

Junior Member
Aug 21, 2008
hello, i am looking for a master or mistress who is looking for a relatively young guy, i will be there slave and do whatever they say, I have a huge sissy and chastity fantasy as well. I promise i will not disobey you!

Thank you and please message me!
Nobodys interested? please...I promise i will not dissobey you, I will do anything you say, i promise this
the best quality for a sub to achieve is limitless patients. best of luck in your search!
Hello cardsfan,
cks is right, you definitely need patience to find a Mistress or Master to serve. Some of us were lucky enough to find their place after a very long search and lots of disappointments. Quite a number of subs are still on the search ...

However, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances:

- always be honest and open
- think about what you are able and willing to give and do rather than writing a sheer wishlist
- tell openly about your personal circumstances - no Dom wants to buy a pig in a poke
- be honest about your limits (no one has NO limits!!!)
- try to take some pictures of you - no one wants a faceless sub - and post them to the forum

I am sure the list needs to be completed but i just wanted to give you a few hints ...

Best luck in your search


maid katrin