How did you get started in chastity?


Senior Member
May 14, 2008
This might be fun, we are all on that journey, and it might be fun to hear how you got started on the road to chastity.
Myself, got started a time ago. I was on a buisiness trip to Philadelphia, was bored and stoped in a "Adult Book Store". They had lots of toys, including a steel and leather device, that caught my eye. I did not even know it was a chastity device, I thought it might be "fun" for my wife and I to play with. We would lock me in for short periods. Sometimes real short, and always end up with us having sex.
Then I somehow found out about chastity, and "Altairboy's" site. The stories there are fantastic, and I was hooked.
I progressed through various sites, "Vanilla and Spice", "Lock & Keep", various Yahoo sites, and ended up here at "The Mansion".
My wife played for awhile, but truly she was just humoring me. Between diabetes and menopause, she doesn't have much of a sex drive left. BTW, that term menopauase, should actually be mennomore.
I went from a steel and leather device to a cb2000, to trying a neosteel sport belt.
Now I am back to being what I was when I started, a wannabe.
Oh well, it indeed has been a journey. :character0182:

Tag, your turn!
I eyed the CB-6k from time to time on various sites that offered bondage gear and Electrostim toys (my other hobbies). I always fantasize about the prospect of being teased for extended period of time and/or overstimulated through successive orgasms. Part of that desire for a loss of control over when I get to orgasm (or how many times I have to cum) progressed into a kink for chastity. I don't have any desire for a permanent, orgasm-free lifestyle. I would prefer the extended lock-down/supervised cleanings/milkings/etc with the occasional session where I would eventually want to be put back into chastity after being overstimulated. Think: used as a toy to satisfy my Mistress/ our occasional guest.

I initially lurked Mansion for information concerning contracts, conduct codes, etc. I like doing research on my interests, maybe it is the hardcore nerd in me. It was a natural evolution to go from lurker to member and occasionally make the odd comment. Maybe I will eventually work up the nerve to actually contribute, though with what, I don't know.

Right now I am out of chastity due to technical difficulties. I think I am going to get a frenum piercing, which would solve all my problems concerning security. Neither my Mistress and I are really devoted to the lifestyle, though she could be if we talked it out. She isn't totally opposed to the idea of one (or both!) of us having a real Dom sort things out, so that might be an eventuality.
What a great idea. Thanks, Chastesoon! :sign0087:

How did/we get started? Hmmmmm......Well, I guess it started when pet and I were discussing a fantasy of his about 6 months ago. He had stated that he's often fantasized about having 2 women at once to fawn over. I thought he meant a 3-some. I was wrong. It was his fantasy to be a slave to me and another woman. To be our beck and call boy and have him service us in any way we wanted/needed. I have to admit, the idea intrigued me. I have a very close friend of mine (he's written about her in his journal), that I thought about talking about to make this happen. The thought was extremely erotic to me. But, I needed more information from him. He wasn't interested in watching us have sex with each other or to have sex with her...he was interested in a scenario like he preforms oral sex on her while I fuck him with a strap on from behind. Make him lick both of us at the same time. Have him serve us wine and dinner while in a spreader bar. That kind of thing.

So, I didn't tell him, but I started talking to my girlfriend about it. I wanted to see if she would be game with it. After talking it out, and much back and forth I was starting to think this would become a reality. But, I first had to make sure of something. I had to make sure that I could actually have sex with this woman. I mean, I've often fantasized about being in bed with a woman and wondering what it would be like. What if we planned this out and I couldn't go through with it. So I talked to pet about it. He was ok with me sleeping with her. Her and I had some drinks one thing led to another and we ended up in bed. Although, she is very sexy and I find her attractive, I learned something that evening. I am not a lesbian, and I am not bi. It was fun, but I found nothing sexually fulfilling being with a woman. I'm just a straight kinda gal. I do so love men. But, we still talked & entertained the idea of letting pet be our slave for an evening and have him be our plaything for a night.

So, I needed to shop for this evening. There were a few things I needed to get to make it run smoothly. I logged on to extreme restraints and went shopping (I SOOOOO do love that store...they have the most delicious toys..yummy). While visiting the site I ran across the CB6000. I had NO idea such a device existed. I mean, I had heard of chastity devices for women (more so years ago), but didn't know they had them for men. I was INSTANTLY intrigued. I made a wish list and put that on. Funny thing is, pet made one also and he put the CB6000 on his!! I asked him if it was something he would consider wearing and he was all for it.

We had dabbled in BDSM in the past. Nothing serious. Being tied to the bed and such, but nothing too risque. Well, all of the sudden, when I started to think about the possibilities that this "toy" could bring to our sexual escapades I got really really hot and horny. To be able to control his sexuality like that was highly erotic to me. I never felt like I could have that control over him, because whenever I'd tease and deny him, he'd just watch some porn (or whatever) and jerk off. That's no fun. So, it didn't have the za-za-zoo that the CD possessed. I mean, once locked up, he couldn't touch, couldn't get hard, and couldn't take matters into his own hands. What a DELICIOUS THOUGHT!!!!! We wasted no time....I wanted him to order one right away.

Now, pet is a wonderful man. Attentive, loving, romantic, and all of it wasn't that I was missing that part in our relationship. But, he does love his porn. I really didn't mind. I love porn, too, actually. But, I'd also know that while I was out with friends and he was home by himself, he was watching and getting himself off. And it's not like he couldn't get it up for me when I needed it. Quite the opposite. He would actually become more horny for me. So, it never bothered me in the least. But, the thought of what would happen if he COULDN'T get that release when he wanted it, and he HAD to wait for me to fulfill that need....well, that was a very lovely thought.

The CB showed up and I immediately wanted him to find the right size ring, get the right fit and start wearing it. The power I felt when that lock closed was incredible!!!! To have so much control over something that he had such a close relationship with his whole adult sexual life was just amazing. It's like a light switch turned on in me. I wanted to be more controlling. I wanted to start to tell him what to do with me sexually and how to do it. I've always loved oral sex (who doesn't) and I'm sure every woman thinks this....but my husband should be in the eating pussy hall of fame. The man has a gift. He's an expert, let me tell you. I felt bad always asking for it, because I didn't want to be selfish....I don't have to worry about that anymore. He's between my legs once a day now, if not more. It's fu**ing fabulous!!! He's more attentive to my needs and I didn't think that was possible. He helps around the house even more than he did. I'm able to tell him what I need when we're having sex...and do it with authority and a sexy-ness that I didn't know I had. Chastity has been the best thing to have happened in our marriage. It's brought us closer than ever before. We talk more, and share more together. He wants to be with me now more than ever, and his happiness depends on my happiness. This is the friggin bomb!!! Why oh why did I wait this long to purchase one of these miraculous devices?!?

So....that's how it came about and why I'm in love with that piece of plastic. I have been looking into one of those steel belts. They're just prettier. We'll see. I love this site so much. All the wonderful advice and support I've gotten has been truly fantastic. Thanks to you all. Love ya!!!

To my pet: Darling? You are my world. This endeavor we are on would be nothing if I didn't have such a wonderful man to share it with. You are truly my best friend, and I love you with all of my being. Thank you for taking this journey with me. Your Goddess....(aka, your lil nu-shu-shu-cup). xoxoxoxo
this is an easy one/// when i was a kid a movie came out//heavy metal. it was a cartoon set to rock bands of the time. there were two stories that stood out and change my life. this one you could totally blame TV for. first was the story of DAR//simple nerdy skinny kid get zapped to alien planet. when he arrives he get transformed to muscle dude/away. at one point he's on a ruin surround by beautiful naked women. all i every thought was i want to cherish each one like the goddesses that they were;do their bidding;pleasure them endlessly. i getting horny just thinking about it. next one was the main character she was a warrior in black leather with her amazing body; i would serve her any day of the week. so that about it ,grewup looked for all the bondage porn/stories i could find. NOW, its like i'm living the fantasy . found my own GODDESS right under my nose. and pleasuring her is the greatest job in the world////the old saying /find something you love and you'll never work a day.////I NEVER GO TO WORK. :happy0158: i love you my dearest.
happypants you have found what so many of us are searching for and it was there under your nose all the time you lucky devil you. Goddess jen you are an inspiration to me and so many like me out there, you speak with such tenderness and love for your sub/hubby and the description of your new found love for accepting control is just so exciting it makes me want to join in as soon as possible with this beautiful arrangement you have both come to. I hope you both have so many more erotic experiences to come and by the sounds of it you probably will.:anim_37:
My first exposure to chasity was about 12 years ago. I belonged to a group that met about once a month. The group was a Ladies Tea group where the women dressed formal and the men would prepare the formal tea. We'd arrive a few hours early, setup snacks, make tea, arrange a place for the ladies to meet, and practice formal service. The fun part was that we were required to wear a custom made black bow tie, and white gloves, and nothing else. Needless to say, the first time we met was fun, a little scary, and an incredible time.

Anyway, after several meetings, one of the other servers walks in wearing this strange cage on his penis (it was a CB-2000). Well this was about 12 years ago, so there weren't many (any?) chasitity sites on the Internet and the CB-2000 was still fairly new (it was the only device that the Millers made at the time). Needless to say, I'd never seen anything like that. So when he explained that this was something that his Domme had got for him and he was required to wear it 24/7, I could't believe it. The thought that a grown man would let someone encase his manhood and lock it up was beyond comprehension to me a the time. But for some reason, something must have made the sight of the CB-2000 on him interesting to me. Or maybe it was the way the ladies enjoyed laughing at him (in a fun way), or the way his Domme enjoyed telling about it. I'm not sure.

All I know is that for several months, I spent thinking about this thing. First how odd it was, then gradually how it might be fun to play with, then finally that it would be the ultimate means of submission. Anyway, to make a long story short, I eventually got one, and have been interested in chastity since. I've since moved and sadly the tea group has long since ended. But along the way, I've since found this site (thanks to MM) and made some amazing friends due to my interests in BDSM and chastity. And I now not only no longer think that male chastity is odd, but rather think that more women should embrace it and incorporate it into their lives and relationships.
My interest in chastity started about 12 years ago or so. At that time, I was a horny teenager and I was surfing the web late at night one night. I don't quite recall how I stumbled on it, probably a bunch of link surfing, but I found Altairboys site, which was still pretty new at the time. I remember that night, I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning reading every post, found some other sites too like Jan Thor's, and a few yahoo "clubs" as they were back then. It was at that moment that I knew that I wanted to be locked in a cb for long periods of time.

I got my first one when I was 18, though I made a few makeshift ones prior to that, and finally have a full steel belt which I do wear long term and I couldn't be happier about it. Well, still wish I had a keyholder, but I'm working on that.
Here's a cut and paste from O/our journal about how W/we started with chastity:

"since the beginning of O/our Ds relationship Mistress had talked about male chastity. W/we knew nothing about it. She loved the idea of teasing my cock while it was encased in leather so i could see but not feel. the idea intrigued U/us both but so do so many other ideas that W/we just haven't gotten to yet.

recently Mistress and i were having some great sex, i was doing Her from behind...Her favorite position. W/we both love dirty talk. She was talking about how She loved getting fucked by "Her" cock and playing with "Her" toy. She slipped in some chastity ideas, saying that i wasn't allowed to play with Her cock or cum without permission. She said She wanted to lock me up. the idea really turned me on. i asked Her if She would tell all Her friends and She said "of course, i may even show them". well that was it for U/us...Mistress exploded and so did i.

after W/we cooled off i asked Her if She was serious about male chastity. She said, "yes, and You will do some research and order a device tomorrow!" "yes, Mistress!"

the next day i googled "male chastity device". that's where i found the CBX000 product line. (actually i had seen them before on sex toy websites.) that's also where i found (which i don't really like) and Chastity Mansion (which i adore!). i read all i could about devices and selected the CB3000. i sent Her a link at work, gained Her approval and ordered it right away.

we couldn't wait for the CB3000 to come. of course it came when She was at work so i immediately called Her. i begged Her permission to try it on. She said "you WILL put it on right now! you will slip the lock in place but you are NOT to snap it shut. when I get home you will show it to Me immediately and I will click the lock shut!" "yes, Mistress, thank You Mistress!"

my hands were shaking as i tried each ring for fit. i tried the 2nd smallest ring and my balls turned purple right away...too tight. it seemed that the middle one was about right, not too snug and not too tight, so i stuck with that one. i slipped on a couple of spacers and went for the tube. OMG, how am i gonna get inside that thing? not that i'm huge but i was so excited that i was aroused. i was also dry so i lubed lightly with baby oil and started my "do not cum" mantra, "loading dead babies into a truck with a pitchfork...loading dead babies into a truck with a pitchfork..." that always works so my cock shriveled. i quickly slipped inside and slid the lock in place before i could get hard again. whew...just in time. i'm so excited about my device and Mistresses new control over me that i'm already getting hard again...but i can't. the tube starts to tighten and feel uncomfortable. as i get longer my balls begin to pinch between the ring and the cage...OUCH!!! no more erection! i suddenly don't know if the reality of this is as exciting as the idea.

when Mistress gets home W/we head immediately for the bedroom for are home. i drop my pants and Mistress begins Her inspection. "I like this!" She says, a little too eagerly for me. She starts to fondle the shaft like it was my cock and i begin to respond. "How does that feel?" She asks with a gleam in Her eye and a wicked smile. "Ouch!", i say, "Mistress please..." Mercifully She stops and quickly snaps the lock shut.
"but Mistress," i beg, "don't i get to cum before You lock me up?"
"You get to cum when I say so, slave" She barks, "and it's not today. Remember, Mistress always cums first! Now, give me the key."

i hand Her the key and She slips it onto the ring with Her car keys. it looks so innocent there among the other keys but there is ohh so much power in that key.

all that night She teases me whenever W/we are alone, just a little, just until i start panting. yes, i find myself slipping into Lamaze breathing to bear the pain and start the shrinkage process. this sucks...but at the same time i'm drunk on Her display of power over me. i'm so in love with my Mistress!!

that night She is totally aroused over the chastity device. "Lick My Pussy" She commands and i eagerly comply. mmm, Her Pussy is always so fresh, wet and delicious. i struggle a little with my task because i keep getting aroused. i'm not sure, but maybe i'm doing a better job because i'm concentrating only on Her pleasure and trying to suppress mine. as usual She comes hard 3 or 4 times and then pushes my tongue away. as W/we lay there in Her afterglow i notice Her breathing change. "Mistress?" no response. OMG, She's asleep already. what about me? Shit!!!

the next morning i notice my next problem with the device. i always wake up hard and end up rubbing myself on Mistress or on the bed. as i'm just barely waking the pain in my balls jolts me awake. i realize in horror...oh shit, no more morning erections!

Mistress notices my discomfort and asks, "are you ok, honey?" i tell Her my predicament and She says, "well I guess you'll just have to get used to that". as Y/you can see i'm getting no sympathy from Mistress.

as i watch Her drive away that morning i realize...shit, there goes the key. all day, every day it will be 22 miles away in Her office. that's a scary thought! another scary more back to bed for a private orgasm.

of course, that day Mistress gets Her period. so i'm locked up with no chance for intercourse. normally Mistress will help me in other ways (Mistress loves to taste me) but when i tell Her how horny i am She just tells me that maybe She'll release me when Her period is over, if i've been good and done all my chores. damn, 5 or 6 more days of chastity...maybe more if i'm not careful.

chastity is difficult. i find that there are 2 states that you're in. either you are so horny that sex is all you can think about or you find something else to delve into to keep your mind off sex. it's like walking a tight rope, you need to maintain balance...just enough sexy thoughts to keep you only slightly aroused...too much and ouch! and i'm always dripping pre-cum which is pretty funny because i'm usually naked in my room. twice a day i lubricate my cock with a Q-tip dipped in baby's so comfortable when i slide back and forth inside due to arousal.

so finally it's Friday night and Her period is over. W/we go out for drinks and She keeps teasing me and jingling Her keys. i still don't know if i will be released. mercifully when we get home She releases me. OMG does it feel good to get hard. Mistress is loving this. W/we get into bed She restrains me, gets on top and rides me like a rodeo bull. surprisingly i hold out a long time (thank you dead baby mantra). i really thought i would explode instantly...and when i did cum i came about a gallon. She starts drying me off with a towel...Mistress is a squirter...and i'm getting aroused again, like ten seconds after coming i'm hard as a rock again (i usually need 10 or 15 minutes). Mistress keeps rubbing and rubbing even though i'm already dry. we both start laughing when i say "i think i was dry 5 minutes ago" and i jump on top of Her and have another great fuck.

Mistress left me unlocked all weekend and we had lots of fun. i took my weekly punishment unlocked but couldn't help wonder what that would feel like locked up. She locked me back up on Sunday. actually i have to go into the bathroom where i can't see or hear Her to put on the device, otherwise i get hard. i slip the lock in place, but only Mistress can snap the lock...or unlock it.

well that was my first week in chastity. there's more to tell about the second week, perhaps tomorrow. i love outing myself with these journal entries and i hope Y/you like them too."

a lot of water has passed under the bridge since that entry from a year ago. W/we still play with the CB3000 occasionally but mostly i'm on the honor system, which works well for U/us.
Timbo and Stroppy: I'm speechless..and if you know me at all, that NEVER happens!!! What you wrote to me I will remember forever. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You've made my heart swell with pride. :loveCM: MWAH!!
Thanks for posting the link to your 3some adventure, John. I do so love Vegas!!!! :party0011: Oooooo...could you imagine a get together with some of us in Sin City?!?. Oh my goodness, I'd need a separate account for the bail money alone. :evilgrin0010: I would still really like to make this 3some/slave thing happen *oh, let's keep it a secret between us, ok...don't want pet finding out* because not only is it something he would LOVE, I think it would be a wicked good time as well. Yeah, I'm one of THOSE girls. The more the merrier I say! So, come on my fellow mansion.ers....I want to hear your stories, too!!!!
I saw the devices for about the last year as i ordered BDSM gear to figure out how to satisfy the mysterious urge from within. Not until i found the mansion did i begin to understand it more. Then i felt compelled to buy a device and see if i could try to make this fantasy of mine become something of a reality between me and my wife. It's been working out pretty great so far and its only been a few weeks.

Goddess Jen, you sound so much like my Wife/KH. the whole thing sounds so much like us. The porn aspect, everything. She has also talked about doing things with a girl but says she knows she is just not a lesbian or bi. She enjoys watching women together in porn though. She also has tried some of my bondage fantasies and we have had a little fun but it never seemed to be exactly what she wanted. And now i realize that what i was really looking for with those fantasies was her ability to control me. Sure, i like a good spanking, but when she uses me to please her, while paying no concern to doing something for me, that is where it is really at. And the look of satisfaction and pleasure she gets when she is enjoying her power over me is absolutely pricless.
I started by stumbling across chastity devices whilst browsing the net, which led to reading many a story and getting me very intrigued.
So one day after a while i gave into the urge and decided i should get one. Once it arrived and wore it on and off only to realise it only really has full effect if you have someone holding your key and controlling your chastity.

I had come across Mistresses/goddess's/Ladys offering online chastity training before and decided i should bite the bullet and email a few to see what sort of response i got and how it all worked.
I recieved a few replies and felt a connection with the one who is now my Lady and keyholder. She decided like many a good keyholder to break me in slowly by doing a small stint of three days to a week to see if it was for me, and it was :)
After my first stint i had been able to settle on my perfect setting on my cb3000 and was ready for a longer period of which she decided should be 2 weeks - 1 month. Now this really started to break me into the little sissy pet i am now. And by this time the trust and the connection had built up into a great relationship.

Then came the last of my training periods of which im in now, It started off as a set one month, but then came the twist. She wanted to know whether i was willing to wear ladys panties during my training.
I had never done or thought about doing this before but found myself not being able to say no. Once i ordered the panties she wanted me to wear, she informed me that she would want a picture of me in my panties sending to her on a set day each week and if i forgot once, 1 week would be added to my chastity, forget twice = 2 weeks and so on...

Now that doesnt sound to hard to forget, but the first time i had to do it i forgot to attach the picture to the email, DOH!! So that was a extra week added on for making the mistake. But in the same email she said i could get back in her good books if i were to add a pair of stockings and suspender belt to my recently purchased panties.
So once again i couldnt say no, and so i now have frilly panties stockings and suspenders. But that wasnt all, she then said that now she wanted 2 pictures on 2 different days each week and it would be double the time added on for being forgetful.

The first couple of weeks after i remembered to send the pictures and eveything was going good, until yes you got it i forgot again!!
I was then told that was 2 weeks added on plus a extra month because id stepped out of line to much and if i became forgetful again id have to add POI to my device for the rest of my training period. So now id gone from one month to 11 weeks in chastity and being turned into the sissy im becoming.

Im now eight weeks in and have managed not to forget to send another picture, it has certainatly broken me and all i want to do is please my Lady. Once this last training period is over i will then go into her full time chastity where i won't know when and if i get released and if i will get to orgasim.

I know this was supposed to be how you started in chastity, but i couldnt stop writing the brief outline of my time in chastity.
Hope i havent bored you all and you enjoy it :)

well done slavematt for having the guts to actually go out there and do something about that niggling thought in your mind.It is so easy to sit and think "what if" and spend your all too short time just dreaming of what might have been. Hope all goes well for you now you are well on the way.:anim_12:
Orgasm free, but healthy!

Slave Matt,

Since you have quickly gone from frequent orgasms to long term chastity you need talk to your kH about keeping your prostate healthy. Have you asked your KH about milkings and anal relief Matt?

Stay healthy sissy!

Cindy :cat:
Not a problem, respectful. This thread is not just for me. It's just a way for us to "connect" with each other. The simalarities and differances of our journey and the way we started.
Respectful said:
Slave Matt,

Since you have quickly gone from frequent orgasms to long term chastity you need talk to your kH about keeping your prostate healthy. Have you asked your KH about milkings and anal relief Matt?

Stay healthy sissy!

Cindy :cat:

Hi Cindy

I havent spoke about this with my Lady, so i'll mention it next time.
Thanks for the advice :)

Have just began down this road of discovery

Hi ,
Im quite new to all this, in fact until a couple of weeks ago, id never really heard of it, let alone considered it, My partner and i have been together for quite a long time, and are very much in love, sharing a good sexual relationship, We began exploring roleplay, and bondage, which have kind of lead us to this. I purchase a rather cheap and inadequate device, a few weeks ago, then when id got a taste for it, i decide to buy a more expensive model, it began well, It was metal and secure, but it did tend to pull everything down which in some cases was quite nice, but it also was not very discrete, therefore i would have to keep having it taken off for work, e.t.c. and then be trusted to place it back on after, which kind of defeated the object, So then i decided to splash out on a more expensive model again,and after many hours of research, i decided on the CB6000s (short cage) which has justed arrived, and is now on. It is a lot lighter, and i think more comfy, but mainly i can wear my trousers with out feeling conspicous, and therefore now im in, im in for good, or at least til my partner feels a deserve some attention, I have also devised a points system, which by doing things to please my partner,(ironing, shopping, oral) i can then get teased and denied , of course this depends on weither my partner can be bothered, and i hope sometimes she cant, im hoping this experience stays unpredictable.
Road of discovery

Having just began down this road of discovery, i would really appreciate, any input, ideas e.t.c, concerning keyholding, tease and denial, length of periods between release, I am concidering letting my partner have conplete control of the keys. i.e. no emergency key or plan, as i think this would make me feel totally kept, and completly hand over my manhood to my partner, also i am finding that i am extremley horny quite quickly, and im wondering if the is a high ( duration that doesnt get any better, when added to,) my partner has been letting me out, after securing my hands behind my back and then teasing me, which i find very very frustrating, but also out of this world, i dont think my partner realised til this point how important and powerful my orgasm is, i was acting like a pathetic puppy, wanting more and more attention, then back on with the device. Id like her to make love to me, before placing the device back on me, without me achieving orgasm, but then if i suggest it, its like im in control, and thats the last thing i want. Since i have began this lifestyle , i have been seeing my partner through different eyes,i cant get enough of her, cant do enough for her, want to hold her, kiss her, it can be extremely intense, and i dont put it all down to just wanting to make love to her, and cum inside her ( although of course i do)