Cleaning in Chastity


Junior Member
May 30, 2008
My Mistress locked my cb3k last monday, this has been the longest time that she has locked me up. The biggest problem that I am experiencing is the morning & evening cleaning ritual, it is time consuming because she will not unlock it for any reason. Does anyone know of a quick & easy way to clean without removing the cb. I may beg her for a cb2k, the open cage design seems to be more hygienic. I have a pa, so security you shouldn't be a problem.
I know this won't help your current situation since your keyholder will not remove the chastity, but... Next time it is removed drill a very small 1/8th inch hole near the top of the tube and find a small squeeze bottle or two. You can squirt soapy water into the hole while in the shower and do a water rinse throughout the day.

Thank you, Wendi, I will definitely try this when it is removed again. Soon I hope!
if you were really brave you could drill the hole while still locked :squigglemouth:

seriously though i am wearing a cb3k in find cotton buds quite sucsessful in keeping things clean down there, although Mistress has allowed me regular release for a proper clean, and for teasing too.
Thanks Yorkie, I'll hold off on drilling for now. lol
I've tried cotton swabs in the past however they tend stimulate me & add to the frustration.
I'll add what works for me, since I have been in the CB3000 for about 2 years now (incidentally, it works for me becuase it allows urination while standing, and also works through airline security). Every morning I use a nylon brush made for cleaning fishtank hoses, add soap and insert through the urination hole which allows scrubbing both the inside of the cage and my skin. Make sure you pull the cage away from your body a bit to allow the brush room between your skin and the inside of the cage. Using a handheld shower head, I spray a jet inside to rinse. After showering, use a hairdryer, and then use a Q-tip to apply baby oil. I have found this to be the most effective when it my be months between removal for cleaning. It also helps if you use a bit of toilet paper to dry out the tip after each urination.


sissy paige
Sissy Paige said:
it works for me becuase it allows urination while standing,
sissy paige

sissy paige,

personally i find it very difficult to urinate while standing, i don't think it is wise, especially for a sissy, i always sit to wee, my last attempt to urinate while standing resulted in a wet leg, Mistress was using the loo and i just couldn't hold it so in desperation i had to go outside, oh how i envy those sissys that wear nappies.
With a bit of practice it is actually quite easy to urinate in a CB3000, and while i would love to be locked in a Neosteel she-belt full-time, it is just not practical with my occupation, so being able to stand and urinate is a necessity. So, it's either find a way or not be in chastity!

Of course if i wouldn't have to work i would love to be a full-time sissy in tight lingerie, heels, bondage and a Neosteel, but that is not in the cards for me (i do envy Maid Katrin here!).

Nonetheless, as i said if you are in a CB3000 for an extended period, the cleaning process i mentioned above has worked for me.
sissy paige
sissy paige,

i cant help wondering what work you do that makes it nescessary to stand to urinate.
yes i too would love to be a fulltime sissy, my Mistress has asked me several times recently about my feelings on that subject.

yes the cotton buds seem to work adequately for me but havn't tried the brush thing.
yorkie - i work at our corporate headquarters, and spend most of my time in meetings during the day. So what you ask? Bio breaks between would be rather conspicuous if i always used a stall rather than a urinal. That's all! :smile:

sissy paige
Okay... this is attempt 2 at adding to this. My entry yesterday seemed to have disappeared :squigglemouth:

Anyway, this is how I kept myself squeaky clean while in 3 months lock up in a CB3K

I use a cleaned hair dye application bottle, a good squirt of shower gel and 50% water - shake into a good foam - and then squirt through the slots...

Refill with clean water and rinse out the same way.

Funny you should mention this.

The reason we switched from the 3000 to the 2000
is because it was much easier to keep myself clean there.
I use cotton swabs and liquid soap. It works really well. :wink:
OMG! I don't think so! lol

I purposely began to clean poorly & became ripe enough for her to notice. She is now removing it every 2 days for a cleaning. She has said that this is not true chastity & is considering a CB2K. :)
I just bought a new pressure washer! :wink:

And here I was, letting pet clean himself under my supervision. Mind you, I like watching him from my bed, I know he finds it humiliating.

It is my intention to have him tied up in the shower with his hands above his head and *I* will do the cleaning when we are further down the chastity line.

*I* will definitely be the only one to touch my property.

solojo... MAJOR topping from the bottom, naughty boy! :crossedlips:
Mistress Watchful said:
solojo... MAJOR topping from the bottom, naughty boy! :crossedlips:

You are correct Mistress but there are only so many hours in a day & hygiene is very important to me.

Other than the cb2000, does anybody know of a device that will allow fast & easy cleaning without removal.