
Long term member
Jan 9, 2022
I posted my experiences with using the Mature Metal sizing rings in another, long winded, thread.

This is my record of my initial experiences with the MM Jail Bird.

First thought when it was out of the box but still the shipping paper: It is so small!

First thought on seeing it unwrapped: That is a lot of metal!

I did order an extra cage ring.

Washed cage in part to warm it up; it is snowing outside.

Took some pictures, will add to profile.

Put hand lotion on penis and scrotum to reduce chaffing.

Got base ring on no problem, but penis had plumped up, so wouldn't go into shaft cage.

Waited a few, then after playing around a little, used pen to push penis into cage, and got the lock in place.

Took some pictures of first minutes in chastity.

As small as cage is, penis isn't filling cages' length, but filling width.

Surprisingly comfortable, doesn't feel any different than sizing rings I was wear immediately prior to putting cage on.

Cage is sliding down shaft of penis, and scrotum. The hand lotion may be partially to blame.

Urinated for first time, urine sprays out through bars, as expected.

Only time will tell if I sized it correctly.

The big challenge will be nighttime erections.

Have doctors appointment in a couple days so will limit use to day time.
Have doctors appointment in a couple days so will limit use to day time.
Will you wear it to the appointment to show off your new accessory? If you're planning to wear it long term, might be good to let him check out the fit, etc and see if he has any concerns.
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Will you wear it to the appointment to show off your new accessory? If you're planning to wear it long term, might be good to let him check out the fit, etc and see if he has any concerns.

Doctor should only be concerned with my knees, but they are running full blood work, so don't know extent of exam. This isn't a private doctor.

I'm sure they are experts on sizing and fitting chastity cages.
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After short while started feeling slight pull on left testicle, but that has stopped. Otherwise comfortable.

Went down to get mail, came back and found penis almost totally out of cage.

I thought I had high and tight anatomy, but it seems cage is sliding down a lot, anyway.

Switched to snug fitting boxers. When taking old boxers off, caught testicle, or cage which pulled on testicle: ouch.

Need to get new jewelry for PA, was waiting for cage, to check alignment and required size.
Was eager to put cage on this morning.

Got slightly plump penis into cage relatively easy, using pen to work skin into cage.

As I mentioned in Sizing Journey, one sizing ring fit loosely, the next size down snugly. Instructions said cage should fit like glove so went with latter.

Had a little more trouble getting lock to align and enter holes in cage, but nothing major.

Didn't apply hand lotion, cage seems to be resting higher. It may settle down.

Wearing snug fitting boxer briefs.

Felt comfortable at first but now feeling slight cold or burning sensation behind scrotum. Felt same with sizing rings. I am feeling a little cool, and that is likely why.

Two photos posted to album, awaiting approval.
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Have been wearing cage all day without removing it, and it will remain on until bedtime.

This morning I observed that I hadn't pushed the skin for the bottom side of my penis into the cage, not noticing this fact because it was out of sight. Corrected oversight using pen, as it is of convenient size and shape.

Walked to a couple places around town running errands, plus a short walk.

Was going to walk further but felt a point of compassion and didn't want to risk irritation.

Thought base ring might have been squeezing scrotum, but on examination, believe underwear was pressing caged penis against scrotum and testicle.

For most part everything has felt "comfortable" today. Earlier mild burning sensation went away. It does return in certain positions.

While aware of cage, it wasn't a strong feeling.

At one point while walking I thought to myself, "My penis is in a metal cage," while an interesting thought, it didn't elicited a strong response.

When I got home, took some more photos; see album "Second Install." Found my penis compressed, wrinkled, and filling cage, as a result of tight underwear pressing penis against body. So more of penis is being placed inside the cage than planned; that is based on measurements. I believe this is a good thing, as long as discomfort or irritation doesn't develop.

I gather erections are suppressed by penis being caged, so if entire penis is caged...

Have ordered 1/2" and 5/8" 6ga captive bead rings. I want one of these small rings to keep the head of my penis in the tip of the cage; no turtling. Haven't worn jewelry for years, but a 4mm tool did go easily into 30 year old piercing.
At end of day yesterday everything was feeling loose and comfortable.

At bedtime removed cage. Examined everything and didn't notice any problems.

Won't be able to attempt overnight use until Thursday evening.

This morning was laying in bed moving around feeling horny, decided best to put cage on. Haven't masturbated or orgasmed in over a month. Why tempt fate?

Slightly plump penis slid easily into cage, versus trying to push totally soft penis in, but took a little effort to get shaft skin to follow, again using pen.

Body adapting to cage now.

Three new photos added to gallery.
Have been comfortably caged all day, once my body settled into the cage. The cage fits snugly so it takes time to get everything in its proper place.

It took a couple goes with the thin pen to work all the tissues into their proper place. The under side of penis can be a challenge.

Makes you not want to remove cage.

As others have said, support of some type is often essential, especially with a metal cage.

Back in December I was in Covid isolation, and long story short ended up with "Fruit of the Loom Men's Micro-Stretch Boxer Briefs," which looked like women's nylon panties, as far as fabric. I didn't care for them, now I am finding they provide the necessary support I need for the cage.

While the MM Jail Bird may be an open cage design, the bar spacing is such, especially with the extra cage ring, that my fingertip can barely touch the skin of my penis. Hence I have to use pen to move tissues about. Stimulation with fingers is impossible.

I bought a 6-32 × 1/2 inch screw and nut this afternoon and put them in place of the lock, wrapping them with black electrical tape. I did it to decrease weight, but outline in underwear is smoother, and while cage is barely noticeable under clothes, everything seems sleeker and more balanced now. It could be my imagination.

I have been out walking taking care of errands again today.

I considered the locking screw option but thought it premature since this is my first chastity device.

Since I am self locking, the lock is visually appealing, but doesn't provide any more real security than screw and nut.

Have doctors appointment in morning, then with any luck cage will remain in place for an extended period. I know nights will be rough for a while.
You may try experimenting with baby powder, I find it keeps my skin from sticking to my jailbird and prevents turtling (especially overnight).

For me a tiny 3mm dab of lanolin rubbed under the base ring stays put all day and prevents ball burn when sitting for extended periods or wearing tight underwear.

Good luck, and thanks for sharing your progress!
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Decided to put cage on this morning, out of bordom, or just wanting It caged, now that I finally have.

After reading @rwpLocked post it dawn on me that now that I am using underwear to support cage, I can once again use lotion.

After putting lotion on penis and scrotum, shaft slid easily into cage, and moving loose skin in was easier using pen.

Have posted a couple of photos showing Jail Bird without lock, but with screw and nut. They don't tighten well, that is why I wrapped with electrical tape yesterday.

I have red Threadlocker if I decide to get serious.

Will remove cage in little while then head to medical exam, to see physician's assistant. Plan to install cage as soon as I get home, hopefully for long duration.
I could have worn the Jail Bird to my medical appointment, as I didn't have to take my pants off. I had running shorts on under my jeans, so everything would have been well concealed.

Put the cage on once I was home, and it is still on.

Woke about 2 am, and when I was somewhat awake I felt something down there, felt with my hand and discovered the base of my penis was somewhat firm. Cage was full. Took some pictures.

I wake up frequently at night so don't know if partial erection woke me or something else. With the sizing rings, they acted like an erection alarm, without a cage to restrict erection. They acted like cock ring.

Woke up at 4 am, was laying there moving around feeling a little horny, did some fantasy and Kegels to see what would happen. Got partial erection, took more photos.

No pain, as I wasn't fully erect either time.

Added some more photos, in two different Galleries. I am running out space so will have delete some, or add less often.

Do not attempt the following at home, it should only be attempted by trained professionals.

So made myself available to work, got assignment, based on time constraints, chose to ride my bicycle. This was the first time caged.

Get dressed in layers, thinking I am moving furniture, like before.

Get outside, everything is basically covered in snow and ice, and the temperature was 17 f (-8 c) , and the wind picked up. Just a wee bit cold.

I ended up riding my bike over 11 miles (18 kilometers), and shoveled snow for three hours.

To begin with, I was too cold to feel anything, but there was only two thin layers between my cage and testicles and the cold.

On my way home now to assess damage, if any; hopefully not.

That is what I get for rushing into something.
At home laying in bed relaxing. Tried to take nap, but no such luck.

Came home showered and inspected everything. No obvious chaffing or problems, but perhaps it will become apparent later. Laying here, cage is barely noticeable.

Walked a couple miles while shoveling snow, in addition to everything else.

Felt mild burning at times earlier. Some discomfort has been a common experience. Caused by pressure on scrotum, and perhaps when testicles try to retract. When everything is warm and relaxed, and body positioned appropriately, cage is barely noticeable.

Testicles have been pinched at times, as they are held away from the body. Like when bending down to pick something up, getting on bicycle. Having testicle held away from body when riding bicycle is interesting, especially in subfreezing temps.

Have to go for x-rays and they are sending me to a massage therapist. Hopefully I don't have to remove cage.

Cage has been on for over 24 hours, and don't plan on removing it.

Found that the screw and nut, when tightened with a screwdriver, are holding fast. I haven't applied tape this lockup.

Inspected everything in bathrooms at place I was working, couldn't remove cage without a screwdriver, so it had to stay on.

When washing penis in shower, moving it around, found I could likely pull it free when all slippery. I stopped before it came free, as I didn't want to fight to get it back in.

Jewelry for PA just shipped, and I bought ring expanding pliers a couple days ago.

Applied Gold Bond Ultimate lotion after shower, lubricated everything well.
Thankfully, no harm appears to have occurred as a result of yesterday's adventure.

No hard erections in cage. Did experience strong arousal, rapid heart rate and mental arousal, as a result of a photo emailed me, but still didn't get ridged hard. Don't know if cage is suppressing my erections, or health in general.

Since I can't stroke penis can't encourage stronger erections.

Rings for PA should arrive Tuesday.
Almost three days completed in JB.

At times not aware of cage, or only aware of something ridged down there. Did laundry and walked to grocery store yesterday.

Most comfortable to wear underwear pulled up snug, which overfills cage when soft. Cage was measured for when penis is hanging naturally, plus ordered on the conservative side.

Yesterday observed area of redness and sensitivity at tip of glans, where it was poking through cage. Relaxed underwear fit, problem quickly resolved.

Has soft paper towel placed at head of penis at the time, and this may have been the cause, as underwear is silky smooth. May have to buy pads.

Experienced three periods of erection overnight, sometimes enhanced with Kegels and sexy thought.

4 am erection most intense, with mild burning behind scrotum, same location as usual. I am pretty much accustomed to it now.

When erection subsided, precum leaked out, and overflowed onto scrotum when I sat up.

Photos be added momentarily.
Had one strong erection at about midnight. Got up and urinated. I'm not becoming rock hard, don't know if this is a response to being caged, age, or overall health.

Interesting to chat with waitresses who have no idea their customer is wearing a chastity cage. It isn't a kink, or sexual, just a fact of life.

Kind of like women may momentarily be aware they have a tampon inserted or are wearing a pad when talking to people.

Like in the book Wild where Cheryl Strayed mentions shaking hands with a man moments after inserting a menstrual cup.

So far no major problems wearing cage full time. Don't see a need to remove it anytime soon.

After reading other's experiences, I wonder how common it is to have little trouble adapting to full-time use. Perhaps the use of the sizing rings helped train my mind and body.

I experienced chaffing and discomfort, but mainly from trying smaller rings.

Had an interesting experience yesterday. Was exchanging DMs with two women I have written erotica based on their sexual interests, at the same time. Both talking about sexual things they like. One mentioning what she would like to do with me, uncaged of course.

Thank God my libido is down, or my penis would likely have tried to break free of its metal cage.

While I was curious to explore masturbation and orgasm denial, I wasn't planning on being intentionally or inadvertently teased by women.
6ga 1/2 in Captive Bead Ring arrived day earlier than predicted.

It took a bit of effort to install by myself; could have used a third hand. The ring and bead are very small and dimples in ball are very shallow. Took a bit of force to open ring as well.

Took some pictures.

After several hours it dawned on me that I had installed the ring around the upper rather than lower bar of cage. Damn It!!!

Head of penis was being held at top of cage rather than bottom.

Removed ring, and repeated tedious install process.

Head of penis now held securely in tip of cage, and cage can't hang below penis, and cage can't slide down.

Will continue to support cage with snug fitting underwear.

Photo added.
Last night I had two erections that were the most intense since I started wearing the cage 24/7 six days ago. There was some pulling and tension on the base ring. Nothing worse than what I have been experiencing.

Now, last night I also took my tight fitting underwear off when I climbed into bed, because my balls were kind of sweaty.

I don't know if that was a factor in the erections, as normally my entire penis is pressed into the cage. Has that been suppressing my elections?

Worked today, road bike at least 13 miles (22 k) , quite va bit of lifting and bending over, so a far amount of pinching. Didn't notice
Some how my previous post was submitted without me realizing it, and incomplete. I thought what I had typed was lost. Glad it wasn't.

So to continue...

...any problems when I showered. Put some Gold Bond Ultimate around base ring behind scrotum. No problems when I walked to dinner and back.

Didn't attempt it, but obviously PA ring prevents pulling penis from cage when it is slippery with soap.

My spell checker likes to use "elections" in place of "erections" and I don't always catch it. LOL
Yeah, have been caged 24/7 for a full week, with little or no problems.

Most of the minor problems have been associated with a physically demanding part time job.

While seated usually not aware of cage. Aware of it less and less while walking. At times aware of base ring, the slight confining pressure or its ridged nature.

Last night I woke 3-4 times with significant erections, aware of pressure and minor burning at base rear of scrotum. Once or twice urinated. Discomfort no worse than during other activities.

I was wearing my snug fitting underwear, so going commando the prior night was not the cause of my firmer erections. I don't know why erections have been firmer the past couple of nights. I have been sleeping longer periods between wake ups, so perhaps there is simply more time for full erections to develop.

Read a woman's shared experience about her kinky sex life last evening and felt a firm erection developing.

When sitting reading or writing erotica I would periodically touch my penis. Now my fingers only find stainless steel.

I don't know if the PA is a factor, or just the snug fitting underwear, but my penis now always fills the chastity cage. It is a snug fit without any pressure.

Went for x-rays a short while ago. Radiologist asked me to remove everything from my pockets. I was wondering about ghosting, but more likely the fact I had to roll around on the hard table. They didn't fill out paperwork correctly at doctor's office, so have to go back for more x-rays.
Woke up around 3-4 am with slightly painful erection. The most intense pain was the result of my penis pulling on the small captive bead ring in my PA.

My PA piercing is very sensitive, even during daily activities. It was like this in the past with just a ring, no cage.

When erect, the head of my penis was trying to move up, but the ring was holding it down.

The ring is the correct size, when flaccid. Perhaps the tissues will stretch over time.

Left testicle seems a little sore, may have pinched it a couple days ago.

I woke with an erection more than once, but don't recall details.

Was out and about a lot yesterday, walking and riding bus, getting things done.
Back in December I was in Covid isolation, and long story short ended up with "Fruit of the Loom Men's Micro-Stretch Boxer Briefs," which looked like women's nylon panties, as far as fabric. I didn't care for them, now I am finding they provide the necessary support I need for the cage.

I use these - they kept my nether regions pretty warm when on the motorbike in winter, and provide good support for the cage and it's contents. Will probably be getting more. I used to use some Under Armour boxers, but they seem really poor compared to these.

And yes, they do look a little like nylon panties!

Good to read your progress. Hooked for more :)
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Had three strong erections overnight and this morning. The hardest erections to date.

The most pain originates with my Prince Albert (PA) piercing. It is a sharper pain than that originates from my scrotum and testicle.

I posted a photo of my penis bulging significantly from its cage.