I'm in at last!


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2008
Hi all, n00b here! :wink:

Having agreed with my wife that we would give chastity a go, I ordered a CB6000 which arrived 1st thing Saturday morning! :tongue:

I've been in it since about 10am on Saturday and I must confess that it is THE most fantastic sexual experience I have EVER been thorough!

What a total turn on/nightmare this is, she has hidden the key and sworn that she will only get it out in the event of me needing a 999 emergency!!


It's the most bizarre feeling. When I say feeling I don't mean a physical feeling as in I can feel it because I can't, but the feeling of hornininess you get inside is THE most intense I have EVER felt!!

Yesterday, we went shopping and knowing I was wearing it she told me she wanted a new vibrator seeing as she wouldn't be having my cock for a while. So we tied it in with a shopping visit that we had already planned.

Then we went to an adult shop not far away and chose her a new vibrator and also bought a neck to wrist to feet restraining collar for me to be restrained in while watching her play!

I drove us home and was told in no uncertain terms that I was not to touch her or get sexual with her in any way as she would decide what happened and when!

So we got home and she did as I expected her to and told me she was going to finish some work on her laptop.

So I went into the living room to watch some TV for the next 90 minutes or so. Eventually she went upstairs, then about 5 minutes after that she called my name. She asked me to go upstairs and when I got there she was standing in the bedroom holding her vibrator. I looked at her just standing there naked and thought I was going to literally explode, but she just said "I want you to remove your shorts (that's all I had on) and fuck me with this new vibrator!

I was ready to burst, but did as I was told. She made it clear that I was not allowed to touch her tits just fuck her with the vibro.

So I carried on with the vibro for about half an hour at which point she told me to lick her pussy and make her cum!

So I did and she came in about 10 minutes.

She then told me she was going to have a shower but first she would me making use of my new restraint toy.

It's hard to explain the restraint, but essentially it's a collar with a long straight bit with fixings on it that hangs down , to which you then attach the handcuffs and ankle restraints.

So she proceeded to then put on the collar, wrist and feet restraints put me face down on the bed (so I was face down with my hands behind my back andmy feet in the air as the ankle restraints were attached to the long section that was going down my back if that makes sense!)

Then she told me I would be there until she had showered. So 10 or 15 minutes went by and she came back in the bedroom with just a towel wrapped round here (I was told to keep my head turned AWAY from the door) and asked me if I would like to see what I was missing. I of course replied yes so she walked round the bed, stood right in front of me (I was right on the edge of the bed) and dropped the towel so that I was staring at her pussy.

I wanted to look at her tits (she has fantastic tits), but I was told not to. She then made reference to the fact that her pussy was still swollen from where she had just cum and told me she was still feeling horny and that she MAY come back to play with hersef after she had dried here hair.

She turned me round so that I could watch her dry her hair and sat there with her legs wide open. Once she had finished she then took her vibrator and said "I love mirrors, you can see EVERYTHING in a mirror".

She wasn't wrong, I could see her using her vibrator on herself, but ONLY in the mirror-what a wondeful experience this was.

This went on for about another half an hour when I could sense she was getting ready to cum, she then asked me if I'd like to be released to finish her off with my tongue or the vibrator. I obvioulsy replies yes but she just said "unlucky, you can stay there and watch me". She then came very loudly and I felt her body shudder next to me.

A while after that she released me from my restraint as if nothing had happened and carried on with her work.

All I can say is this is THE horniest experience I have EVER been through, the thought that even now as I type this my cock is locked up while she has gone to work is simply unbeatable!

If anyone is thinking of trying this, my advice would be 100% do it!! It adds a dimension that you never thought possible. We have a superb sex life, but this had added things I had never experienced, it has also added a new dimension to her as she is so horny knowing that I am locked up and that she has the key and decides when I come out. Not only that, but she is not getting sexually deprived in any way, so it's win win for her!

Best sexual expoerience of my life, without ANY exception!
Some pictures...






Congratulations on being locked up. It is I agree an amazing experience. Sounds like you’re having a great time already. You just wait until you’ve been locked up for a few weeks :wink:
Slave_Kris said:
Congratulations on being locked up. It is I agree an amazing experience. Sounds like you’re having a great time already. You just wait until you’ve been locked up for a few weeks :wink:

I just can't tell you how much I am enjoying it! :tongue:

Being a n00b at chastity, it's all just so surreal-why would I want the woman I adore and who I think is the sexiest woman I've ever met (my wife) to keep me in a chastity device/prevent me from fucking her/frustrate the living daylights out of me?? :squigglemouth:

It really is bizarre when I think about it (perhaps I shouldn't!).

I'm encouraging her (and she's agreeing to) keep me sexually frustrated and only allow me the pleasure of either watching her pleasure herself or help her pleasure herself!

Either way, I really can't say how much I'm enjoying being locked up!

We've agreed on a couple of basic "rules".....

  • She is not to give me ANY indication of when I am to be unlocked. When she plans on doing it, she must literally do it on the spur of the moment during whatever sexual activity we are engaged in.
  • She will not tell me where she keeps my key under ANY circumstances (except a medical emergency!).
  • It is her decision and hers alone of what happens between us sexually. This means that she can pleasure herself when I am not home and either tell me about it or not. She can pleasure herself while I am home but make me stand outside the the room listening, in the room blindfolded so I cannot see her pleasuring herself, or simply make me watch her do it.
  • She can tell me to pleasure her in whatever way she chooses (tongue, vibrator, etc), but at no point during ANY of these activities is there any given that I will get A) Unlocked and B) Unlocked and be allowed to have sex with her.

Either way, I'm in heaven!!

So it's now been 3 and 1/2 days since I went into my CB6000 and I'm mclovin' in!

She's been away on a training course today and has just rung me to say she will not be home until gone 8pm. The course is 150 miles away and she wa son the road at 6am this morning and so she will be absolutely knackered by the time she gets home and I'm certain that sexual activity will be the last thing on her mind, so that will be another heavenly day locked up and frustrated for me!


I have made a conscious decison not to make ANY sexual advances towards her, the reasons for this are as follows:

  1. The longer I leave it, the longer I stay locked in.
  2. When she then instigates sexual contact (even if it is only watching her fuck herself with her vibrator), then I will know she is doing her best to frustrate and tease me which is perfect!
  3. When she does unlock me for sex, I will know that she geniunely wants cock, so that is perfect too!
  4. She then also has the option of unlocking me but denying me the pleasure of fucking her, instead just making me watch her cum and locking me up again-again perfect!

Does any of that make any sense!? :xd:
Welcome lockednloaded... what a wonderful start to chastity. You are VERY lucky to not be having any wearing issues with the CB6000, I'm very envious.

Lol @ Mistress Michelle! I had wondered when I saw the first pic who would have been the first to comment... gotta love the nudie look of penises in chastity! :angel:

Don't take the hair comment too personally, locked, it just seems to be part of the chastity "style". :kiss:
I would agree I'm sure your wife would love to see you smooth. It's like framing a picture almost you want your CB to stand out and look good :tongue:.
Mistress Michelle said:
Too much hair.
Maybe your Mistress would consider shaving you?
Mistress Michelle

Should I be shaved?

To be honest, I had kinda considered it as they were getting caught every now and then. :sad:
Could always give it a go, see what you can your wife think. Make sure you get a good razor with gaurds like Wilkinsons sword and some sensative shave gel. Will have to put some new pics up if you manage it.
Slave_Kris said:
Could always give it a go, see what you can your wife think. Make sure you get a good razor with gaurds like Wilkinsons sword and some sensative shave gel. Will have to put some new pics up if you manage it.

I'll tell you what-I'll give it a go!!
I have to agree. For whatever reason, shaved == submissive to me.
Mistress Watchful said:
You might want to read this before you do anything! :bigsmile:

Ouch! :cry:

I've done it before, so in honest I'm not (too!) worried.

I think it will just make life a hell of a lot easier while I'm putting it back on after showering and just generally while I'm wearing it all day and all night!

Thanks for the tip tho. :wink:
Years ago (10 or more) the Mrs and I decided no more kids. Had 1 of each model anyway. Instead of subjecting her body to all kinds of trauma I offered to have my plumbing modified. After visiting the Doc before the work was to be done he said to shave here and here before I arrive.

Well instead of shaving in 2 little spots I shaved everything. He had no problem working in that area for sure!! This was before my chastity days though I enjoyed ring play. I have shaved every week since then. No more smelly pubic hair. No accidentally getting hair caught when using the fly function of pants. More room in underwear and pants for male parts.

It's all good and the sensation is wonderful. Sex is quite different cause there was a new feeling to be experienced. Oh and since I'm compact I gained at least 1/2" (or so) of useable length without that darned jungle in the way.

Finally the chastity devices work well with area bald.

I recomend a gel type shaving cream and a fixed head razor. Edge & Trac 2.

Do not shave after a shower. This works on your face but not down there!! You will need band-aids if you do. Trust me.

From the full jungle I use an electric trimmer to get the heavy stuff but not getting close to skin. I leave about 1/4" and then keep shaving till happy. Slow and deliberate is the key.

Isn't it fun to discover something that was there all the time? .................
Thanks for the tips Richie.

I have one more question though-I am allowed to take the CB6000 off in the evening to have a shower.

Afetr I've dried myself, I apply a load of baby oil and put it back on-after this everything fits perfectly and I don't even know it's there!

However.......when I waske up the next morning it's a little uncomftable/sore on each side of the ring at the top of my ball bag (each side of the outer locking pins if that makes sense?).

Is this normal? I'm presuming (hoping) that it's just where I've been moving about during the night, coupled with the fact that I must be getting hard ons while I'm sleeping too (I normally wake with one too, so that must contribute)?

Thanks everyone for making this such a great forum. :bigsmile:
Another question (sorry :angel: ).....

One thing that has just occured to me is the fact that on the 15th of July she is going away with some friends to stay at her parents place abroad (back 19th July).

Currently, I take the CB6000 off every evening to have a shower. What I'm now considering is getting her to not give me the key, but to leave the key hidden here somewhere (that way it absolutely has to stay on while she's away), but I'm concerned how effectively I could clean down there without removing it? :ooh:

I'm also worried about getting the padlock wet too!

I'm sure she would want me to remove it and have a darned good wash before she comes back, so maybe she could text me the location of the key when she lands (we only live 15 minutes from the sirport!).

That way I could unlock, have a good shower, put it back on and go and meet her (hopefully she won't be wearing any knickers to tease me like the last time she flew back!)

All suggestions/advice welcome! :bigsmile:

Thanks all.
Yes, I've worn my cb3k upwards of 2 weeks without removal, with fastidious cleaning. We have a removable showerhead, so I just blasted it in there, and then used Q-tips to get inside to clean it. It wasn't prefect, but it was livable.
[quote name='Ms Watchful's pet']Welcome to the site, good introduction!

However, photobucket does not like you hosting nudity images on their site and as a result have taken down your images.

Please can you go back to your first post and click the 'edit' button then scroll to the bottom of the page and look for a button called 'Manage Uploads' then you can upload the pictures to our site, and you wont lose them again!



The problem is they're too big to upload to the forum as they're 1MB or so in size and I don't know how to reduce them.

Thanks for the heads up though.
A quick update!!

I ordered the "Male Chastity: A Guide for Keyholders" book which arrived today, so this evening when I got home I gave it to her (still kinda wondering what her reaction would be), but it was all positive!

So she went outside to read it while I had a shower and cleaned up, then all of a sudden shouted up "can you run me a bath please?"

This is unusual as we always shpwer, but I wondered if she had taken note of something in the book.

Anyway, I did then went down to give her back the key and she was still reading!!

She kept reading for a while, then went up to have her bath and called me up about 10 minutes later to pass me the book so I could put it on the side for her. She then asked me to grab the flannel, put some foam on it and wash her back, then her front, then she stood up right in front of me and I had to do down the rears of her legs and then the fronts of her legs (she even parted them for me slightly to go right up the inside!)

Baring in mind that I was kneeling when I did this, her pussy was inches from my face at one point, but I didn't bat an eyelid and just kept washing!!

She's now out of the bath and I've now left her upstairs laying on the bed in a towel reading the book (when she passed it to me in the bath she was on about page 55, so she's well through it an dI'm hoping it has given her some more inspiration!

I'll update as soon as!
Congratulations on your new chastity device!!!

I know you love it.

You think its fun now, wait till 2 weeks, 2 months and more.

Its AWESOME!!! :smile:
lockednloaded said:
A quick update!!

I ordered the "Male Chastity: A Guide for Keyholders" book which arrived today, so this evening when I got home I gave it to her (still kinda wondering what her reaction would be), but it was all positive!

So she went outside to read it while I had a shower and cleaned up, then all of a sudden shouted up "can you run me a bath please?"

This is unusual as we always shpwer, but I wondered if she had taken note of something in the book.

Anyway, I did then went down to give her back the key and she was still reading!!

She kept reading for a while, then went up to have her bath and called me up about 10 minutes later to pass me the book so I could put it on the side for her. She then asked me to grab the flannel, put some foam on it and wash her back, then her front, then she stood up right in front of me and I had to do down the rears of her legs and then the fronts of her legs (she even parted them for me slightly to go right up the inside!)

Baring in mind that I was kneeling when I did this, her pussy was inches from my face at one point, but I didn't bat an eyelid and just kept washing!!

She's now out of the bath and I've now left her upstairs laying on the bed in a towel reading the book (when she passed it to me in the bath she was on about page 55, so she's well through it and I'm hoping it has given her some more inspiration!

I'll update as soon as!


What an evening!!

She came down from the bedroom about half an hour later and we proceeded to watch TV.

We later went to bed and as she had asked me if I was wanking whilst I was in the bathroom adjusting the device, I asked her if she had played with herself since Sunday, to which she replied "Yes-earlier this evening" !!

So she told me that after I had gone downstairs she had felt horny, gotten her rabbit and used it until she came-and I wan't even in the room!

This made me so goddam horny I thoght my body was going to go bang, anyway she started to stroke me so I responded and she then said that I could touch her breasts.

This then escalated into me licking them whilst straddling her and at this point she started to play with herself.

After a little while I ran my tongue down there and she removed her shorts so that I could get close to her pussy.

I started to lick her (this is her favourite) and after a while she asked me to put two fingers in, so I duly obliged!

It wasn't long until she was close to coming, so I carried on moving my fingers in and out and licking her clit until she came.

After this my cock was at bursting point-I even weakened as got on to the subject of intercourse!

I explained that at that point I would have settled for 30 seconds intercourse, but she just replied "You know the rules, it's not down to you when you get unlocked to have sex, it's up to me and it's not going to happen tonight".

Wow-she goes abroad for a week on Tuesday the 15th of July, so I'm wondering if will stay on until she gets back on the evening of Sunday the 19th?

At the moment, she obviously has the key and I ask for it in the evening so that I can remove it to have a shower, what I'm thinking of doing is actually going without removing it so that when she's away I'll be used to leaving it on literally 24/7.

What I think I'm going to do is follow Mistress Watchful's advice and get some hygenic cleaner, then follow MikeCB's advice re cleaning!

If everyone here think's this is a better way than getting it removed every evening , then I'll do that.

My worry is of course that when she goes away if I'm not in it 24/7, then she will have to leave me a key to remove it each evening and shower and I don't think I want that.
I would also just kike to add that at about 10am this morning, I will have been locked up for 5 days straight!

It arrived at about 9am on Saturday and I was in it by about 10am. :xd:

Considering this is my first ever foray into chastity, I think this is amazing! :bigsmile: