I WROTE a great book


I did download. Some good pearls in here I think. We can all share experiences of the dos and don't. It's all pretty much by feel anyway.

I''ll read it by next week.

Just the beginning set the tone: You cant get what you want til you know what you want. Joe Jackson

Oh so true.

"Life' s a journey AND a process." by me, Aline
THANKS! I think you'll like it. Please let me know what you think. Everything in there is taken from my real life experiences.
congrats - as a part time writer i know how hard it is to write a book. There are a lot of lonely nights at a computer.

Great Job!
We can all write one - in fact I did start one once. It remains - half finished.

First question is - how often do you work out per week?

Good stories in there. The thing about play and especially public, is the sensations are soooo lit up. There is an alive feeling that is difficult to explain and then it crosses over when endorphins come into play. A friend of mine had a parking space at a well known establishment in the US government - yup that place. i really need to call Her sometime.

Everyone should try a public event sometime (if you can't be out - go somewhere else in the country - vacation weekend :) ).

Good stories. Make time to play - it's sooooo important.

Would be nice of you can post a submissive pic here.

