I’ve been a daily masturbator since puberty. after I got married to my lovely wife 11 years ago I still couldn’t stop. She didn’t know and wasn’t too bothered when she did see me. We are both christians and so I have always felt guilty but couldn’t stop.
I’ve been researching chastity devices for years and bought a couple of cheap ones about 8 years ago to try after discussing with her the need for it to help me stop masturbation and she would hold the keys. She reluctantly agreed. They did t last long as the chrome plating peeled off and I realised I could pull out the back. A few months later I got a pa piercing and quickly stretched up to 8mm. I love my pa but she just tolerated it. Then I ordered a mature metal jailbird. This was about 7 years ago. Well I never did manage to wear it as the bulge in my pants was not hideable and I couldn’t secure my pa through the bars without painful pinching. So I ended up just playing with it on and off but never for more than a few hours. A couple of years ago I bought an evotion wearables pa locked tube which I thought was going to be perfect. I have an outside job and have to be able to stand to pee often as I have to drink a lot to stay highdrated in the sun and heat. Well my 0g 8mm piercing was too big for the plastic surrounding it and caused pee to spray everywhere. I was gutted. This brings me to today.
6 days ago I decided to put my mature metal jailbird back on and try cable tying the ring to the end of the bars to stop it moving. It worked!! I showed my wife then went off to work. That day I decided in my head that it was not coming off no matter what. I didn’t sleep much that night after about 3am and it’s been the same every night since. I took some time to explain to my wife the importance of her holding the keys for me and that whatever rule she could come up with I would agree to. She got sick over the weekend so my first lockup ever lasted 5 days and four nights. She wanted me unlocked on Sunday morning for sex which was awesome but I was actually a little disappointed as I had shared with new how I would like to try going 28 days to break the cycle of me having to cum or masturbate. She said no she wanted sex and wanted me to cum and I looked like I needed to. So after that day out of the cage for a little recovery down there I was locked back in last night. And couldn’t sleep much past 3am. The new norm for a while I guess. So I’m in this for the long haul and so far I’m really enjoying it. I honestly feel more in love with my wife and more wanting to please her and help her and she has noticed. And this is only after 6 days. The the cable tie is the thing that made this happen. I can stand up and pee outside behind my vehicle whenever needed as the rings held to one spot I can have a predictable stream. So to finish we are a Christian couple who love our God and each other very much and are using chastity to help me stop masturbating and it’s having a wonderful side effect of making me want to put her needs before mine. I don’t care if I never get released again I’m falling for my wife all over again.
I’ve been a daily masturbator since puberty. after I got married to my lovely wife 11 years ago I still couldn’t stop. She didn’t know and wasn’t too bothered when she did see me. We are both christians and so I have always felt guilty but couldn’t stop.
I’ve been researching chastity devices for years and bought a couple of cheap ones about 8 years ago to try after discussing with her the need for it to help me stop masturbation and she would hold the keys. She reluctantly agreed. They did t last long as the chrome plating peeled off and I realised I could pull out the back. A few months later I got a pa piercing and quickly stretched up to 8mm. I love my pa but she just tolerated it. Then I ordered a mature metal jailbird. This was about 7 years ago. Well I never did manage to wear it as the bulge in my pants was not hideable and I couldn’t secure my pa through the bars without painful pinching. So I ended up just playing with it on and off but never for more than a few hours. A couple of years ago I bought an evotion wearables pa locked tube which I thought was going to be perfect. I have an outside job and have to be able to stand to pee often as I have to drink a lot to stay highdrated in the sun and heat. Well my 0g 8mm piercing was too big for the plastic surrounding it and caused pee to spray everywhere. I was gutted. This brings me to today.
6 days ago I decided to put my mature metal jailbird back on and try cable tying the ring to the end of the bars to stop it moving. It worked!! I showed my wife then went off to work. That day I decided in my head that it was not coming off no matter what. I didn’t sleep much that night after about 3am and it’s been the same every night since. I took some time to explain to my wife the importance of her holding the keys for me and that whatever rule she could come up with I would agree to. She got sick over the weekend so my first lockup ever lasted 5 days and four nights. She wanted me unlocked on Sunday morning for sex which was awesome but I was actually a little disappointed as I had shared with new how I would like to try going 28 days to break the cycle of me having to cum or masturbate. She said no she wanted sex and wanted me to cum and I looked like I needed to. So after that day out of the cage for a little recovery down there I was locked back in last night. And couldn’t sleep much past 3am. The new norm for a while I guess. So I’m in this for the long haul and so far I’m really enjoying it. I honestly feel more in love with my wife and more wanting to please her and help her and she has noticed. And this is only after 6 days. The the cable tie is the thing that made this happen. I can stand up and pee outside behind my vehicle whenever needed as the rings held to one spot I can have a predictable stream. So to finish we are a Christian couple who love our God and each other very much and are using chastity to help me stop masturbating and it’s having a wonderful side effect of making me want to put her needs before mine. I don’t care if I never get released again I’m falling for my wife all over again.