Dear Diary


Junior Member
Dec 5, 2008
For starters, I'm going to grab what I wrote in the Foyer as an introduction and then continue from there, now that I know where I can put my thoughts.
So it started with just wanting to please my wife and focus just on her. WE began a couple weeks while having sex where I told her that it would ok that if once she cums, we're done and she can roll over and go to sleep. The first couple times she was hesitant and even asked once if I wanted a turn to cum but i told her that I enjoy the feeling of her being satisfied and when I cum, how chemically I'm imbalanced and I don't feel like cuddling but just going to sleep (yes, just like any other guy).

After doing this routine 4 times, I went ahead and purchased a CB3000 and shipped it to the house in my wifes name. She new when it was going to get here as I used her email address instead of mine and told her to expect the package sometime.

I got home from work and went about my business as usual not thinking anything was out of the ordinary. My wife works odd hours and wasn't home so I take care of my daughter for most evenings. It was getting close to bed time when I walked into the bedroom and saw the box one the bed. The shipping box had been ripped aside but I'm not sure she ever made it further than that. I put my daughter to bed and began the sizing, trying different rings and depths to ensure snugness without pain and much chance of escape.

I got situated and decided to where it to bed. A few hours later, I woke in pain as a I was bulging out of the seems. I quickly realized I needed a different ring size, depth spacer and to trim the pins. All set and back to sleep again only to wake a couple hours later and removing it all together.

I woke in the morning and knew that if I didn't put it on before my shower, I would definitely masturbate as it's very exciting to have the device. So I put it on and went on with my day. Around lunch time, my wife finally awoke and asked me about it and I said yes, I had it on. I had placed the keys on the bathroom counter where she could see them and she asked if she was supposed to have them. Of course I told her yes and that she should carry one and put the other away for safe keeping.

She surprised me with a few comments. One, she said she had seen pictures and thought it didn't look very comfortable. hmmmm, my wife is not one to hit the erotic sites so I knew she was doing her homework. Two, she asked if she should have the keys. Sounds like she knew what she was talking about. Three, just her general curiousity feels like she's interested. I know, be careful what you ask for.

So after discussing a little, I told her that I wasn't looking for a bunch of kink but just to limit the amount of masturbation I was doing and this was it. It was decided that we would try this out, whatever this is, until January 1st and then discuss the future from there. If it's going back to the way were, so be it. At least we gave this a try to spice things up and solidify our marriage. I do have to say, with just the little more focus I've had for my lovely wife of 16 years, we haven't fought for the past 2 weeks we've been in this rhythm and it feels like the right next step. Who knows, may we'll continue into something deeper, kinkier or sexier than simply orgasm control.

Locked for the next 28 days.

So night 2 and this time, my darling is holding the keys so there was no way out. It wasn't too bad but her curiousity got the best of her when she got home from work. Her timing couldn't have been better as I was just waking up with a raging pain in my crotch.

After some small talk, she could tell I was in pain lying there in bed with my hands on my unit. She doesn't fully realize yet what effect she has on me in the state I'm in. She laid her head on my shoulder and asked if I wanted her to unlock me. Although I did, if we were to give this an honest shot, I had to start being the strong one until she got the jist of it. So I told her no and that she need to be strong for me. The pain was near unbearable and my balls were stretched to their limit as my junk pushed and pushed to get out of it's entrapment, all in vain.

I then asked, would you like to see it? When I got the device 2 days ago (which seems like an eternity now), I put it on without her around knowing it was wierd for her and unsure about her reaction. She didn't hesitate much when she said ok and sat up to turn the light on. She peeled back the covers to reveal my manhood in a not so glamourous state of blue and purple. She winced but I explained to her it was only right now and normally everything is good while flacid or mostly so.

I told her it was ok to touch as I could see her mind and thoughts churning. She was so sympathetic. I answered a few questions she had about why and how and then admitted something I thought she already knew. That when she went to work and before my daughter would get home from school in the afternoon was my time to play and it had become a habit. Now we both knew each other masturbated at times but evidentally she didn't know to what extent mine had become, especially in the last couple weeks.

Things changed in her tone at that moment and she said some things I won't ever forget. "We'll just leave you locked up for a while", she said. In a playful tone she continued by saying, "I'm gonna teach you a lesson". My loins sturr right now as I'm writing and thinking about that moment. I think we just crossed a line that we may never go back, a line called open honesty.

I mean, it's not like we sit around a lie to each other but as we have gotten older, we've both become more comfortable with who we are sexually and what that means to our partner. I just admitted to my wife that I am a habitual masturbator and she took it in stride. 10 years ago she would've recoiled in shock, possibly ending our relationship in divorce. 5 years ago she would've told me to shutup and slept on the couch for a week, and a year ago she probably would've just ignored me for a day or 2 wondering what she had done wrong. This chastity thing, in it's short amout of time, has taken our relationship to a new level already. I'll be interested to see where it goes from here.
So let's continue proper.

Dear Diary,

Today ended differently than it began. It began at 4:30am getting up for work and struggling with a bulge and a shower. I ride a motorcycle to work and this morning was the first time I had to ride while locked. It was NOT comfortable at all. We may try to come to an arrangement as it may be detrimental to my well being to sit in a position like that for 30 minutes plus each way with the vibrations...well you get the feeling.

It ended in a very relaxing way by playing music with a friend for a couple hours. It was the first time in the last 2 days that I hadn't had to sit and concentrate about not thinking about my predicament. On the way home, I realize that even if my lovely wife let's me out to release, in an hours time, I'll be locked up and most likely pressing hard against my cb3000 and stretching my ball sack to it's limits.

So there you have it, it's really not about my release but her pleasure. And that's it. I'll have to remember that when I wake up in the middle of the night rithing in pain. 'cest la vie


The game is on

Dear Diary, (I always think of Radar from MASH when I type that)

With the understanding that for now I have to top from the bottom, I initiated a routine this morning.

Last night, my wife came home from work with the question about letting me out for the evening with the intent of cleaning by cb3000 in the morning and getting a nice clean shave. The trim I did from a couple days ago wasn't working and the thought of a clean close shave sounded like a better idea. I agreed that she let me out and thought I would be slick and talk her into a hand job at least. I said, "it probably wouldn't take me long". She immediately grabbed my hands and moved them well above my waste. She then put her self in position to keep me from touching myself. With a gleam in her eye, she told me no touching tonight. Wow, she's catching on quick.

I woke up this morning happy as I had a huge morning boner with no restrictions. But before I got out of bed, I asked her permission if I could get up and go to the bathroom. She said yes, so I did. When finished, I went back to her and asked her permission to touch myself so I could shave and if I should leave the door open to the bathroom. She noded for both so off I went.

Clean close shave complete and still not locked up, I returned for the final question if I could shower like that. She agreed and again I left the door open. She followed in a short time after to go to the bathroom and supervise. I got out of the shower and realised she was waiting so I cleaned up my device to put on. She watched intently every step of what I was doing, right down to giving me tips on putting a little more oil right on the tip to help my slowly rising wood squeeze into the small opening. Continuing to watch closely, I got everything lined up and she went and got the lock. She put the lock in place and I felt everything inside move when she clicked it shut. Oh the power!

After finishing my morning routine and her completing a few phone calls, I had placed a pair of dice on the counter in bathroom where should couldn't miss them. Of course she asked about them. Here we go.

I told her that after doing some reading on the internet, I had found many itterations of this game but the end result was the same, to find out when the next time I was going to be allowed to cum. Here's my version, as a newby. We each roll a die. The one with the highest number wins and that is how many days it will be until I cum again. But we only play on Saturdays and if I piss her off or make her unhappy, she can delay by X number of days or skip it all together. If all goes well, the furthest time between cummings would be 13 days. If all doesn't go well, it could be many more.

So we rolled. I got a one and she got a five. So the planned day is next Thursday. I'll reaffirm to her that I get to cum if she is agreeable and by any means she sees fit. If that means intercourse or me masturbating alone or in front of her or any other means, it's entirely up to her. But by no means does my day to cum have any affect on when she gets pleasure. If she wants sex, in order to ensure I don't cum during the act, we'll focus on lots of foreplay. Her eyes lit up when I told her that. :licking:

This will be our routine through this first month. If all goes well, when the time comes to renew and put a contract into place at the first of the year, the game will likely change into adding the dice together or even hers will be the weeks and mine will be the days or something like that. That is, unless she comes up with something better. I'll bet it will only be a matter of time until she comes up with her own version that blows me a away.

Little by little, I feel she is treating me a little different each day. Asking me to do more things for her and maybe that's because she's feeling my love and respect for her more than ever now. I'm really not sweating the five day stay. In fact, I may even try to upset her on purpose to push her into the role of having to deny me that day. :anim_37: A little training for me and a little training for her and together, we will go far.

A free-be

Dear Diary,

My wife surprised me last night/this morning. After hanging out at the casino last night, we came home and she started feeling just how smooth the shave I had done that morning. She could tell I was enjoying her touch yet suffering at the same time. She almost lept out of bed, grabbed her car keys (yes that's where she keeps the key to our device). I'll have to say, she's been very forward with all of her actions as she's learning her new role. With the flick of her wrist, the lock is undone and the cb3000 came off quickly, with my love doing all of the work eagerly.

A little insight here, when I get to a certain point of drinking, I don't care how hot and bothered you get me, I cannot cum. She started pullin and rubbin and to no avail.

I woke up this morning, free and hard. I slide out of bed and go to the bathroom. Back in bed, I slide her over towards me and ask her to continue what we started the night before. Back to rubbin and tuggin and then she decided she would like to have some of that. On top she goes and the very first thing I notice is she was soooo wet. I think all of this experience is making her as hot as it's making me. I was very surprised how little it took her to cum probably one of the fastest ever.

At this point, I figure she's going to lay on top of me for a second and then she leans forward to kiss me on the cheek when I expect her to simply roll off as we have done quite a bit in the recent weeks. But she didn't! She starts pumping on me and I join in. It didn't take me long when I whisper in her ear that I'm going to cum and she says ok. Now it wasn't earth shattering sex but a great surprise and love the sponteneity. I could tell that she was in control the entire time. She never let me touch myself and was the one who initiated the sex. I'm really liking this journey and I think she is too. And that's what it's all about.

Well, I think my brake is over and I need to get back to some house work. Btw - my wife is actually at a football game to day with a friend. How's that for role reversal. :evilgrin0010:

I wonder what's going to happen on Thursday when I'm scheduled for a release...


Dear Diary,

Things are starting to slow down. The first almost week has been filled with more sex than the previous month but the newness maybe wearing off already. It seems like last Thursday when I first put it on was so long ago but I've learned so much in return.

1) For the past almost 16 years, I've been unintentionally ignoring my wife. With the attention she has been getting recently, she is soooo happy it's almost unreal. This is really teaching me how to treat my wife like a lady and not just a woman, there's a difference.

2) I masturbated way too much! I wasted so much time surfin porn on the computer and beatin' off, I could've been so much more productive at work and hobbies. Not that I didn't have fun doing it, it just seems like it was a waste of time now that I'm locked up most of the time.

3) My balls are sticky, a lot! So much heat is generated between my legs all the time, it's annoying. Luckily, I've found gold bond powder and a cut off sock for my sack to help reduce skin on skin and thus reduce chaffing and jock itch. The result...aaaahhhhhh!

4) I think about women all the time. But now my view on a woman when I look at her is changing. I don't think about just getting into their heads and their pants but how they are real people and have real feelings. Respect.

I'm going to continue on until the end of the month like our agreement originally is intended just to see where I'm at as a person when it's done. Together, we'll reevaluate and see where we want to go. It's so awesome that she will be my keyholder and understands about my needs in being chaste. I do know that if I'm going to continue for long term, I'm going to look into getting a PA and a Lori tube of some sort that breathes better than the CB3000. Plus, it looks like some of the Lori tubes don't hold you in by crushing your nuts but by a properly fit ring and piercing.

I can tell this is going to be a great journey, these next 21 days. I'm excited to where this is going to take me and my relationship with not only my wife but the world.

Thanks for sharing your journey here. I am sure we will all look forward to seeing where this goes for you and your wife. Best of luck, especially on making the 21 days!
A little time off

Dear Diary,

It was about 10 days ago, I woke up and found I was rubbed raw on my balls and a few other spots. The wife showed mercy and let me out for a break. After masturbating yesterday, everything felt back to normal so last night I took the liberty of locking myself up and putting the key on the wife's nightstand. This morning, she asked me about it and I said yes, I was healthy again and locked up safe. We then proceeded to roll the dice. The first high roll was a 6 by both of us! She decided to reroll and it turned out a 4. Since she's on her monthly bill right now, she counted on her fingers and decide that was just the right amount of time to be locked up. This will actually will be the longest straight if it really goes this far. Having me locked up has actually IMPROVED our sex life. Saturday can't come soon enough. I feel that wonderful knot in my stomach everytime I think about it. Oh the joy of control. :sex009:
