How short is too short?


Long term member
Jun 26, 2017
My current cage is 57.2 mm (2.25 inch) and I normally fill it out quite well, with the glans always pressed against the front bars or even sticking out a little bit. Only when my balls hang really low the cage will fall down, leaving a gap at the front and the top half hanging out.

I wonder if I should go a bit shorter and how much.

Ignoring the fit, I was thinking that shorter is better because it's less weight (so maybe also less hanging down) and also less visible in pants (you can sometimes see it poking out a bit).

But is something like 50 mm (1.97 inch) too short? That's several cm shorter than my normal flaccid size when measured standing from the top. But when I sit down completely straight, with the penis pulled into the abdomen, the length on the bottom is about 5 cm. So when sitting this size might be ideal. But when standing or lying down it it wouldn't be long enough.

But then there's all these people squeezing into a nub or flat cage, so I guess it's fine to wear a too short cage?
It's largely preference I believe. For me about 2.5" is perfect. Not too squished, can pee standing up and not all over my balls.
For me I would say that I can go really small, IF you consider two factors:

1) Did your weenis learn already to not go errect at night (that often) anymore?

2) Did you learn during the day to stay away from too much porn?

if bothare yes, then go as small as you can imagine.
My flaccid is 3 1/2" and I'm wearing 3/4" cages, one a Jail Bird and one a New Fun cage (Cherry Keeper site). With both you can urinate without mess. Both are very comfortable but, because of their size, need cleaning more often than my old longer cages.
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I don't get the fascination with very short cages. They are too easy to pull out of. To me that defeats the purpose.
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I don't get the fascination with very short cages. They are too easy to pull out of. To me that defeats the purpose.

Pain to clean as well. People talk about carrying syringes to rinse or say just hop in shower after you pee. Who honestly has patience or time for that.

Some very good argument against it. It seems to be a popular idea that when you buy a new cage, you have to downsize compared to before, but few arguments why it would have to be that way.
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When I got my 3D printed device made I had it the same length as the cage Id been wearing for years as that’s what worked for me, I also have noticed that a number of people seem obsessed with going smaller and smaller.
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I believe that most people wearing a cb longterm agree that for this use those zero length cages do no make sense.
However I personally like a snug fit and too much space inside even hurts a lot when getting an erection. So measuring the smallest state and getting a device with a snug fit for that size worked quite well for me. No need going any smaller than that.
Not to mention escapability. I can easily pull out of a 65cm (or shorter) cage, even with a tight ring. Pulling out of a 95cm cage is impossible, as is pulling out of a Holy Trainer.
I started with a 3+inch cage. It was definitely way too big. Next one was about 3 inches. Still a bit big my head would slip away from the top of cage and it made wearing it sometimes uncomfortable. Then I got this 2.3 inch cage two weeks ago for my Bday. I never feel like it’s too big now. It definitely feels tight when trying to get an erection but I would say it’s the best size for the job. I won’t be going any smaller since that would just be a nub size. I think my KH thought it would be way too small until she saw me wear it and realized I have a small penis when soft.
I started with a 3+inch cage. It was definitely way too big. Next one was about 3 inches. Still a bit big my head would slip away from the top of cage and it made wearing it sometimes uncomfortable. Then I got this 2.3 inch cage two weeks ago for my Bday. I never feel like it’s too big now. It definitely feels tight when trying to get an erection but I would say it’s the best size for the job. I won’t be going any smaller since that would just be a nub size. I think my KH thought it would be way too small until she saw me wear it and realized I have a small penis when soft.

Thanks. More confirmation that the correct size is slightly shorter than completely flaccid, but no shorter.
I am a grower and quite small when flaccid. I have been locked in an authentic Holy Trainer Version 5 Nub since last October. The fit and comfort are perfect for us.
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HT V5 nub and it fits like a glove and rarely comes off.
My DOMME reminds me often how tiny and useless my clit is to her.
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It appears no-one has yet mentioned the current craze for 'inverted' cages.
As I write this I am currently wearing the one shown above. (Aliexpress: very cheap !) It actually pushes the penis back into the body cavity so there is absolutely no chance of of pulling-out.
It is quite new, very comfortable - but probably not suitable for long-term wear.
It seems as if your penis has disappeared completely, although if you look inside yourself you can just see the tip of your glans.
It's a very strange sensation and psychologically gets me into subspace almost immediately. Makes me feel humiliated, emasculated and incredibly submissive.
There's a sweet spot between being short enough to stop erections, and being so short that the compression creates the need for more frequent unlocking for hygine.
With well fitting cages, the shorter it is (including inverted), the more comfortable it is, but the shorter it is, the less visibility and access you have to keep yourself clean without removal.

It's always going to be a trade off between comfort and the need to unlock for hygine checks and cleaning.
I am thinking of getting a bigger cage. I think my current cage is about 52mm long. Very comfortable wearing however no chance to clean properly without removing. I also find my skin pushing through the gaps can get a little bit tender. I have been contemplating the Cobra S. Possibly also the steel guardian which says it is 87mm. I don't want to end up with 1 too long though. the S at 64 only looks as big as the one I am in.
I am thinking of getting a bigger cage. I think my current cage is about 52mm long. Very comfortable wearing however no chance to clean properly without removing. I also find my skin pushing through the gaps can get a little bit tender. I have been contemplating the Cobra S. Possibly also the steel guardian which says it is 87mm. I don't want to end up with 1 too long though. the S at 64 only looks as big as the one I am in.
I'm in a N+ and ordering the S soon. I liked the steel the guardian from oxy but reviews don't seem to be good. That put me off.
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My flaccid is 3 1/2" and I'm wearing 3/4" cages, one a Jail Bird and one a New Fun cage (Cherry Keeper site). With both you can urinate without mess. Both are very comfortable but, because of their size, need cleaning more often than my old longer cages.
Same dimensions and JB as you, but I find the short cages easier to clean. I thought for quite some time that very short cages were something I could never adjust to , but it is actually more comfortable being squished to that size with no where to go and press against.
ultimately i think it'll take time combined with a little "luck" from mother nature at the start. i fit very nicely into a 1 inch, open bar chastity, along with a close cap style. it didn't take long to get there which is a good thing since i can go many moons without release, and that in turn makes me a better maid for Her.
I am thinking of getting a bigger cage. I think my current cage is about 52mm long. Very comfortable wearing however no chance to clean properly without removing. I also find my skin pushing through the gaps can get a little bit tender. I have been contemplating the Cobra S. Possibly also the steel guardian which says it is 87mm. I don't want to end up with 1 too long though. the S at 64 only looks as big as the one I am in.

iMHO bigger cages are better, assuming you touch the end when flaccid. For most people 65mm or 85mm is ideal.