The game is on
Dear Diary, (I always think of Radar from MASH when I type that)
With the understanding that for now I have to top from the bottom, I initiated a routine this morning.
Last night, my wife came home from work with the question about letting me out for the evening with the intent of cleaning by cb3000 in the morning and getting a nice clean shave. The trim I did from a couple days ago wasn't working and the thought of a clean close shave sounded like a better idea. I agreed that she let me out and thought I would be slick and talk her into a hand job at least. I said, "it probably wouldn't take me long". She immediately grabbed my hands and moved them well above my waste. She then put her self in position to keep me from touching myself. With a gleam in her eye, she told me no touching tonight. Wow, she's catching on quick.
I woke up this morning happy as I had a huge morning boner with no restrictions. But before I got out of bed, I asked her permission if I could get up and go to the bathroom. She said yes, so I did. When finished, I went back to her and asked her permission to touch myself so I could shave and if I should leave the door open to the bathroom. She noded for both so off I went.
Clean close shave complete and still not locked up, I returned for the final question if I could shower like that. She agreed and again I left the door open. She followed in a short time after to go to the bathroom and supervise. I got out of the shower and realised she was waiting so I cleaned up my device to put on. She watched intently every step of what I was doing, right down to giving me tips on putting a little more oil right on the tip to help my slowly rising wood squeeze into the small opening. Continuing to watch closely, I got everything lined up and she went and got the lock. She put the lock in place and I felt everything inside move when she clicked it shut. Oh the power!
After finishing my morning routine and her completing a few phone calls, I had placed a pair of dice on the counter in bathroom where should couldn't miss them. Of course she asked about them. Here we go.
I told her that after doing some reading on the internet, I had found many itterations of this game but the end result was the same, to find out when the next time I was going to be allowed to cum. Here's my version, as a newby. We each roll a die. The one with the highest number wins and that is how many days it will be until I cum again. But we only play on Saturdays and if I piss her off or make her unhappy, she can delay by X number of days or skip it all together. If all goes well, the furthest time between cummings would be 13 days. If all doesn't go well, it could be many more.
So we rolled. I got a one and she got a five. So the planned day is next Thursday. I'll reaffirm to her that I get to cum if she is agreeable and by any means she sees fit. If that means intercourse or me masturbating alone or in front of her or any other means, it's entirely up to her. But by no means does my day to cum have any affect on when she gets pleasure. If she wants sex, in order to ensure I don't cum during the act, we'll focus on lots of foreplay. Her eyes lit up when I told her that. :licking:
This will be our routine through this first month. If all goes well, when the time comes to renew and put a contract into place at the first of the year, the game will likely change into adding the dice together or even hers will be the weeks and mine will be the days or something like that. That is, unless she comes up with something better. I'll bet it will only be a matter of time until she comes up with her own version that blows me a away.
Little by little, I feel she is treating me a little different each day. Asking me to do more things for her and maybe that's because she's feeling my love and respect for her more than ever now. I'm really not sweating the five day stay. In fact, I may even try to upset her on purpose to push her into the role of having to deny me that day. :anim_37: A little training for me and a little training for her and together, we will go far.