Hardest Prince Albert jewelry to remove?

Guest 2023

Long term member
May 7, 2016
Hi everybody,

I'm planning on getting a PA soon for the express purpose of preventing pullout and I was wondering what the best jewelry if for this. I don't want anything that is easy to remove by hand, that would defeat the purpose of the piercing. If it matters, I'm planning to attach the piercing to a jail bird like device, so I have several bars that could be incorporated for security.
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In the larger gauges, a captive ball ring requires a pair of 'ring opening pliers' to get the jewelry out. That's pretty reasonable security, especially if it's mainly for anti-pullout. Also, there are, actually, nicely made stainless steel padlocks made to specific gauges available, but they can be removed with a small flat tip screw driver. Really, they only look like padlocks. Either one can be removed and put back without you KH knowing. Now, a Lori's chastity tube can only be removed using one of her proprietary security keys. If you are getting a PA for chastity security, you may want to consider that. If you do not have the key, you are not getting it off without a drill.
Thank you so much for your input! what size gauge are we talking before they need a tool?
I've got a titanium 1/2" diameter, 10 ga captive ball ring in my ear lobe that is impossible to remove without a tool. I would think that at any gauge that you would consider comfortable for a PA would work. At an 8 ga or a 6 ga, you will need a pair of pliers to remove or place a captive ball ring.
I was planning on getting pierced at 10 and immediately stretching to 8 gauge, which seems to be the most popular approach. Great to know that an 8 is really hard to remove

Just bare in mind that you don't have a lot of room for you the cage the ring and the pair of pliers .

You can get segment rings that have a Allen screw that holds the segment in . You could fill it with wax or the low strength lock tight . The second I guess could count as all most permanent.

Xx Wendy
Thank you so much for your reply, Wendygirl. I had no idea I could get a ring with a screw in it! that would be perfect, but I'm having trouble finding them online, do they have a special name? Does anyone know a good source to buy them from?
Chain gang has the Allen wrench variety as "tribal rings"

I have a 0 ga captive ball ring that's impossible to open without the tool, and pretty darn difficult to open even with it. I actually wound up scratching the ring, so I can't use it any longer.

The 2,4,6 gauges are tough to open by hand as well. One word of caution, opening the ring while wearing a cage can be risky as you'll find it can cause skin to pinch between the ring and the cage bars.

Steelworxx makes a padlock for piercings that uses their usual locks.