Looking for new Tattoo idea


Active member
Mar 23, 2009

My KH Wife is wanting me to get another tattoo. I already have one with her name (Mary) on my upper left butt cheek and she likes being able to pull the waist of my pants down slightly to show it off to people. She loves showing it other women when they are all discussing their husbands.

Now she wants another tattoo that is indicitive of her ownership and control of me. One that she can show others but is not normally visible. She wants me to find or create a few examples that she likes from mild to extreme in nature. I won't know which design or where it goes until she tells the artist at the tattoo parlour.

Any ideas?
When I went looking, I just did a search for lock and key and came up with some lovely examples. Why not do a google for images on bdsm related items?

I haven't had one done yet, and I don't know if I want pet to have one done, but I'll come back here and see if anyone else came up with anything unique!
Thank You Mistress Watchful, the lock and key is a good concept. I've done some google and yahoo searches but the results were not as good as I had hoped... I think the key is to get the right search words.
subken said:
Thank You Mistress Watchful, the lock and key is a good concept. I've done some google and yahoo searches but the results were not as good as I had hoped... I think the key is to get the right search words.

always is, and don't forget to turn off "safe search" :bondage:
Hmm.. depends how racy you wanna get, and how humiliating....

Text ones:
"Sissy slave"
"Mary's Property"
"Mary's Sex Slave"
"Worthless Toy"
"Chastity Slave"
"Cross Dresser"
"Cock Sucker"

Whip and Chains
Key and lock
A sign, like "No Left Turn", but it's the word "Sex" with a red line through it.
An image if a cock, with a pair of scissors about to make the fateful snip
A rose (or Mary's favorite flower), with handcuffs, whip, or whatever
An artistic image of you, handcuffed behind your back, giving Oral to your Mistress.

Those are what pop into my head at the moment. Have fun with it! :-)
mikecb :ciao:
Oh! I just read your other "bio" thread. It seems she loves foot worship!

I think you should get all dolled up, with lots of lipstick, etc, and have Mary take a nice close-up of you sucking on her beautiful toes. Give that to the tattoo artist to put on you in the location of Mary's choice. :party0042:

mikecb said:
Oh! I just read your other "bio" thread. It seems she loves foot worship!

I think you should get all dolled up, with lots of lipstick, etc, and have Mary take a nice close-up of you sucking on her beautiful toes. Give that to the tattoo artist to put on you in the location of Mary's choice. :party0042:


Ha! She just took a movie of me like that last Satuday night! Great Minds think alike.
New ink !

well, My Mistress (Michelle) helped design the one she had placed on me. It is a heart shaped lock w/ her initials inside ( on the lock) ! Looks great & some of our children have seen it & just shake their heads ! areas Upper arm :anim_37:
disciplinedpet said:
well, My Mistress (Michelle) helped design the one she had placed on me. It is a heart shaped lock w/ her initials inside ( on the lock) ! Looks great & some of our children have seen it & just shake their heads ! areas Upper arm :anim_37:

Wow, that sounds good. Do you have pic of the design?
Thanks! That is very good. About the size and in the same place as my existing tattoo, except it's a red heart with "Mary" written on it in black.
<naughty grin>

how about something like this subken?

Yikes! That has to be painful to get done. Not quite the router we're looking to go:happy0007:
actually with tattoos the larger the muscle the lesser the pain. your butt has the largest muscle in the human body. of my 3 tattoos this one hurt the least. the most painful was on the side of my lower leg where the muscle is very thin.
well, i guess you were talking about the cock tattoo anyway...lol

no one is ever going near my cock with a tattoo gun. the guy who did my butt was grossed out touching a man's butt...but loved doing Mistresses' tattoo. Mistress had an orgasm as soon as he touched Her with the gun.
My first tattoo was only slightly painful and a real head buzz, I'll get another without hesitation one my Wife decidedes on the design. No penis tattoo for me either.
And the lock and key motif can be linked to the female O+ symbol. And place it just above the 'bits' after shaving off the hair of course. Combined with a chastity device there'll be something to show all right.
mikecb said:
Hmm.. depends how racy you wanna get, and how humiliating....

Text ones:
"Sissy slave"
"Mary's Property"
"Mary's Sex Slave"
"Worthless Toy"
"Chastity Slave"
"Cross Dresser"
"Cock Sucker"

Whip and Chains
Key and lock
A sign, like "No Left Turn", but it's the word "Sex" with a red line through it.
An image if a cock, with a pair of scissors about to make the fateful snip
A rose (or Mary's favorite flower), with handcuffs, whip, or whatever
An artistic image of you, handcuffed behind your back, giving Oral to your Mistress.

Those are what pop into my head at the moment. Have fun with it! :-)
mikecb :ciao: