How to attract more Keyholders to chastity/this site?

Goddess Gaia

Looking for my knight in Philadelphia
Verified Female
Mar 30, 2018
Philadelphia, PA
I'm making a post in the Keyholders forum as well, but here's a place we can all discuss our ideas. What keeps Keyholders, especially women Keyholders, away from this site?

What worked when you introduced chastity to your partner that gained their interest? What blunders were made that turned them away from the idea?

What changes could be made to the Mansion to bring more Keyholders?

Eager to hear all your ideas!
I showed my wife here when we first started, huge mistake. She thought I wanted to be feminized, cucked all of the things unfortunately attached to chasity. It turned her off idea if anything. Once she realized that wasn't the case she embraced it quickly. As far as mistakes I overwhelmed her and made it about me not her. Nobody will ever convince me a kh wants to hear about your dick or your wants all day. It's entirely backwards and selfish frankly. Once I realized that everything got a million percent better. As far as making the average vanilla esque kh comfortable. I can only think keep the various kinks in their forums, not spilling out all over all the place. There's a huge misconception if you're in chastity you're this or that. Fixing that would be a great start in my opinion.
I'm making a post in the Keyholders forum as well, but here's a place we can all discuss our ideas. What keeps Keyholders, especially women Keyholders, away from this site?

What worked when you introduced chastity to your partner that gained their interest? What blunders were made that turned them away from the idea?

What changes could be made to the Mansion to bring more Keyholders?

Eager to hear all your ideas!
My Wife and I have been together for a very long time.

We are not a great example. She is a natural tease and has been since She was 17.

Chastity was almost a natural for Her to find appealing over me when I introduced it in 2008

I was oh, controlling, selfish, self serving, had a bit of misogynistic behavior (i.e. "Men's jobs vs women's jobs"...I'm sorry)

As well as totally not ready for the intensity that is male chastity, nor ready to give up control at all.

I thought I wanted these degrading and abusive memes, I would send Her various memes, pictures of men in abusive chastity situations. She would respond in a way that would be agreeable to the idea that I sent the pic, but not much more.

Coupled with my not so desirable attitude at times when we did deny my orgasms. So much so, we would never go much more than a week with the cage on. In fact, our max days of chastity was only 16 up until April of last year.

She took it very slow, even to the point of putting the cage away for very long periods, until we could get "excited about the idea again"

It took years and years for me to "get it". Each time our sessions ended...I felt a sense of emptiness, a sense of disconnect from my Wife :(

And I knew deep down it was the chastity that made the connection.
I suspected that @MrsLockNkey felt the same way...and I silently started to desire that connection even though it was tough to stop cumming and what would eventually become, for me, complete masturbation cessation.

Fast forward to last March and I found the link to this website

And sent it to my Wife.

(Another poster here told me that his Wife actually found this site and read it Herself )

She read it as the green light to go for the increased intimacy that denial provided us and started working me into a 90 day season of no ejaculating or masturbation for me.

In the meantime of that, I introduced Her to this site. She loved it and signed right up. Since then more Wives/KH have been posting.

I think the narrative of romance and intimacy and connection needs to be pushed to attract more KH's.

Idk how to do that

And not the boomer tier "memes" that are actually smut novelas. But real memes.

I have seen a lot of people complain on this site "there are enough meme threads."
I disagree. However I do agree they should continue being more isolated / contained as opposed to every other post being another 7 post meme thread flooding the board.

Memes are meant to go viral within a culture because they reflect something about culture.

Having more memes dedicated to attracting a female audience (with a little CM branding) instead of memes focused on appealing to sexually frustrated male fantasies, will inevitably attract more females and for the most part key holders.

I've seen some ongoing threads including something along the lines of "shareable memes", "Vanilla memes", "memes without cross dressing and feminization" etc. These are more friendly when casting a wide net.

And then from there it's a matter of either going to female heavy spaces and spread the memes like seeds or find some more vanilla memes that can be shared by men with their future keyholders.

But like it or not, memes are marketing.
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Stupid memes ruined it for everyone.

Anyhow... my opinion is that this site is primarily aimed at men's fantasies, which tend to be darker and more extreme. CM has a long history of being a home for guys into cross dressing, being sissified, being cucked, or being a slave to a cruel domme.

Most women, especially vanilla wives, are horrified by these kinds of things. Over the years, I have heard from a lot of women who are totally freaked when they first started looking into male chastity. Hell, 25 years ago, my own wife went online to see what this "female domination" stuff was about, and it totally freaked her out. She still has no interest in looking at other sex-themed websites or forums.

And that's just on the surface. There's also the obsequious and annoying simping that women on forums often put up with, both in the forum posts, and in their DMs. I know this is a problem because I mod other groups more chill than this one, and it happens even in those groups.

Quite bluntly, this site is not for vanilla, beginner, women keyholders.

Where should they begin? IMO, there are a few books available (do people still read books?), and a few websites have been mentioned. Those are probably better ways to get women interested, as opposed to dropping them into a site crawling with sissy cuck wannabes.
You make a lot of good points, Tom.
However, I still think there's ways to improve the site.

How about under the Start Here forum, we added a few pages:
-What is chastity?
-How does this site work?
-Your partner suggested chastity, now what?
-Tips for people who want to be locked up

And maybe instead of a ton of threads, those links led to one page for each item for example the partner one could have that list of helpful books/websites, tips for the chaste could be "don't simp, don't spam" this way it's not so overwhelming to read.
Stupid memes ruined it for everyone.

Anyhow... my opinion is that this site is primarily aimed at men's fantasies, which tend to be darker and more extreme. CM has a long history of being a home for guys into cross dressing, being sissified, being cucked, or being a slave to a cruel domme.

Most women, especially vanilla wives, are horrified by these kinds of things. Over the years, I have heard from a lot of women who are totally freaked when they first started looking into male chastity. Hell, 25 years ago, my own wife went online to see what this "female domination" stuff was about, and it totally freaked her out. She still has no interest in looking at other sex-themed websites or forums.

And that's just on the surface. There's also the obsequious and annoying simping that women on forums often put up with, both in the forum posts, and in their DMs. I know this is a problem because I mod other groups more chill than this one, and it happens even in those groups.

Quite bluntly, this site is not for vanilla, beginner, women keyholders.

Where should they begin? IMO, there are a few books available (do people still read books?), and a few websites have been mentioned. Those are probably better ways to get women interested, as opposed to dropping them into a site crawling with sissy cuck wannabes.
While thinking about @Goddess Gaia's question, I went back to reread The Owner Of This Site's interpretation of the CM charter. Her post quite clearly says She views CM as (almost explicitly, my words, not Hers) for beginners. It's well worth the time to read it.

Perhaps it could be part of the a new member's account verification: sign up with your email, read a summarized version of it and post some type of acknowledgement before being allowed to post anywhere else. No, that's not a panacea, but at least folks could not claim ignorance when a mod contacts them about overstepping some boundaries.
You make a lot of good points, Tom.
However, I still think there's ways to improve the site.

How about under the Start Here forum, we added a few pages:
-What is chastity?
-How does this site work?
-Your partner suggested chastity, now what?
-Tips for people who want to be locked up

And maybe instead of a ton of threads, those links led to one page for each item for example the partner one could have that list of helpful books/websites, tips for the chaste could be "don't simp, don't spam" this way it's not so overwhelming to read.
Great idea! Building on that, I like your perspective and fundamental premise. As a woman, what do you want? You seem to straddle worlds, between kink and a good woman wanting love and companionship. Why are you here? (And I apologize if you've already posted this and I missed it from earlier posts). Your question still stands, and I think let's address is:

You say:

"I was involved in the local BDSM community for 3 years, went to munches, lectures, parties. I know the general rules and some philosophy of BDSM. But the longer I was involved, the more uncomfortable I got. I know why BDSM makes sense for those who practice it, and people can consent to whatever they want. The more I learned about SM the more upset I got. I just couldn't be around it, so I left altogether.

It's always confounded me that of all the d/s kinks, male chastity is one where the two sides often *don't share the same fantasies. We almost seem to oppose each other, sometimes. The fact that we have a separate thread of sharable memes for your KH I think speaks for itself. I've heard on this site over the years guys wondering or lamenting why there aren't more KHs here, and all I can say is if memes are our "marketing", they're probably turning off more than they're attracting. And there are many memes where the KH talks about tricking the man into permanent chastity, which isn't consensual, which I do consider abusive.

I don't want to rant or ruin the thread, or anyone's fun. It just feels like the site, as much as it welcomes and respects KHs, isn't a very KH-friendly place, because we want such different things."

What would make it keyholder friendly? I've explored chastity from my own personal desire, mixed with my wife's desires and our journey together. No meme's, lots of psychology, conversation, weird looks, droopy days, happy days, sexy days, not so sexy days, orgasms, denial of orgasms, and genuine desire to figure ourselves and each other out and make an awesome couple who has fun together and role models for our kids so they can move the ball forward in terms of human evolution into being good people with integrity on who they are.

Your list, above, is covered in numerous books. But it (and them) don't hit on the quintessential question...why chastity? Why not "oatmeal for breakfast after Qi Gong?" Why is chastity the answer to bringing couples together, not from a guy's perspective, but from a vanilla", or not so vanilla, down to earth, real woman's, feminine perspective?

I know from a guys perspective...two parts to it. We want YOU to be happy. First and foremost. We want to serve, we want to honor you and exalt the feminine. Whether that's reaching high things on shelves, seeing you laugh or cry over a great chick flick or taking you to exquisite orgasm. We're drawn to the feminine. We also our fantasies, the stuff in those meme's. We want challenges, we want to feel, in the present, pleasure, pain, challenge, GRRRRR...masculine power. We're visual, we're sexual, we're physical. We want you out of your head in sweaty in bed. And in that, we want to be wrapped around your finger. Passion. All of it. Same stuff you want, our version of it. Lock us up and it amplifies our focus by 600%. We simply have two brains guiding our lives. Lock up the lizard brain and unique things happen. They could be fun to !@#$ with.

Why chastity? For you?

I know you want a more nurturing, healing place in this, correct? My wife does, too. She nurtures. She loves, takes care of, and identifies with that. She's not a dominatrix, she's not hard (though she can be if it nurtures...honestly, deep down inside she would be a fabulous dominatrix!). She doesn't identify with it as typically presented, and catering to my desires for challenge, strength, pushing boundaries and edges is a challenge for her. Maybe that tension is good, if it manifests in the right way. If it was all rainbows and unicorns maybe it would be too easy, no challenge, and boring. I want to be her knight. Knights pursue, chase, conquer, kill the dirty work (these days it's bugs on the wall, mice, and car repairs...yay) We are ultimately rugged, and yet crave your softness.

My wife wants me to challenge her, yet support her. Hold firm and call her on her BS, yet hold her and support her and keep her safe. She wants to be contained and lead. While also being free to be herself, grow and find her own expansion. How do we blend this with chastity, and male desire to be held and captivated by the feminine?

Somehow all of this needs to converge in the modern world to amplify masculinity and femininity into the raw duality that brings fire and passion. I think in this lies the answer to "why chastity".
I agree that some kind of "Welcome!" packet or orientation would be more inviting, for Females and males alike.

I really like the verified Female only subforum. I enjoy reading the thoughts and discussions of Female Keyholders and especially like that that's all I can read there: no men's voices allowed.

I also like that a few verified Females have taken the initiative to spin that into a restricted chat room meeting. Even given all the time differnce issues, I think it's a great idea and hope it grows and becomes more prominent.

Perhaps a subforum for "only" Keyholders would be more inviting to new comers to male chastity. While it would be open to everyone (I can't imagine a successful verification process) it could be a designated space for posts from a Keyholder's perspective to discuss/explore chastity: questions, ideas, "how do I...", ups, downs, dispelling guilt, etc.
Perhaps, too, the role of moderator could be revised. I don't mean more editorial control over who posts about what (from my previous link, that seems to have been a severe issue at some point). Rather, just the ability to relocate posts - to marshall or "ride herd" over a post about topic X in a subforum about topic Y. That may help keep the vanilla thread more vanilla and let the exotic flavors with caramel, sprinkles, whipped (ha!) cream, and cherries be easier for folks to find and sample if they choose.

As a pipe dream (and I have no idea if it's even possible, much less any implementation modalities) it might be refreshing if the creator of a thread had some modicum of control over its contents. The Owner Of This Site has commented before that it's not desirable for mods to have the ability to remove posts, so I can't imagine that for general members.

Perhaps a thread's originator could be empowered/encouraged to politely ask folks to refrain from posting comments that are way off topic (threadjacking), antithetical to the thread's premise, or are otherwise unwanted, even if they don't violate the ToS. After x number of polite requests, the originator could ask a mod to bounce folks from the thread.
My two cents:

I originally came here as my partner and I were a few months into trialing chastity, we were sat at the computer together looking at sex toys and I think
the site had an advert at the side for this place? I could be wrong it was a few years ago, he pointed it out and I asked him to make me an account and a few days later I logged in to check what this place was.

He has never had an account, is currently not allowed one and I am slowly coming around to the idea of allowing him to come here as I dont think he could do anything to make me look stupid or say something that I would need to control at this point which was my original concern.


This is my loyal, locked up obedient little dummy for those who have never met him.

Needless to say, with a few breaks here and there, I am still hanging out here, its an alternative to using facebook messenger or whatsapp for me.
My self-employed work requires I spend a lot of time sat on a laptop, its easy for me to tab switch to something to take my boredom away or change
the scenery, I still enjoy coming here, I have met some genuinely nice people, made some friends in the community both male and Female and of
course I fell in love with keyholding, dominating and teasing online once I discovered that was a thing.

There are a few things that stand out to me as a foible for attracting and keeping the attention of potential new Female members.

1. Greeting and encouragment to explore the site:
I see many of you with your wonderful greetings, very professional and polite, always presented well and respectful.
Perhaps it would help if you signal boost where the Female community hangs out, the chat room that we have, I have personally greeted many recent new members and have worked hard to try and encourage them to stay and chat, meet the other members, if you want the Female members to stay then we should all be encouraging the Female specific community to grow.

2. Please stop greeting obvious scammers, pretenders and fake Female accounts, both in greeting and in the chat room.
There are so many easily spotted new accounts that are here to advertise their onlyfans/porn, they want to talk off site or are so clearly men pretending to be Women for kicks and they all get slobbering, gooning idiots giving them attention. Dont get me wrong I am all for the actual Women taking advantage of their rightful ability and position but it takes away from the site, its not what the site is about, so please stop and think before greeting an obvious account that has no interest in being here, they wont ever contribute to the site and that hurts the site overall.

3. The Female community.
As I have said before, I think strengthening the Female community here is important, it has always been an uphill task, I think I am on my fourth attempt over the past year or so to get things ticking over and I would like to think I have made some very important connections and friendships so far but getting everyone together is like herding adhd geese on acid lol.
You have to also remember Women are generally not obsessed with chastity, we are not talking about it all day, day in/day out, this site is not somewhere
that Women are going to frequent, YOU are obsessed with chastity and that is why most of the men come here every day and talk about nothing else.
Maybe stop and think once in a while that if you see a Woman is online here they may want to talk about something other than your dick.

Anyway thats my two cents.

Goddess Jade.
You make a lot of good points, Tom.
However, I still think there's ways to improve the site.

How about under the Start Here forum, we added a few pages:
-What is chastity?
-How does this site work?
-Your partner suggested chastity, now what?
-Tips for people who want to be locked up

And maybe instead of a ton of threads, those links led to one page for each item for example the partner one could have that list of helpful books/websites, tips for the chaste could be "don't simp, don't spam" this way it's not so overwhelming to read.

I have to agree with Tom. This isn't the place for newbie vanilla wives who are perhaps a little apprehensive about their husband's new idea. You could try to create a Start Here or Welcome forum, but after many years around here, I'm not at all confident the cuck and cross-dressing fetish members won't scare the women off.

If you really wanted to make a change along those lines, I think you'd need most of the forums hidden by default, a requiring a specific request to join them. The visible-by-default forums would need very strict "no additional kinks" guidelines (including moderating user thumbnails and signatures). Honestly it would probably be very risky. This site really is what Tom said, for better or worse. Maybe starting a "sister site" aimed just at vanilla chastity experimentation. No discussion of feminization, or cuck stuff, or even pegging. No humiliation, no age play, probably no CBT or spanking even. An entry can point to CM with a disclaimer "more extreme excitement, but enter at your own risk."

Problem is, as Tom himself noted years ago, Chastity itself, while very fun, doesn't really give you much to talk about. So people talk about the other things, and make it sound like chastity is more about the other kinks. I
Having more memes dedicated to attracting a female audience (with a little CM branding) instead of memes focused on appealing to sexually frustrated male fantasies, will inevitably attract more females and for the most part key holders.
So CM should get some branded adverts in women’s magazines to boost its female audience? I love the idea (I’m being slightly tongue in cheek, but still it would take the site into an awesome new direction with a female majority)
This site really is what Tom said, for better or worse. Maybe starting a "sister site" aimed just at vanilla chastity experimentation. No discussion of feminization, or cuck stuff, or even pegging. No humiliation, no age play, probably no CBT or spanking even. An entry can point to CM with a disclaimer "more extreme excitement, but enter at your own risk."

Some of you may already know that a dozen years ago, several of us who were tired of the sissy, cuck, bdsm chastity groups started a forum aimed specifically at the more vanilla couples who were using chastity and denial as a way to enhance their relationship.

We have a strict rule about no weird fetish posts, and we do not even allow avatars that are sexually explicit. We tried to make it the place where a guy could point his nervous or unsure wife or partner, without worrying that she would get freaked out.

Picture forums are hidden, and while we do have a kink forum, that is also hidden. Even the KH forum is hidden, allowing the women to have discussions without the "but you're doing it wrong" feedback.

And we will ban members who DM the women making them uncomfortable.

The group is structured to allow people to just talk about the subject like friends talking over coffee (or wine).

The membership is, as you can imagine, a fraction of CM, but the members are pretty laid back, encourage each other, and we rarely have any issues.

There are a handful of relatively active KHs who have been helpful for new women.

And I should point out that most of the members are also members here, but choose to converse over there because of the reasons I mentioned previously: they do not want to be associated with the bdsm, cuck, sissy environment.
The internet is the worst place to learn about any Kink, double so for keyholding.
Agreed, but here we are and most curious people are more comfortable learning on their own computer at home rather than a munch. And, at all the in-person kink events I went to, the chaste never outed themselves. So if chaste couples won't talk about it in public, how do new people learn?
I really like the verified Female only subforum. I enjoy reading the thoughts and discussions of Female Keyholders and especially like that that's all I can read there: no men's voices allowed
I had forgotten to include that it might be helpful to have a subforum that only verified Females could access at all: no other members (e.g.: unverified or male) would even be able to read it, much less post. It would only open up after a Lady has been verified.

Of course, this may or may not be helpful to new Keyholders (vanilla or otherwise), but verified Females could spread the word to newcomers as a way to encourage them to become verified.
Gaia: thanks for starting this thread and sharing your experience in other threads on this site. There is clearly a sub-community here that want what you're looking and hoping for.

Tom: so much of what you said is spot-on. One needs to have a strong filter to come to this site and find what resonates with you; and that's just from my male perspective. This is the clearest explanation why there are so few women on this site. I wouldn't want my wife visiting the pages; I've told her there is a lot she wouldn't care for and that's enough to keep her from asking to see it. But she does have interest in some of the people and their stories I occasionally share with her. I think some of the best value is the community one can participate in.

J: thanks for posting this:
Fast forward to last March and I found the link to this website

And sent it to my Wife.

(Another poster here told me that his Wife actually found this site and read it Herself )

She read it as the green light to go for the increased intimacy that denial provided us and started working me into a 90 day season of no ejaculating or masturbation for me
I appreciate the link to A Balanced Marriage again. I didn't have the time to look at it when you mentioned it back in December and forgot about it. I read through it last night and loved the approach and content. My wife and I have reached the same place in our journey the author has and I think this would be much better content for introducing newbies. I found a few blog posts on the Cut to the Chaste website that were great introductory material for my wife that helped win her over. However, that site is now gone.
He has never had an account, is currently not allowed one and I am slowly coming around to the idea of allowing him to come here as I dont think he could do anything to make me look stupid or say something that I would need to control at this point which was my original concern.
Of course I would never presume to tell a Keyholder what to think, say, or do (particularly unsolicited). One positive thing You may wish to consider is that allowing him an account will help him have a sense of community. For me, it was encouraging to see other fellas talking about male chastity: I wasn't "suffering" (much too harsh a word) alone. I had people with whom I could commiserate and learn from.

CM helped me discover, define, and shape my "why." it also helped hearing from others whose walks were similar to my own. Knowing that other folks were enjoying and even thriving though chastity was very encouraging to me that, yes, it may start as some weird kink but it can have as much meaning as @MrsKyDave and I want to discover in it.


but getting everyone together is like herding adhd geese on acid lol.
Made me spit out my drink! Then I wondered who was on acid, the geese the herder, or all of them? Either way gave me quite a mental image!
I’m not really seeing much in the way of understanding around Goddess Gaias original question?

The answers so far involve:

Make memes/captions to advertise (who likes this type of content, men)

Limit the sites sections that you (men) don’t find appealing or think that Women will shy away from or are not interested in, (if you think that the Women here don’t find Feminisation, cuckolding and sissy content interesting then I can speak from a place of absolute assurance that more of us here have some interest in this type of content than those that don’t, you would be very suprised)

Go offsite to a place that does not contain content that you dont find appealing.

I don’t personally think the content or access to types of content is the issue here, it has to do more with the fact that this type of lifestyle and specified interest has a limited Female audience and Women pass through here at a very low rate as it is, it’s more about helping those Women that do visit and stay feel welcome, supported and respected.

I introduced two of my Female friends to the site, both are utter deviants, one was my best friend who I have been attempting to get her to lock her dickhead husband and thought this might help and the other was a neighbour who had previously been involved in sex work, but neither have stuck around because 1. the interactions they had with the men here got stale, boring and repetitive and 2. There just wasn’t the passion or interest there for them.

My takeaway from this is that you should all be treating the Women here like we are the oxygen you need to survive, we are precious few and every Woman I have met here has been utterly amazing, so caring and thoughtful with such divine souls.

Goddess Jade.
What keeps Keyholders, especially women Keyholders, away from this site?

I imagine, in no specific order;
  • They have busy lives
  • They are grossed out by random dick pics.
  • They are repulsed by the non-chastity/denial kinks and have no wish to see photos of naked men on their knees in random posts
  • They don't want to be bombarded by single men begging them to be their fantasy online partner
  • They have no interest in discussing their sex lives with strangers on the internet
  • They don't participate on any internet forums
Certainly, most or maybe all of the above explain why my GF doesn't participate here.

Bonus list
  • They are not interested in chastity and only tolerate it
  • They don't think about sex every 11.6 seconds
  • He is locked, why talk about it?
There are very few new keyholders because there are very few keyholders. Kink is a niche activity, and chasity is a niche kink. Women are far less interested in kink than men, and it's far easier for most women to play along in a mild submissive or bottom role than to be asked to take charge of something they don't understand or like. It could be argued that negotiating a non-interested woman into being a keyholder is topping from the bottom be default.

Nothing will draw non-existent keyholders to the site, but there could perhaps be a tightly moderated "Timid/New/Prospective Keyholder" subforum, perhaps woman only, where questions answered and fears resolved without pressure towards a particular dynamic or insistence on a progression towards a goal.

Post in the general forum: "my boyfriend wants me to lock him in a chastity cage during foreplay. Couldn't this hurt him?"
likely responses: "YOU MUST SEAL THE CAGE AND FEMINIZE HIM YOU WILL CUCKHOLD HIM WITH BLACKMEN AND CUT OFF HIS PENIS AND FEED IT TO HIS FEMALE RELATIVES." [200 PMs reading"I am your slave Mistress take my key I will marry you and give you my car."
New keyholder never posts again.

Reply in the new forum: "unless it's badly mis sized it would be at worst uncomfortable. Make sure you can get a finger inside the base ring, avoid dark discoloration, coldness, pain, or numbness/tingling, and have fun with it!"
I’m not really seeing much in the way of understanding around Goddess Gaias original question?

My takeaway from this is that you should all be treating the Women here like we are the oxygen you need to survive, we are precious few and every Woman I have met here has been utterly amazing, so caring and thoughtful with such divine souls.

Goddess Jade.

I have my own oxygen supply, I don't need yours. And that is the root cause of the disagreement. You see this as a site for horny guys and a handful of very kinky gals. That's fine, it is what it is. My understanding of the original question was how to make it attractive to a larger number of women.

I've made my suggestion.