Emasculation vs Feminization


Long term member
Oct 1, 2008
Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada
I am curious to know how the differance between these two terms is viewed here.

I do enjoy, in my mind, what i would classify as emasculation but not really to fond of feminization. This is of course in regards to me personally. Some femmed guys look really hot. :)

So how do you look at emasculation as opposed to feminization?
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Emasculation is the removal of behavior that one normally associates with the male gender. Feminization is replacement of male behaviors with feminine behaviors. You are correct that one can be emasculated without resorting necessarily to feminization. If male behaviors are removed and not replaced with feminine ones then the subject is left in a state of androgyny - neutered. Is that what you are looking for - to be neutered? Left with no outward signs of gender?

I suspect that if your male behavior patterns were removed, you would increasingly desire to replace them with feminine ones. Maybe you are the exception to that rule though. Keep in mind, we are talking about behavior - not just the clothes you wear.
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You know... I could talk about the benefits of feminization all day - it's my favorite subject!

Your own experience

gingers_sub said:
I am curious to know how the differance between these two terms is viewed here.

I do enjoy, in my mind, what i would classify as emasculation
gingers_sub: Would you please explain what you "get" out of being emasculated - or as Miss D mentioned "neutered". Please describe what it does for you?
  • Does it make you horny?
  • Does it "complete" you?
  • Do you have "infant" desires?
  • Does it lead to wanting to be cuckolded?

I think of myself as more of a feminized wanton sissy hottie (look at a few of my pics in my profile and you'll see my idea of that), so to me your desire to be emasculated is different - and I'd like to understand it more. I, like you, have had those feelings of emasculation, but they are fleeting and quickly switch to wishing to be all gurly and it gives me great sexual fulfillment to do so - even if mostly done in secret.
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A postscript to Lauren's post

Ginger's sub;

I echo Lauren's questions, which are right on the mark, but want to add that maybe your idea is more about becoming androgynous than denying your maleness or becoming a female.

Or maybe you want the power exchange without feminization, and that is what you mean by emasculation. I am guessing here, which is why I write in questions.

I am curious, like Lauren is, to learn about what you think.

Enquiring minds WANT to know. :scared0016:

Respectful :cat:
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Emasculation can take places as soon as you let your dom takes control of your member, removing control of the things you would normal associate with being a male. Emasculation can be fun on it’s own as it can be seen as a form of humiliation and it a great way to put the male in his place.

Feminization for me goes far beyond control and humiliation although it is true that Master uses the words like sissy and slut to lower me and there by humiliate me. I was the one that initially initiated feminization because there was already some deep desire for me to want to act feminine and I had already spent a lot of time dressing as a woman before I ever thought about becoming a sissy.

I think you have to choose to be a sissy, and most sissies do choose the path driven by a great desire to be feminized, where as emasculation can simply occur as a result of entering into a D/s lifestyle.

I think Lauren’s question to you put it best and most simply though, what does it for you?
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Well i will be happy to share my views but i originally posted the question to others to see what their opinions are. :)

I have no desire to be femmed as i would make one butt ugly girl, lol

However the idea of being stripped of my male persona is appealing.
I suppose its the surrender of my male "power" that is the appeal. I give away the control and dominance that is so entrenched in the definition of being a male. By submitting to my Wife and with her in control is very comforting and at the same time humiliating.
To emasculate me and to use me in other manners as what a woman would normally need a male for. I am not allowed to fuck her anymore so i really have no need to focus all my attentions on a penis (symbolic of every male) that is of no use to her. She uses my body for her pleasure when oral satisfaction is needed, etc. Also as a friend she can tell all her dirty details after dates with safety knowing i will not blab. I also still act as a normal husband to her with support and love but no longer as a "sexual male".

Not really sure if that answers your questions or if i have really answered fully as i am not 100% sure myself.
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i've been pondering how to respond to this in such a way that i'm clear and concise. i'm not so sure i'll be able to pull this off. i'll try to keep it simple, so i don't end up tripping over my own point.

Much of what you said below, can also be applied to a feminized male... though it is on the more extreme end of the scale. Not only am i being demasculinized, but it's being pushed even further by the forced feminization. Everything feminine turns me on... to the point that i want anything female so bad, that the very fact that it turns me on so much causes me to be trapped within it. My chastity enforces Mistress's desire to keep me in an ever present sense of arousal, which means i pretty much need to maintain a sense of being "pure" in a typically feminine sort of way. All of these things feed into itself, further propagating my own sense of being under the control of Mistress. It's that downward spiral i've mentioned in previous posts.

You mentioned how you're not allowed to fuck your wife any longer. You have essentially been demasculated which only reinforces her desire to find someone who can meet her sexual needs, and so your spiral begins and feeds on all the things that i'm sure you are thinking about right now.

i think i've come to the conclusion that i'm a "male bottom", but "female submissive". It seems to fit me better than any other point of view, and i'm sure whatever works for you and your Mistress is best too.

i hope i've not prattled on here too much to cause anyone to be bored. LOL

brianna :)

gingers_sub said:
... the idea of being stripped of my male persona is appealing. I suppose its the surrender of my male "power" that is the appeal. I give away the control and dominance that is so entrenched in the definition of being a male. By submitting to my Wife and with her in control is very comforting and at the same time humiliating.

To emasculate me and to use me in other manners as what a woman would normally need a male for. I am not allowed to fuck her anymore so i really have no need to focus all my attentions on a penis (symbolic of every male) that is of no use to her. She uses my body for her pleasure when oral satisfaction is needed, etc.

Also as a friend she can tell all her dirty details after dates with safety knowing i will not blab. I also still act as a normal husband to her with support and love but no longer as a "sexual male".
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Hi Brianna!

I loved your post, and it was the opposite of boring!

I am Respectful of your opinion :love0038:

Regarding emasculation vs feminization; sometimes we just have to step back and accept that she calls the shots, and we must swallow them :confused0068:

Respectful hugs :cat:
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imbriannagirl said:
Not only am i being demasculinized, but it's being pushed even further by the forced feminization. Everything feminine turns me on... to the point that i want anything female so bad, that the very fact that it turns me on so much causes me to be trapped within it.

Brianna I think you're on to something here. The word "trap" triggers something for me. What I enjoy actually is that it is a mental trap that I find myself in. I can NEVER be female. I was born male - end of story. But I WANT to be female. I want it so bad that it hurts sometimes. Knowing I can NEVER have this is ever present in the back of my mind and yet I yearn and yearn for it. I want what I can't have, but the mind is a powerful thing - I can convince my mind that I'm real close to that which I yearn for - to be utterly feminine. That is a huge turn on and it's something that I can work on FOREVER, because I'll keep getting closer and closer, but I just can't EVER truly be a female. (I know that one should not use absolutes like NEVER and EVER, but in this situation it is precisely the word I want to use here to make my point).

For me there are steps that I can take towards being what I yearn for. The first step for me is emasculation or at least thinking REAL hard about it - fantasizing, creating scenarios and feeling helpless all do this for me. The next step moves me closer towards that ultimate (for me) feeling. That's a big step, almost to the opposite end of the spectrum (if there is one) between emasculinity and femininity.

To attempt to answer gingers_sub's original post: So maybe these are degrees or different shades of the same thing - THE GOAL (which seems to be quite personal and unique to each of us). For me I really like being/feeling feminine. For others that same ultimate feeling may be found by achieving or approaching emasculation. Another's GOAL may be experiencing physical pain (pain slut).

In my case, as I was saying about the "trap", is that I can't ever achieve it and that makes me want it all that much more.

I think I actually made my point here, but I may reread this tomorrow and think I was bonkers!
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First of all ,Brianna, you are never boring.
This is a great topic. Thinking about emasculation suggests the question: Are we emasculating ourselves when we tuck, or bind our genitals or put them in panties and hose? Or are we being emasculated by the demands of our Mistresses to do these things? If we are really into the emasculation thing don't we want to be on both sides of this verb? Doing it our selves and also having it done to us doubles the effect and makes it more thorough.I guess that is why so many of us enjoy "small penis" humiliation- because it is so harshly emasculating. It's hard to draw a steady line between emasculation and feminization, but I suppose feminization could mean anything connected with female clothing, make up, manners, breast enhancement, nipple sensitization. Gee I'm getting horny just talking about this. Again feminization is something that if we're really serious about it we want to do it our selves and have it done to use also. I love to wear panties (all day, everyday). I buy them for myself and take good care of them. But when my Mistress buys me panties for a Christmas present or birthday, it is far more exciting for me. Of course some men want to be only on the receiving end- having it done to them. That is being emasculated by a woman or being feminized by a woman. This relieves them of the responsibility and makes it more real to them in that they are not just lost in their own fantasy. I am less a stickler in this regard and just take my fun where and when I can get it (life is short).
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Hi lauren. Your comments below are very true and i totally related to them in my own life. While i have always WANTED to be female, i equally enjoy being male. i feel trapped by my own desires. It's very difficult to explain to someone who doesn't feel the same as you. And btw... i too have always yearned for what i can't have. i find that once i have it, i need either more of it in a more substantial/deeper way, or it pushes me to the next level entirely. That in itself is what my Mistress uses to keep me going.

brianna :)

lauren1fem said:
Brianna I think you're on to something here. The word "trap" triggers something for me. What I enjoy actually is that it is a mental trap that I find myself in. I can NEVER be female. I was born male - end of story. But I WANT to be female. I want it so bad that it hurts sometimes. Knowing I can NEVER have this is ever present in the back of my mind and yet I yearn and yearn for it. I want what I can't have, but the mind is a powerful thing - I can convince my mind that I'm real close to that which I yearn for - to be utterly feminine. That is a huge turn on and it's something that I can work on FOREVER, because I'll keep getting closer and closer, but I just can't EVER truly be a female. (I know that one should not use absolutes like NEVER and EVER, but in this situation it is precisely the word I want to use here to make my point).
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Thank you for letting me know i'm not boring. i always think i'm rambling on too much. LOL

Some things are obviously emasculating (cuckolding, chastity, and simply being in service are just a few obvious ones). Some things are quite obviously feminizing (wearing only female-identified clothing and anything else identified as "female only"). The rest tend to fall in between and so we all must take the obvious to determine where on that line we are.

Ultra feminine ................................................. Androgynous ................................................. Ultra masculine
^______________________________________________ ^ _________________________________________ ^

Where on the scale are you? Where on the scale am i and everyone else? That's a bit difficult, because even though it can simply be a linear measurement, it's also quite 3-dimensional! LOL

As for what happens when our Mistress's tell us to do such things, i don't think they necessarily have feminine/masculine in mind (though some do... Miss D :P ). All they have in mind is CONTROL. They control our fears and desires in order to push us and further their own insatiable desire for world Domination! Er... okay, maybe not THAT much control. My point is that as you and PT109 said... life is too short, and we should just enjoy what comes to us.

One last thought about what you mentioned. Self-feminizing and self-demasculation doesn't do very much for me. It's only when it's been forced upon me by Mistress does it really matter. i agree that there are many things i've done and continue to do of my own volition, but nothing compares to when Mistress insists upon it.

brianna :)

PT109 said:
First of all ,Brianna, you are never boring.
This is a great topic. Thinking about emasculation suggests the question: Are we emasculating ourselves when we tuck, or bind our genitals or put them in panties and hose? Or are we being emasculated by the demands of our Mistresses to do these things? If we are really into the emasculation thing don't we want to be on both sides of this verb? Doing it our selves and also having it done to us doubles the effect and makes it more thorough.I guess that is why so many of us enjoy "small penis" humiliation- because it is so harshly emasculating. It's hard to draw a steady line between emasculation and feminization, but I suppose feminization could mean anything connected with female clothing, make up, manners, breast enhancement, nipple sensitization. Gee I'm getting horny just talking about this. Again feminization is something that if we're really serious about it we want to do it our selves and have it done to use also. I love to wear panties (all day, everyday). I buy them for myself and take good care of them. But when my Mistress buys me panties for a Christmas present or birthday, it is far more exciting for me. Of course some men want to be only on the receiving end- having it done to them. That is being emasculated by a woman or being feminized by a woman. This relieves them of the responsibility and makes it more real to them in that they are not just lost in their own fantasy. I am less a stickler in this regard and just take my fun where and when I can get it (life is short).
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I thought this thread was about surgical emasculation or castration. Where (or does?) that fit in?
On your scale, Brianna, I find myself to be both masculine and feminine. On the masculine scale of say 1 to 10 I would give myself a 5. On the feminine or should I say "feminized" scale of 1 to 10 I would also give myself a 5 (but only when I'm dressed for it. Otherwise I give myself a 3. For me the thrill of being sissy comes with the stark contrasts between these two sides of my personality. To me they are like night and day, one would be meaningless without the other. I've never been attracted to androgynous women but I do enjoy dressing androgynously in casual situations. I nearly always wear panties and enjoy doing the laundry on weeks where no male underwear shows up in my wash. Every morning I like to test my nipples with some lite finger play to stiffen them up and see if the sissy feeling is still there. It always reminds me of my sissy identity with a little rush of sissy dizziness. Ah...to be in contact with your feminine side. Many people have no idea how real it can feel.
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Emasculation is to take away what makes a man male. Removal of his genitals.

Almost all the males on this site have been emasculated to some degree, as we no longer have use of our sex organs. And most of the women here have emasculated at least 1 male.

And feminisation is forcing the male to act or become female in behaviour.
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You are right about one thing Richard. Most of us have been emasculated to some degree. Of course, as we get older we become gradually emasculated by our aging endocrine system- less and less testosterone every year we age. Maybe that's why many of us take so long to "accept" our sissy selves. Each year there is less to lose in the way of masculinity and less masculine power to offer resistance to our feminine side.
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PT109 said:
Each year there is less to lose in the way of masculinity and less masculine power to offer resistance to our feminine side.
Holy mackerel! That's pretty dang insightful. And it certainly explains a lot of my own behavior at 46 years young.

So now, in a strange twist of fate I'm now looking forward to when I'm even older (is that just plain weird or what?) If I keep going at this rate by the time I'm 56 I'll be a complete sissy 24/7 - that's hard for me to imagine and at 56 I'll wish I had done it in my 10 years earlier 'cause I doubt I'll look quite as svelte as I wish I do.

It's taken me this long to show myself to my wife. I love where I am right now, but I sure could go a lot more femme than I am that's for sure. But then there's the children to think of so that kind of kills my desire to dress and prance about the house as I do when no one's home. So most of the time I am incognito I suppose.

Okay, so I've highjacked this thread again with my own personal stuff... Sorry folks.
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Why not speed the process and take an Anti Androgen drug (That shuts off the Testosterone) and even think about going on Estrogen replacement? I guess I'm suggesting that for some people they are deep down transgendered to some degree. And if you did do this would that not make it less "weird" to be fem?
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Jimi123 said:
Why not speed the process and take an Anti Androgen drug (That shuts off the Testosterone) and even think about going on Estrogen replacement? I guess I'm suggesting that for some people they are deep down transgendered to some degree. And if you did do this would that not make it less "weird" to be fem?

I think there is a wide range of transgendered feelings and expressions. Yes, some folks who would like to be emasculated and/or feminized may be TG. I also think many are not. Experiencing a range of gender expression in dress or actions can be very liberating on lots of levels -- it can turn us on, it can release inner feelings of wholeness, it can be daring and fun, it can reflect ways we see ourselves, it can please our partners etc.

I'd also say that hormones are a big decision and one not to be made lightly since they may impact your overall health. I've been dealing with non-drug induced hormone fluctuations for the last year + and it can be no fun. I figured out my body was reacting poorly to processed soy products and making too much estrogen triggering tumor growth and migraines; cutting processed soy (fillers in a suprising number of foods) seems to be helping.

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I don't think you high jacked the thread Lauren. I think the most import thing we decide in this lifestyle is whether it remains our little secret or becomes a matter of public knowledge. It's a huge decision that will effect not only our ability to function in our social environment but the degree of inner, personal transformations we can achieve. I have taken the secret path because as I see it the public path goes in only two directions: 1. Going full on transgendered, which is a truly daunting task with many potential pitfalls, or 2. Being openly kinky, which from our point of view could be even more difficult. Of, course some people will always know your situation even if you think it is a secret (that's just life), but they will tolerate you in the "don't ask, don't tell" way that society has learned to cope in order to avoid self destruction over conflicting ideologies. Another reason I remain on the secret path is that I am as much masculine as I am feminine. I'm in the same place as many women are, who even though they are fairly feminine in nature, would like to be able to work construction or fight fires just for the experience. It's just, in my case, a little more sexual and a lot more kinky.
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Cherryleopard said:
I think there is a wide range of transgendered feelings and expressions. Yes, some folks who would like to be emasculated and/or feminized may be TG. I also think many are not. Experiencing a range of gender expression in dress or actions can be very liberating on lots of levels -- it can turn us on, it can release inner feelings of wholeness, it can be daring and fun, it can reflect ways we see ourselves, it can please our partners etc.

I'd also say that hormones are a big decision and one not to be made lightly since they may impact your overall health. I've been dealing with non-drug induced hormone fluctuations for the last year + and it can be no fun. I figured out my body was reacting poorly to processed soy products and making too much estrogen triggering tumor growth and migraines; cutting processed soy (fillers in a suprising number of foods) seems to be helping.


I have a few friends who are TG and they seem much happier once they made the decision to go forward with hormones. One of the reasons I asked is that the point was made about "emasculation" which to me was the non medical way of saying having the testicles removed (Orchiectomy) which can be a step for TG folks. The obvious way it to take testosterone blockers and use Estrogen (And maybe other hormones) but some people don't like the blockers side effects and are not ready for GRS so they have an Orchiectomy as a step in the right direction.

As to dressing up for sex play etc? Thats all fine if thats what your into. Personally I wish my wife was into lingerie! ;-)
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I have to wear panties and occasionally a maids uniform when the kids aren’t here, but I have a beard and a shaved head, I’m also covered in punk rock tattoos. I wear the panties to demonstrate my Wife’s control over me, and the, mild, humiliation is a turn on to me.
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