Hi there


Junior Member
Jun 15, 2009
Alright, alright...I've been lurking here for a few months now, so I figured it was time to finally register and introduce myself. I've really enjoyed reading the posts here. :) I am married to a wonderful boy (hersforever) and we have been engaging in FLR for a little over a year now. I absolutely love it!

I don't really know what else to put, so I guess I'll just leave it at that. :)
Welcome Welcome Welcome to the Mansion!!! :party0042:
So happy you decided to join in, its more fun when its interactive instead of just being on the outside looking in.

Mistress Michelle :sex020:
Welcome Mineforever, I hope you enjoy punishing Hersforever for the 'stranger' crack and his decision to use the word 'rant' rather than 'rave' about you. What a yummy opportunity for you both!

Have fun :-)
Welcome Mineforever!

I'm not sure how we're suddenly blessed with the influx of Dommes here, but I'm delighted. :happy0160:

Mineforever, I've been reading your hersforever's blogspot posts (I assume it's you guys!). Very enjoyable :-)
