Distance Training Assistance


Junior Member
Feb 10, 2009
I currently have a submissive that I distance train via email. I do occasionally meet with him each month, either one or two days per month. He is currently kept chaste in a CB-6000 with plastic locks that he must verify with me daily with a picture.

I have also decided to feminize him a bit as well. So I have begun demanding that her wear panties, nylons and a bra on a daily basis as well. When at work all of this is easily hidden under his suits, but I delight in exerting such control over him and pushing limits a bit.

My problem for which I am hoping some of you may have suggestions, is that unlike the chastity belt, I can not be sure that he is following through with his new outfits on a daily basis. I think he does not mind the panties and nylons as much as he does the bra. It is only a training bra and so in my opinion not a big deal to require daily. Even if I ask for a photo at the start of the day, no guarantee that he is not taking it off. Any ideas how I can ensure it remains on whether he likes it or not?
Mobile phone photos?

Can you SMS/text him at any time and ask him to send you a MMS photo immediately?

I do that with pet if I've asked him to do something while I'm out.

Or get him to take a photo by something which cannot be fixed... like the time on the Sky TV schedule page, every so often throughout the day?

I'm sure someone else will come up with some ideas.

Oh - and :welcome: to the Mansion! :CMrocks:
Dear Mistress Q,

first of all i would like to welcome You to the forum. It is hard to say how You can make sure he wears te bra as demanded. I don't know his work surroundings ... may be he can use a mobile telephone with integrated camera to send a picture during the day ... but i have no idea how to make sure he does not take the picture in advance ... if You find a way to prevent this, it is at least quite difficult to put the bra on at work and take it off aferwards.


maid katrin

PS.: just realized Mistress Watchful made a similar suggestion ... honestly, i did not copy ...
The mobile phone photo is not a bad idea. So I guess would just randomly pick days and times and give him 1 minute to respond or face a longer lock up period or some other form of punishment. Any chance the make a locking bra? Or anyone have an idea for such a design?
Thank you for the link. Some good ideas. Perhaps a conventional bra with grommets that can be locked. But to be sure it is not pulled off a loop of material from between the cups to his cb should ensure that. Food for thought!

The metal bra is fantastic but pricey and could not be disguised for daily wear. For this sub, the fear of exposure vs real exposure is what motivates him. I love the idea that he spends his day completely self-conscious about what he has on underneath and that his small dicklett is locked and useless. I am sure no one is starring at him at work, but he spends his days thinking everyone is noticing!
I have little idea from two lockable dresses i have. The collar is made of 2 strong and double sewn layers of fabric. Just at both ends (where the zip brings them together) the collar is open so a little chain can be pulled through the collar which easily locks the dress to the sissy ... me in this case ...

May be this solution can be used with a bra as well. The sewing work should not be too difficult.


maid katrin