Chastity with PA Piercing FAQ


Sep 15, 2013

I got a PA piercing 2 weeks ago, mostly because I want to get a chastity cage that incorporates this piercing for better security. Though I already read hours and hours on different chastity related sites, I feel there should be a Chastity with PA Piercing FAQ as I still have so many uncertainties and I wish there would be a FAQ for me, others and especially newbies.

A/N: I'll try to answer the following questions in all conscience but I'd love to hear from you if something is wrong, should be corrected or added. As I said, I'm still quite unsure on many topics.

Q: How long does the PA need to heal until I can use it with a chastity cage?
A: A PA piercing initially needs up to 6 weeks to completely heal. I read from people using it with a cage immediately after that healing time, others waited some more months (see below).

Q: Which PA ring size (thickness) is needed to securely use it with a chastity cage?
A: You get pierced with 2.4mm or 3mm (approx. 10 gauge or 8 gauge). Most people say the PA generally becomes more comfortable and resilient when stretched to at least 4mm (6 gauge). Hence I wouldn't recommend using a freshly pierced PA (neither after the 6 weeks healing time) with a chastity cage, but rather stretch it to at least 4mm (6 gauge) and let this stabilize for some more weeks.

Q: Cleaning and care of the PA piercing with a chastity cage?
A: During the healing process the PA piercing should be sprayed with an antiseptic spray and moved around twice a day. I don't know if moving around is still necessary after completed healing. Most PA-hooks (like from Steelworxx, Rigidchastity, Male Chastity Now) are locked in place and hence not movable anymore. If some movement should be necessary for good hygiene, one would have to take off the whole chastity cage every day or at least once a week. I can imagine this being a no-go for some (including me), so a cage design where one's own PA-ring can be hooked up would be advisable (though not as secure again)?

Q: How long does it take from getting a PA to using it with a chastity cage?
A: Initial healing time is 6 weeks. Assuming that a 4mm (6 gauge) piercing is advisable and regarding the advises from the APP (Association of Professional Piercers) below, starting from a 2.4mm (10 gauge) means 4 times stretching, starting from a 3mm (8 gauge) piercing means 2 times stretching, with each stretching taking several weeks to months (let's assume at least 6 weeks) again. So in total: at least 18 to 30 weeks until you reach 4mm (6 gauge) and you have a stabilized piercing to use with a cage.

At a minimum you want your piercing fully healed, matured, and pliable before you consider stretching (no more than one gauge size larger than your current jewelry). After moving up to a larger size, you must allow enough time for the tissue to recuperate and stabilize before repeating the process. This can take anywhere from several weeks to months or even longer. (Source: APP)

I'd love to hear from you pierced guys about your experiences.
I would say all of that is true. I was peirced at 10 guage and didnt use a device until I stretched up to a 6 guage. It has to be well healed to handle pressure from nocturnal erections or attempts. Otherwise it will get sore. I did find the more I stretched up the more comfortable it got. I eventually went to 2 but now have gone back down to 6. Be careful stretching as you dont want to break the skin or split the ring hole. This will cause more time to heal. It may also create scar tissue that will make stretching more difficult. So dont force it. I used tapers and olive oil and took my time. If its too painful stop. As for cleaning I find that most open devices give you enough room to clean without removal. Just keep and eye on things.
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Would seem there's lots of useful information here. I would just add keep it clean, clean,clean and soaked twice a day during healing and after stretching.
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Since most piercing devices are custom and are ordered in advance, I would suggest going bigger in gauge than you think.

6 might be big enough but once you are healed and get the device, chances are you will already be ready for a 4, and in no time a 2 will fit. Kind of expensive and time consuming if reordering cages.
I recommend a 4 or 2 gauge PA piercing for a chastity device. Also, you need to wait after the last stretch, not just the initial healing.
I stretched from the 8 gauge initial piercing to 2 gauge over a period of 8 months. The initial healing took about 12 weeks.

During the initial healing, don't mess with it, except to soak it.
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Q: Cleaning and care of the PA piercing with a chastity cage?
A: During the healing process the PA piercing should be sprayed with an antiseptic spray and moved around twice a day. I don't know if moving around is still necessary after completed healing. Most PA-hooks (like from Steelworxx, Rigidchastity, Male Chastity Now) are locked in place and hence not movable anymore. If some movement should be necessary for good hygiene, one would have to take off the whole chastity cage every day or at least once a week. I can imagine this being a no-go for some (including me), so a cage design where one's own PA-ring can be hooked up would be advisable (though not as secure again)?

Dawg, no. This is bad advice and you should change it. All piercing guidelines say SSS (sea salt soaks) 1-2x a day and no need to rotate.
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After you've healed, how easy is it to fit yourself into your PA ready cage?

I was on another thread where people were talking about going back to their piercers for fitting. Is this right? Or do you just do it yourself?
Hi again. I've gone and got myself pierced today and spoke to the lady about the purpose of my piercing. I told her I needed to be at least an 8 gauge for the device I have my eye on and so she pierced me at that size straight away to help get onto a 6.

I'd like to ask what the benefits would be of a 6 gauge over an 8. The device Im looking to buy says they recommend 8 gauge and over.

I'm wondering do I need stretching to a 6 if 8 is good enough.

Thanks in advance
6 is absolute minimum for comfort based on what I've gathered. I've done 4 but I'm gauging up to 0 for a ringless design
6g is a good minimum. It’s the first size I felt comfortable tugging on it a little.

A larger gauge (4,2,...) piece distributes the same force over a wider area. This causes less pressure on the piercing hole wall.

It is Good she started you on 8. I was pierced with a 10ga needle and immediately was stretched into 8ga. It’s common to heal in 8ga and go from there.

Stretching was dead simple for me. I let it happen naturally. I also think the extra time let’s your body recreate the internal structure to carry the small forces from being locked.

I’ll have to check my journal notes but I think going from 8 to 6 was really simple.

I’m in 2ga for daily wear but I think I could have stopped at 4ga. Especially if I stayed in a cage rather than playing with heavier weights unsupported by a base ring.

I researched and averaged people’s advice back in 2014. I think 6g and 4g kept coming up, if I remember correctly.
I'm looking to get myself the Bijou, so hppefhopewith it's light weight design, no ball ring, a size 6 will be good enough. Their website says 8 and up, but I think I'd rather go with the communities opinion on this one.

It's the morning after my piercing and still feeling a little odd. Hope the healing all goes according to plan.
Hi again. How long does it take before the discomfort dissapears? My piercing is healing fine, but all day long I've a dull aching, especially when moving it hurts more than I'd like.

I'm suspecting it's the ring twisting in my underwear and pulling on the piercing. I can't seem to find a comfortable place for it to sit. Is this normal and how long does it go on for?
Hi again. How long does it take before the discomfort dissapears? My piercing is healing fine, but all day long I've a dull aching, especially when moving it hurts more than I'd like.

I'm suspecting it's the ring twisting in my underwear and pulling on the piercing. I can't seem to find a comfortable place for it to sit. Is this normal and how long does it go on for?
Try inserting a bent barbell instead of the ring . See if that stops the twisting/pulling
I wanted a bar, but the piercer said I should have a ring...

Is it ok to remeovot myself a week after the initial piercing, or should I let it settle a little longer? I've read you should keep it in for 4/6 weeks initially. I'm getting stretched up to a 6 gauge in three weeks so will ask if my next piece can be a bar.
I wanted a bar, but the piercer said I should have a ring...

Is it ok to remeovot myself a week after the initial piercing, or should I let it settle a little longer? I've read you should keep it in for 4/6 weeks initially. I'm getting stretched up to a 6 gauge in three weeks so will ask if my next piece can be a bar.
If it is causing discomfort then I would switch and see if thinks get better. Soak and clean twice daily. Try a bent barbell at same gauge you were pierced at. Keep it clean.