Well.... After a week the skin started to become more thinner... So we went back to the same pricing shop for advice...
Since I was very open about the destiny of the pricing he now has a good idea what to do.
1) We had to remove all of it... If I continue using the chastity, the skin will become a slit... So I had to remove all and wait 30 days to heal.
2) After 30 days, new plan. He chose another point to pierce that is more "meaty" so it would have more skin to hold and more resilient.
3) After more 30 days to heal we are back on chastity baby!
Now we have to wait and see...
My first impression is I barely feel the point that is piced. Before I could feel more pressure. Was no pain... But before I used to feel it more the point... now it is more unnoticeable... Like always the first night I had swelling on the foreskin, but for now, we decided to not remove it. I had to calm down so the skin could go back to normal... I'm trying really hard... Sometimes it goes away... but sometimes it comes back... It comes back when I get an erection... So I have to control myself.
Today I'm thinking... Why I have gone to this point... Because it is very close to the no-return... I'm felling that I'm very close to the point that I was dreaming... As soon as I get there will be no return. My wife will have permanent control.