite and wow now I' am locked down again

OUCH, I've worn the POI and while the small ones were annoying but wearable, the middle ones were no fun, and the long ones were just painful most of the time. I can't imagine wearing them a full day let alone two weeks. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
I had a similar experience with the POIs. I couldn't bear them. They chaffed me raw - even the most mild ones. I was disappointed. They seemed like a nice concept, but didn't work at all for me.

Yeah and now the reality...
The extreme points aren't working (digging in way too much at times) and the others are to small to prevent a pullout.. I ordered a set of the KSD G2's from Kept for her and we will experiment when they arrive. We are thinking about using the ksd's with a more moderate POI.
Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the replies to all
I'm not sure if you have already tried this or not but I took an emory board (nail file) and filed down the teeth on my POI to lessen the bite. Sometimes I am locked up with the smallest size points and no spacer. The one thing I have noticed about employing the POI is that they help keep the device from migrating around. Hope this helps!
i curruntly use the biggest PIO placed against the back ring then a spacer and the cage. This configuration avoids pinching between the POI and the cage and is totallyy secure even using a lot of lub when flacid.
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CB3K & PoI

Hi slavejxx,

I have used all 3 versions of the PoI & what I found common to all is that because they are mass produced hey have too many sharp edges. The mild I found I could pull out very easily. With the medium I could still pull out but with quite a lot of difficulty, also teeth left quite bad cuts as I'd erect a lot.

I tried the Severe but found too much, I decided to file them down slightly & to make the ends more rounded - so you may want to try this. I'm now able to wear the altered Severe ones. I was using the solid A ring from the CB2K but found I had to go to smallest one - I am now however trying it with the 2nd smallest of the hinged A rings.

I have a spacer ring & the PoI - if just the PoI the posts would stick out & if you shorten them you don't then have any options. Incidentally I have made an extra hole in the post & use a plastic security tag (numbered) & conventional padlock. I aslo have bottom vents taped over with insulating tape inside & out - as caused problems when had erections.

Mind you after wearing a recently purchased the recommissioned KTB Kali's Teeth Bracelet (Intense version), (last time for just over 3 days) the PoI even the severe is like a walk in the park

NB I don't find the KSD that good & in fact I found (in diY store) a rubber flange 32mm 1 1/4" that was part of a waste pipe (trap inlet height adjuster) for about 2 that fits exactly inside of the entrance to the CB3K.

Also if I may ask is the 29 days lock up without relief? i.e. orgasm? I don't have a Keyholder so am doing it on a self-imposed basis - so far 2 wks tomorrow, my previous longest without orgasm was 25 days.
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