Hitting the Ground Running


Verified Female
Jan 15, 2025
Alberta, Canada
Honestly, if anyone ever told me I would be writing a journal on a male chastity site in 2025, I would have bet them a million dollars they would be wrong. Laugh's on me, I guess, because I would be out that million dollars.

At the beginning of January, I met a man on FetLife. I'll call him Mech. (If Mech wants to add anything here, he is more than welcome.) We started talking and hit it off. We were talking about kinks and kinky stuff, and he confided in me he wore a chastity cage to help with increasing sensation after periods of masturbation. Okay, I think. Sounds reasonable. Then, he said something I never expected.

Would I consider being his keyholder?

My first thought was...complete static. It was like he was talking an alien language. ME? A keyholder? To say I was taken aback is an understatement. I had no idea what that was or really what he was asking.

We kept talking, and I learned more. He gave me books to read and references. I read them. And I understood.

I absolutely understood what he was asking for. He could not have been more clear had he written across the sky. Was I up for the challenge though? It was going to be an emotional journey, one I had no idea how to prepare for. But never let it be known that I am afraid of new experiences, especially when I go into them with my eyes open. The worst thing that could happen was that my feelings got bruised and we didn't interact anymore. I could handle that; I've been in worse situations before, for sure. But the best things that could happen would be that I would end up in a relationship with a wonderful, brilliant, sexy man, someone I enjoy spending time with as much I as enjoy being sexual with, and this man would be focused on me as his Keyholder. And that, my friends, is tantalizing indeed.

So here I am, looking around and trying to find my way. Reading a lot of the FemDom sites focused on male chastity made me wrinkle my nose in distaste, only because I am not a femdom. Like not even a smidge. I am a submissive, and a service sub at that. I am not a switch. I am not a Domme. I had dommed in a pinch when a sub was in need, but it did nothing for me. But for some reason, there is an image in my head, of a naked Mech in his cage, kneeling before me as I stand in front of him, and we are encapsulated in light, just the two of us. It is a VERY strong image and one that is intoxicating and blows me away every time it comes to my mind. I am not a Domme, but I may be a Keyholder for Mech.

I've read some more emotionally neutral references about the biochemical, hormonal and evolutionary reasons why male chastity works within long term relationships. I am starting to understand, slowly.

There are some things I need to focus on first to get my feet under me so once I am ready to accept being Mech's keyholder we can start from a strong foundation.

The first thing I need to figure out is how to tap into my inner Keyholder. Right now, to be able to do this, I have to remind myself routinely that Mech wants this. He needs this and I am doing this because HE needs this. This is absolutely coming from a submissive mindset that I will not be able to sustain long term. I know I will get resentful if I keep along that route, so I need to figure out a way to work on and develop my inner "Lady".

Like a lot of women, I grew up in an environment of "good girls don't". Add in some trauma, some bad experiences and a sprinkling of mental health issues and I am not the kind of woman who is sexually assertive. I just...am not. Hell, I am not even all that assertive, especially for myself. It is easy to be a vocal support for others, but it is "too much work" to be that for myself.

Now, there must be some teeny part of me that feels I can connect to that inner leader, because I am not terrified out of my mind at the idea. I am viewing it as a challenge, a way to grow. A way to gain some sort of balance. A way to continue the things I started with L in 2024.

I am thinking about doing a daily affirmation. I already do that as part of keeping my mental health healthy, so it would be fairly easy to write something specifically related to keyholding. Something along the lines of "Asking for things from a willing partner is healthy" or "I have the inner strength and capacity to be the best Keyholder I can". I figure I can use my journal here to do that.

I know it is going to be easy for me to "lose myself" in trying to do a bunch of reading, writing and thinking about male chastity and keyholding, and that is a recipe for disaster. I need to make sure I get back into my normal routine and stick to it, with male chastity being an adjunct to my life instead of the all consuming focus it is right now. Granted, there is such a big learning curve so it is sort of understandable to be super focused right now. I just need to make sure to take breaks.

One of the things that I am having a hard time with is NRE (new relationship energy) mixed in with male chastity. I admit, I want to bang Mech like a screen door in a hurricane, I won't lie. But it is hard to fantasize about doing that with Mech having a cage on. I did end up talking to Mech about this, and he showed me a pic of a strap on. Part of me wants to laugh because I made such a mountain out of a molehill in my head. But the other part of me recognizes that I don't know what I don't know. Mech has much more experience and knowledge than me, and as well, he has already started down that emotional journey of male chastity on his own. I will need to depend on him to help me stay the course and not stray off into anxiety or submission, because I get lost in my own head so much.

So I have a plan in place. At least a starting point. And as terrifying it is, I think the risk is WELL worth the reward.
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Daily affirmation:

I am a strong, capable adult.

Mech and I live in different time zones; as well Mech works and I do not. So we have to catch moments of pleasure when we can. We had a short video chat today, and Mech and I were both naked and just spending some time together. He was in his pretty pink cage just lounging in his office chair, and of course I started drooling. Like, literal saliva collecting in my mouth (and it is happening right now too as I imagine that picture in my head!)

There are absolutely things I find arousing about Mech in his cage. The way he strains to get an erection and everything is full and purplish and oh so very tight. And to know that I am arousing him, and that he is doing that in a cage... well. I must admit it is arousing and very lovely for my self esteem.

Seeing Mech in the morning is not a normal part of my routine, and so when we had to part, I started my day. I did my mental health work in the app I use (Finch, if you are curious), did my back stretches. Had my coffee. Listened to music. And, most importantly, did my daily art practice. Getting those things done helps me reconnect to me and my individual path and keeps me grounded.

It is important for me to keep up my routines. Not only does it keep me grounded, but it also helps me heal. You see, I have fibromyalgia. It is a chronic condition composed of body pain and fatigue. It is more complicated that that, but that is the general gist. I've had fibro for at least 8 years, definitely I had it before covid hit. I've learned, often the hard way, that I have to keep on top of things. Things like eating properly, getting enough sleep, reducing stress and making sure I move my body helps keep the symptoms at a manageable level for me to function. 2024 was a terrible year for me and my fibro, and I am hoping that 2025 will be a lot better. After a VERY rough start to January, my fibro seems to be settling down very nicely. It could very well be that all the serotonin from NRE with Mech is helping as well as the amount of orgasms I am having. I know from previous experiences that more orgasms, more feeling happy and aroused and emotionally high makes my fibro A LOT BETTER.

I'm wondering if somehow I can connect that NRE and everything with the cage to a positive feedback loop to help my fibro? I am going to have to think about that.
Daily affirmation:

I am open to new opportunities and experiences.

So remember when I said my fibro was settling down? Yeah, about that. A cold front moved through and knocked me on my ass. Le sigh. I wish I could lock FIBRO in a cage and toss it in the sea. :/

Mech and I are still sort of finding our way. Being in an LDR is never easy at the best of times, (I know this very intimately), and when one is busy with life and the other has a chronic condition, things are exponentially more difficult. He is truly one of the most amazing and captivating men I have ever have the fortune to meet. Also, sexy and hot and brain melting in the best of ways. My god, his eyes are an electric grey that hypnotize me like none other I have ever seen. And smart? Unf. Being demisexual, I am certainly getting that connection I crave.

We have hit a tiny bump in the road on the road to me being a Keyholder. Mech is married. I am married and have two partners. (This is an ethical non mongamy situation, so please, no "you guyz are cheaterz!" comments.) My question to him was this:

"I have a serious question. One that I want you to give so deep thought to. If I am your Key holder, what benefits does that allow me? I am not your wife. I do not want to be your wife. But I want "something" in recognition of that role. I'm not sure what I want or what it could be. Saying I get "perpetual courtship" is lovely, but how do we do that, if that is what we agree I get? Or is me getting aroused enough "payment"? I'm not sure and I am obviously wanting an equal partnership in this."

Right now, his answer is "friendship". He explained to me that he has very few close friends although he knows a lot of people. What I read in that is this: I will have access to him more initmately than many other people in his life, except his closest friends and his wife. In many ways, that is intoxicating to me. To know someone, be in their brain, know their intimate secrets. To be connected like that. (Would I have preferred to have a sugar daddy showering me with money and gifts? Although I would suggest that in jest, honestly no. Stuff like money would make me feel cheap and used.)

He has asked me point blank what my needs are how he can meet them. That alone is huge, and already helps me a lot. I have a hard time asking for things I need, never mind want or desire. Bad experiences, remember? I have told him a few things, a few ideas to get the ball rolling. Some of the ideas I am borrowing from my D/s experiences because, well, that is what is familiar to me. Stuff like choosing earrings for me to wear, or asking for a pic or voice message. Things that say to me, "You are valuable of my (Mech's) time". And his time is very valuable because he is busybusybusy.

So things are progressing. Lines of communication are open and I am happy with that. No matter what, Mech is man I want to know, whether we are intimate or not. And I am VERY much looking forward to getting to know him.
Daily affirmation:

New experiences allow for personal growth.

I have been spending some time meeting people here on CM and reading all sorts of random posts. I am starting to grasp the enormity that the term "male chastity" encompasses, and it can feel overwhelming at times. There is just SO MUCH. I know kinks are expressed individually, but I never knew how deep the rabbit hole went. Some stuff is interesting, some stuff is not for me or I am indifferent to, and some stuff is just plain ol' terrifying and I nope right out of those posts.

I had an interesting experience today. Mech and I had a bit time together today, and I felt like having some fun. I had asked Mech to wear a metal cage because I was curious about how it looked on him. He has been wearing a bright pink plastic cage since I met him. Metal is SO different. I honestly didn't think I would care, but I do like the metal for a change. So he is in a pretty metal cage with a padlock (that clinks when he walks! EEEE! :D ) and we got into some nice and dirty chat. And then he said something I'm not sure he realized I would react to. He said,

"Lady Anne doesn't need (certain sexual experience with Mech's cock) today."

insert Oh RLY meme here

I thought this would be an excellent time for a few things. 1. To try and flex my "dominance" over Mech. 2. To show Mech that I am serious about being a keyholder, even though I am not his keyholder yet, and 3. To start our male chastity together on the right foot and remind him whose cock he has hanging between his legs in a metal cage.

And so I pushed back against him. My reply was:

"Um, excuse me. How do YOU know if I need (certain sexual experience with Mech's cock) today, my caged Knight?"

I'm not sure he knew what he was getting into when he replied:

"I just assumed of course"

HOOBOY. Inside, I was laughing my ass off because Mech still doesn't really know me very well at all. I admit, I was tempted to use the old, "well you know what they say when you assume, right?" but I thought that was a bit too harsh and cruel for the situation. Just let it be known I corrected him and that Mech apologized and said he won't make decisions about my cock. Which is exactly what I wanted him to say.

Unfortunately, we had to part shortly after that and we each did our own things. Let it be known that I am unashamed to say I had a smirk for a LONG time afterwards. Mech did say that he enjoyed our time together as well, which did help a lot. I know I will still need some positive feedback for awhile, but hopefully as I become more confident, that will subside.

So a stellar day for me, indeed. :)
Daily affirmation:

New experiences allow for personal growth.

I have been spending some time meeting people here on CM and reading all sorts of random posts. I am starting to grasp the enormity that the term "male chastity" encompasses, and it can feel overwhelming at times. There is just SO MUCH. I know kinks are expressed individually, but I never knew how deep the rabbit hole went. Some stuff is interesting, some stuff is not for me or I am indifferent to, and some stuff is just plain ol' terrifying and I nope right out of those posts.

I had an interesting experience today. Mech and I had a bit time together today, and I felt like having some fun. I had asked Mech to wear a metal cage because I was curious about how it looked on him. He has been wearing a bright pink plastic cage since I met him. Metal is SO different. I honestly didn't think I would care, but I do like the metal for a change. So he is in a pretty metal cage with a padlock (that clinks when he walks! EEEE! :D ) and we got into some nice and dirty chat. And then he said something I'm not sure he realized I would react to. He said,

"Lady Anne doesn't need (certain sexual experience with Mech's cock) today."

insert Oh RLY meme here

I thought this would be an excellent time for a few things. 1. To try and flex my "dominance" over Mech. 2. To show Mech that I am serious about being a keyholder, even though I am not his keyholder yet, and 3. To start our male chastity together on the right foot and remind him whose cock he has hanging between his legs in a metal cage.

And so I pushed back against him. My reply was:

"Um, excuse me. How do YOU know if I need (certain sexual experience with Mech's cock) today, my caged Knight?"

I'm not sure he knew what he was getting into when he replied:

"I just assumed of course"

HOOBOY. Inside, I was laughing my ass off because Mech still doesn't really know me very well at all. I admit, I was tempted to use the old, "well you know what they say when you assume, right?" but I thought that was a bit too harsh and cruel for the situation. Just let it be known I corrected him and that Mech apologized and said he won't make decisions about my cock. Which is exactly what I wanted him to say.

Unfortunately, we had to part shortly after that and we each did our own things. Let it be known that I am unashamed to say I had a smirk for a LONG time afterwards. Mech did say that he enjoyed our time together as well, which did help a lot. I know I will still need some positive feedback for awhile, but hopefully as I become more confident, that will subside.

So a stellar day for me, indeed. :)

You are off to a fantastic start!! Gonna enjoy reading this! My Wife also switched me from a bright pink plastic cage to a metal one ❤️

I now switch between them to avoid soreness
Dear Anne,
I follow with great interest your posts; the last one convinced me to chime in.

So your Mech as far as i understand it is far away from being the „betasissysubmissivething“ that you so often find in here, but rather one of the alpha types that has this taste for chastity and being controlled by his lady.
A man that enjoys being A man but melts when getting the chance to make a woman happy by treating her as a woman;(and not a fulfiller of his kinky fantasies or like a toolbox when repairing his car)

And so after reading your post, your reactions to what happened…..
Let me give you a little tool to get him „on the wrong foot“ sometimes and send shivers through his brain.

Cages are not escape proof and we all know the topic about emergency key, making things escape proof etc.
So what my wife invented while we were still cage users (am in a belt nowadays) was so simple but genius.

The next time you see him make him remove the cage but leave on the ring, and then take the time he needs to get it mounted and locked again.
Do it in both modes when he is errect and when flaccid as fast as possible. (Make it a game, promise him sth if he makes it in under x minutes from fully errect into caged and locked)
Don’t tell him why you like to know it :)
Once you reached the fastest possible time which will be probably around the 2 minutes mark then you tell him your new rule
Whenever you feel like checking if he is locked and behaves well you will send him a random number or word and then request him to make a picture of your caged property together with a post-it on which is written your random number or word.
And that has to happen within the next 3 minutes maybe 4 minutes….
Don’t exaggerate it once maybe twice a day is more than enough to keep a locked man on his toes…
Sometimes I sat in my office and was waiting for it and waiting and waiting and all the time feeling control….
And all that he needs is a pack of post-its and a pen that he will permanently carry with him…

And personally I think this could bring countless happy smirks in your face and an unknown feeling for your Mech…when a „Ruler of the World“ gets controlled….yihaa that’s some serious fireworks right through his synapses :)
(I know what I am talking of as „my little cute alpha lion“ which my lovely wife sometimes calls me 🙈 - we still use that simple system when we are separated)

Anyway whatever happens and to wherever unknown coasts this wonderful voyage will take you, I wish both of you all the best and may you find bliss and happiness

Yours Mat
This is a bit off topic but I’m 56 and found out a few days ago that apparently I am demisexual! I didn’t even know it was a thing. I was driving my daughter to a hospital appointment, chatting away, answering a question about how I met her mum when she said “oh, so you are demisexual. That’s cool.” I had never even heard of it, but she asked me more questions and is now even more convinced.

I’m liking what I’m reading. It is another completely unique approach to male chastity. Oh, and just like you there are many mansion posts that I nope straight out of as well.
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Dear Anne,
I follow with great interest your posts; the last one convinced me to chime in.

So your Mech as far as i understand it is far away from being the „betasissysubmissivething“ that you so often find in here, but rather one of the alpha types that has this taste for chastity and being controlled by his lady.
A man that enjoys being A man but melts when getting the chance to make a woman happy by treating her as a woman;(and not a fulfiller of his kinky fantasies or like a toolbox when repairing his car)

And so after reading your post, your reactions to what happened…..
Let me give you a little tool to get him „on the wrong foot“ sometimes and send shivers through his brain.

Cages are not escape proof and we all know the topic about emergency key, making things escape proof etc.
So what my wife invented while we were still cage users (am in a belt nowadays) was so simple but genius.

The next time you see him make him remove the cage but leave on the ring, and then take the time he needs to get it mounted and locked again.
Do it in both modes when he is errect and when flaccid as fast as possible. (Make it a game, promise him sth if he makes it in under x minutes from fully errect into caged and locked)
Don’t tell him why you like to know it :)
Once you reached the fastest possible time which will be probably around the 2 minutes mark then you tell him your new rule
Whenever you feel like checking if he is locked and behaves well you will send him a random number or word and then request him to make a picture of your caged property together with a post-it on which is written your random number or word.
And that has to happen within the next 3 minutes maybe 4 minutes….
Don’t exaggerate it once maybe twice a day is more than enough to keep a locked man on his toes…
Sometimes I sat in my office and was waiting for it and waiting and waiting and all the time feeling control….
And all that he needs is a pack of post-its and a pen that he will permanently carry with him…

And personally I think this could bring countless happy smirks in your face and an unknown feeling for your Mech…when a „Ruler of the World“ gets controlled….yihaa that’s some serious fireworks right through his synapses :)
(I know what I am talking of as „my little cute alpha lion“ which my lovely wife sometimes calls me 🙈 - we still use that simple system when we are separated)

Anyway whatever happens and to wherever unknown coasts this wonderful voyage will take you, I wish both of you all the best and may you find bliss and happiness

Yours Mat
I VERY much appreciate your post, Mat. You have given me much to think about and consider, especially for the future. Thank you!
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This is a bit off topic but I’m 56 and found out a few days ago that apparently I am demisexual! I didn’t even know it was a thing. I was driving my daughter to a hospital appointment, chatting away, answering a question about how I met her mum when she said “oh, so you are demisexual. That’s cool.” I had never even heard of it, but she asked me more questions and is now even more convinced.

I’m liking what I’m reading. It is another completely unique approach to male chastity. Oh, and just like you there are many mansion posts that I nope straight out of as well.
Whoops. This came out all weird. Will reply again.
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This is a bit off topic but I’m 56 and found out a few days ago that apparently I am demisexual! I didn’t even know it was a thing. I was driving my daughter to a hospital appointment, chatting away, answering a question about how I met her mum when she said “oh, so you are demisexual. That’s cool.” I had never even heard of it, but she asked me more questions and is now even more convinced.

I’m liking what I’m reading. It is another completely unique approach to male chastity. Oh, and just like you there are many mansion posts that I nope straight out of as well.
I very much identify fully as a demisexual. I've tried (and lord knows for unknown reasons KEEP trying) to have casual sex (virtually) but I always feel very unsatisfied afterwards. I am just not built that way. It wasn't until I learned about the term demisexual and what it was that I recognized I was truly different from the average person. I can recognize that, say a model, is attractive. But there are very few celebrities that I would want to bang, and those who I do, I have gotten to really like their personality they show the public. Tom Hiddleston is one and Scarlett Johannsen (sp?) is the other. Out in public, a person with unusual clothing is going to catch my eye before a handsome man or pretty woman would.

And I will definitely have my own approach to male chastity. I was warning Mech of that very thing this morning.😈
Honestly, if anyone ever told me I would be writing a journal on a male chastity site in 2025, I would have bet them a million dollars they would be wrong. Laugh's on me, I guess, because I would be out that million dollars.

At the beginning of January, I met a man on FetLife. I'll call him Mech. (If Mech wants to add anything here, he is more than welcome.) We started talking and hit it off. We were talking about kinks and kinky stuff, and he confided in me he wore a chastity cage to help with increasing sensation after periods of masturbation. Okay, I think. Sounds reasonable. Then, he said something I never expected.

Would I consider being his keyholder?

My first thought was...complete static. It was like he was talking an alien language. ME? A keyholder? To say I was taken aback is an understatement. I had no idea what that was or really what he was asking.

We kept talking, and I learned more. He gave me books to read and references. I read them. And I understood.

I absolutely understood what he was asking for. He could not have been more clear had he written across the sky. Was I up for the challenge though? It was going to be an emotional journey, one I had no idea how to prepare for. But never let it be known that I am afraid of new experiences, especially when I go into them with my eyes open. The worst thing that could happen was that my feelings got bruised and we didn't interact anymore. I could handle that; I've been in worse situations before, for sure. But the best things that could happen would be that I would end up in a relationship with a wonderful, brilliant, sexy man, someone I enjoy spending time with as much I as enjoy being sexual with, and this man would be focused on me as his Keyholder. And that, my friends, is tantalizing indeed.

So here I am, looking around and trying to find my way. Reading a lot of the FemDom sites focused on male chastity made me wrinkle my nose in distaste, only because I am not a femdom. Like not even a smidge. I am a submissive, and a service sub at that. I am not a switch. I am not a Domme. I had dommed in a pinch when a sub was in need, but it did nothing for me. But for some reason, there is an image in my head, of a naked Mech in his cage, kneeling before me as I stand in front of him, and we are encapsulated in light, just the two of us. It is a VERY strong image and one that is intoxicating and blows me away every time it comes to my mind. I am not a Domme, but I may be a Keyholder for Mech.

I've read some more emotionally neutral references about the biochemical, hormonal and evolutionary reasons why male chastity works within long term relationships. I am starting to understand, slowly.

There are some things I need to focus on first to get my feet under me so once I am ready to accept being Mech's keyholder we can start from a strong foundation.

The first thing I need to figure out is how to tap into my inner Keyholder. Right now, to be able to do this, I have to remind myself routinely that Mech wants this. He needs this and I am doing this because HE needs this. This is absolutely coming from a submissive mindset that I will not be able to sustain long term. I know I will get resentful if I keep along that route, so I need to figure out a way to work on and develop my inner "Lady".

Like a lot of women, I grew up in an environment of "good girls don't". Add in some trauma, some bad experiences and a sprinkling of mental health issues and I am not the kind of woman who is sexually assertive. I just...am not. Hell, I am not even all that assertive, especially for myself. It is easy to be a vocal support for others, but it is "too much work" to be that for myself.

Now, there must be some teeny part of me that feels I can connect to that inner leader, because I am not terrified out of my mind at the idea. I am viewing it as a challenge, a way to grow. A way to gain some sort of balance. A way to continue the things I started with L in 2024.

I am thinking about doing a daily affirmation. I already do that as part of keeping my mental health healthy, so it would be fairly easy to write something specifically related to keyholding. Something along the lines of "Asking for things from a willing partner is healthy" or "I have the inner strength and capacity to be the best Keyholder I can". I figure I can use my journal here to do that.

I know it is going to be easy for me to "lose myself" in trying to do a bunch of reading, writing and thinking about male chastity and keyholding, and that is a recipe for disaster. I need to make sure I get back into my normal routine and stick to it, with male chastity being an adjunct to my life instead of the all consuming focus it is right now. Granted, there is such a big learning curve so it is sort of understandable to be super focused right now. I just need to make sure to take breaks.

One of the things that I am having a hard time with is NRE (new relationship energy) mixed in with male chastity. I admit, I want to bang Mech like a screen door in a hurricane, I won't lie. But it is hard to fantasize about doing that with Mech having a cage on. I did end up talking to Mech about this, and he showed me a pic of a strap on. Part of me wants to laugh because I made such a mountain out of a molehill in my head. But the other part of me recognizes that I don't know what I don't know. Mech has much more experience and knowledge than me, and as well, he has already started down that emotional journey of male chastity on his own. I will need to depend on him to help me stay the course and not stray off into anxiety or submission, because I get lost in my own head so much.

So I have a plan in place. At least a starting point. And as terrifying it is, I think the risk is WELL worth the reward.
Can’t wait the read the plan😎
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Daily affirmation:

I will move and grow at a healthy speed for me and my wellbeing.

Mech and I are continuing to learn to dance together with male chastity as the rhythm. We had some fun this morning, in the quiet early hours before the world awakened. It was the first time I set specific task for Mech to do, without him knowing the why or for how long. He did what I asked and we talked a little bit afterwards. Doing this helps me collect information about Mech and his state of mind and states of arousal and frustration. It's not as detailed as doing a checklist or anything, like I have read some people do, but it gives me a start. We also talked a little about tailoring our male chastity experiences to our own tastes, desires and mental abilities. We are both intelligent and creative people, and some of the more basic suggestions to help along new people (like using dice for amount of days to add to staying caged) are just a bit too basic, even for us who are just starting down this path.

I totally understand NRE is a thing, truly. But sheesh, all I want to do is gush about how wonderful he is. How smart and intelligent, vastly more so than I am. I am not stupid, by any means, but he is on another level. He told me processes things very quickly in his brain, moreso than the average person. Part of me wonders if wants to not have his brain running at full blast all the time, and that is why something like getting into an intimate relationship with a keyholder is appealing. (I know Mech reads this, so this is something he can talk to me if he wants to, or not if he doesn't.) I know that as a submissive, I just want someone else to take over the reins for awhile. Mech has told me that he "is in control in all other areas of his life" which implies to me that he wants to not be in control in this particular area of his life. Granted, it could just be that, but that seems a touch superficial, when the other things he has shared with me have a much deeper emotional component. It's all so complicated, and things are still so new and I have a lot of gaps in my knowledge about Mech, his feelings and his life. (Yes, Mech, I know I can ask you questions. And I will, in time.)
I know that as a submissive, I just want someone else to take over the reins for awhile. Mech has told me that he "is in control in all other areas of his life" which implies to me that he wants to not be in control in this particular area of his life. Granted, it could just be that, but that seems a touch superficial
I think this is a very common trait in men. For better or for worse, men still have jobs where they are supposed to manage and control. People, projects, budgets, campaigns, whatever ... So relinquishing control of just one part of our life to someone we trust is extremely attractive - addictive, in fact. Some go into BDSM and like to get spanked, whipped tied up, or humiliated. Others go into chastity and/or FLR.

I also pick up from your post that Mech does a lot of work using his mind. The rational thinker where there is a logical connection between events, from plan to action to outcome. Chastity does not work like that, and it is extremely stimulating to our busy brains to be put into this irrational territory where the rules change from one moment to the next. "Did I say you could have an O today? Well, I changed my mind ..." Why? Just because.
I think this is a very common trait in men. For better or for worse, men still have jobs where they are supposed to manage and control. People, projects, budgets, campaigns, whatever ... So relinquishing control of just one part of our life to someone we trust is extremely attractive - addictive, in fact. Some go into BDSM and like to get spanked, whipped tied up, or humiliated. Others go into chastity and/or FLR.

I also pick up from your post that Mech does a lot of work using his mind. The rational thinker where there is a logical connection between events, from plan to action to outcome. Chastity does not work like that, and it is extremely stimulating to our busy brains to be put into this irrational territory where the rules change from one moment to the next. "Did I say you could have an O today? Well, I changed my mind ..." Why? Just because.
This is a very interesting analogy, and one I am going to have to ponder. Of course, it makes complete sense to me and my background, so I can apply certain things to this situation.
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I can recognize that, say a model, is attractive. But there are very few celebrities that I would want to bang,
This is weird! As I say it’s only a few days since I heard the word demisexual for the first time, and you have just mentioned another trait that totally fits my experience. And for me, there has never been a celebrity that I have had a crush on. I don’t think my wife believed me when I said there wasn’t any celebrity I find sexually attractive, but it was the truth. Like you I could see people were attractive, but that was it. I got to know Elle, my wife, over several months of working and socialising together in a big group of work colleagues, then several months of being very close friends before I found myself falling for her.

By the way, I’m also interested in reading about your approach to sexuality and long distance online relationships for a completely different reason, that is the fact you have a long term chronic health condition, something I too have to deal with. I am a submissive husband in a very close loving FLR, but two years ago I became disabled after a severe covid infection. It has had a huge impact on my (and Elle’s) life including our intimate relationship. We are only just finding ourselves again after two years of recovery, but with a much reduced capacity on my part, especially when it comes to the submissive acts I used to do that convinced Elle to fully commit to the FLR.
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This is weird! As I say it’s only a few days since I heard the word demisexual for the first time, and you have just mentioned another trait that totally fits my experience. And for me, there has never been a celebrity that I have had a crush on. I don’t think my wife believed me when I said there wasn’t any celebrity I find sexually attractive, but it was the truth. Like you I could see people were attractive, but that was it. I got to know Elle, my wife, over several months of working and socialising together in a big group of work colleagues, then several months of being very close friends before I found myself falling for her.

By the way, I’m also interested in reading about your approach to sexuality and long distance online relationships for a completely different reason, that is the fact you have a long term chronic health condition, something I too have to deal with. I am a submissive husband in a very close loving FLR, but two years ago I became disabled after a severe covid infection. It has had a huge impact on my (and Elle’s) life including our intimate relationship. We are only just finding ourselves again after two years of recovery, but with a much reduced capacity on my part, especially when it comes to the submissive acts I used to do that convinced Elle to fully commit to the FLR.
As a woman, I know so much of what society finds sexually attractive is geared to the hetero man's gaze. Not that there are not things geared to hetero women's gaze, but there is much less out there. The idea of objectifying women has been very prevalent during my lifetime and to be honest, there are a lot of times that I just don't see it anymore. So for me, it was just normal. I just accepted that men "were just like that". I didn't realize that women also look at men as sexual objects separated from emotion. I just never thought about it. And then I started learning about different sexualities and discovered the term demisexual. I realized that maybe my thought process was not the norm. I did more reading, and discovered that yes, people do and can separate sex from emotion. That blew me away! I simply cannot separate the two. I just cannot.

I am so sorry that you became disabled due to covid. Life, unfortunately, will never be the same. Make sure you give yourself space to grieve for the "what could have beens". That sadness has a tendency to bubble up at inopportune times, just fyi.

Being a little further down the road of chronic illness than you, I have had some time to accept the changes to my body and life and adapt my needs and desires to my circumstances. I am coming from that service sub mindset, so many of my ideas and references will have that context.

I won't say having a chronic illness and being kinky is easy. I won't say what I do or how I think is the best for anyone else other than me. Being adaptable and flexible, reassessing what is truly important and a need and what is not, those things have helped me progress forward and be happy. I am unsure how covid has affected you, but my fibro has also affected my thought processes. I have "brain fog" often, which causes a lot of memory problems; exceedingly frustrating for one who is used to being on top of everything. Add in that so much of BDSM and just vanilla sex is "90% in the brain", I have also had to readjust my expectations of myself, which is very hard to accept.

The bonus of BDSM and vanilla sex being so much in the brain is the expressing things physically is not a requirement for me. I have had many online experiences that have absolutely changed me, without ever touching that other person. Having your wife be in the same space is a bonus, or at least it would be for me. I very much wish I could say, "Do X, Y, and Z and all your kinky dreams will be fulfilled!" but alas, I am not that magical. ;) (If I was that magical, I would bottle that shit, sell it for gazillions of dollars and get a space ship off this rock tomorrow :D ) Those submissive acts you used to do to convince your wife. Can you incorporate a mental aspect to it? Or use technology to help cross that boundary? I am of course just shooting into the dark, and you may have already tried those things. But I would be open to discussing your specific situation and help and support as much as I can.

Anyway, what I am trying to say is this:

Thank you. Thank you for posting. Thank you for telling me such intimate things. I relish talking to you :) I don't know if you are okay with keeping this conversation here, or want to move it to DMs or both. I am fine with whatever you choose.
Daily affirmation:

My happiness is a priority to me.

Having relationships online is very different from real life interaction and dating. You truly never can fully know what is going on in someone's life as they can easily edit what they say or don't say. So for me, I tend to err on the side of caution when asking for certain things. Especially when certain things require an outlay of money.

Mech has asked me to be involved in buying different cages for him. 🫠 That melted my brain in the BEST of ways because that opened things up to me I never had access before.: shopping for someone else. So I asked him a few questions and off I went to AliExpress (yes, we are doing this on the cheap; no I know they are cheap for a reason and better quality ones, blahblahblah. Small steps, yo.)

Jesus tapdancing on a cracker Christ! There are a lot of cages out there!

Metal. Plastic. Silicone. 3D printed. Coloured. Printed with patterns. One that include things like scrotal cages or butt plugs.

I did notice, after a while, similar styles popping up under different company names and was able to scan through things more quickly. Mech told me that metal ones with "rings" (that go circumferentially around the penis) instead of "bars" (wires that go the length of the penis) are better for him because bars tend to dig in. OUCH! So I made sure to look for some in that style, and did find quite a few. I also found metal ones that look milled out of a one piece blank, and they were very sleek. Plastic ones were a variety of colours and shapes, and of course, quality. There were some that looked very modern and ergonomic which appealed to me a lot. I admit, some made me laugh, like the one that was for two men to dock together or the ones that look like dolphins or bunnies. In the end, I picked out a wide variety that appealed to me and I C&P'd Mech the pics and the links. We did discuss the things that did not appeal to us. I do not want to sissify Mech, like, at all. I have seen him in ladies' underwear and he was so hot ... well, I don't want to tell you what happened, but it is a VERY lovely and intense memory. Maybe a matching bra, but in the end, I want a male presenting man. I like dick. I like a live dick over any size of dildo. Period. I LOVE watching a man react to my internal muscles tightening and loosening while he is inside of me. So, the idea of Mech with a cage that squashes him into nothingness doesn't appeal to me. Sissification is not really on Mech's radar either, so that is a limit we can easily work with.

When I woke up this morning, Mech messaged me and said he had ordered a couple of new cages and took MY preferences into account. I was so excited I was what I call "twirly happy" in my brain: I feel like I am spinning gently and happily. I am SO excited for this! It's been a long time since I have had such pleasure in anticipation. Maybe you gents in your cock cages know your stuff or something! :D