First of all ,Brianna, you are never boring.
This is a great topic. Thinking about emasculation suggests the question: Are we emasculating ourselves when we tuck, or bind our genitals or put them in panties and hose? Or are we being emasculated by the demands of our Mistresses to do these things? If we are really into the emasculation thing don't we want to be on both sides of this verb? Doing it our selves and also having it done to us doubles the effect and makes it more thorough.I guess that is why so many of us enjoy "small penis" humiliation- because it is so harshly emasculating. It's hard to draw a steady line between emasculation and feminization, but I suppose feminization could mean anything connected with female clothing, make up, manners, breast enhancement, nipple sensitization. Gee I'm getting horny just talking about this. Again feminization is something that if we're really serious about it we want to do it our selves and have it done to use also. I love to wear panties (all day, everyday). I buy them for myself and take good care of them. But when my Mistress buys me panties for a Christmas present or birthday, it is far more exciting for me. Of course some men want to be only on the receiving end- having it done to them. That is being emasculated by a woman or being feminized by a woman. This relieves them of the responsibility and makes it more real to them in that they are not just lost in their own fantasy. I am less a stickler in this regard and just take my fun where and when I can get it (life is short).