Curve is painful!


Junior Member
Dec 5, 2008

I just got my curve today and the largest ring is still very tight (feels as though my balls are getting no blood). It's to the point that it aches after I take it off.

Is this normal?

Does anybody have any ideas/tips?
crikey razamataz if the largest ring on a curve is too tight are you sure youve taken your underpants off first? lol sorry mate but you must be either hung like a horse or are you fitting the correct spacer and ring combination.:anim_37:
start off using the largest ring and the longest spacer and then reduce them gradually in size if device slips off easily. if device stays put and you cannot remove your tackle without unlocking you have reached your destination. It will take time so dont rush things what starts out as a good fit can and usually does end up being too loose after the body becomes adjusted to it. Experiment often until you have the correct combination. good luck :anim_12:
That's what I get with the biggest one.

It's very tight with just the largest ring on (not caged and spaced).

It's quite uncomfortable but it's not overly painful and I'm not numb or discoloured.
chastity devices are not about comfort, at least in the beginning. try it for short periods of time and keep increasing the time. your body will change to accommodate the ring. it took weeks for my ball sack to stretch to where the cd was comfortable.
chastityslavejohn is right it is not supposed to be completely free and easy feeling but a subtle reminder of your Mistresses hold over you at all times. That being said it also should not be SO uncomfortable as to cause injury as a damaged submissive is no good to any Mistress or Master. The ring should be reasonably tight and your ballsack will stretch and elongate with use of the ring or ballstretcher if used, but you should be able to get at least one or preferably two fingertips to fit between the ring and the scrotum which will allow enough room for blood circulation. If you cannot get this distance then you have to either think again about either stretching the ballsack prior to fitting a cb type device or look into a different type of device for example a steel belt type. Once again it takes time to get used to these things but once accustomed to them and chastity it is the greatest feeling and natural HIGH that you can LEGALLY have. regards ALLORNOWT:anim_39:
I think the ring might be too tight... I put it on last night and got pins and needles... Only where the ring was though, not the ball itself.