Holy Trainer v2 50 ring and standard tube


Jan 18, 2017
Texas, United States
My ex bought me the HTv2 with the 45 ring and standard tube in clear. I thought the tube was too big, but the ring was too small. So, I ordered a 50 ring and small tube in white. The tube fits great and the ring was too big. So, I now have a 50 ring and a standard tube that do not fit me. Perhaps someone else could benefit from this? It does not come with the lock, but I'd be willing to include the little baggy it came in.

LMK ^_^
getting my order early next week... I'll keep your posting in mind on the off chance that my sizing was off. Cheers
Turns out the 45 may be too small. Still a work in progress. Still learning. But I know for certain the standard tube is too big if someone is looking for one of those.
Well, I am just going to sell my devices and keep searching for something else. I have disinfected them in Hydrogen peroxide and I think they are ready to go.

I have one CB - 3000 with all rings, posts, spacers, etc. I have one 45 ring clear, one 50 ring white, one standard tube in clear, and one small tube in white and I have one lock.

I would like to just sell everything for $200 OBO plus S&H. I can include pictures if need be.

So what is still available?

It is all still available. Please see attached photo.