Milking Quantity


May 21, 2008
Hello Everyone.

Today was my first milking. (at the instruction of my keyholder) It certainly works as a means to nurse fluid from the prostate. I managed to emit about six decent sized drops of prostatic fluid.

I have a few questions to those who have experienced the process:

How much protatic fluid can one expect?
Does the amount of fluid expelled increase with practice?
How long should one spend in order to be "emptied" sufficiently?
How "full" (in length of time) should the prostate be before milking?
Will assistance from a keyholder help you be more successful?

I appreciate all serious advice. I am most interested in opinions from those who had to develop their milking success over time. Please help me to define a "successful" or "complete" milking.

Thank you.

You should do the milking about once a week to once a month.
It can take about 1 hour to 20 min for a complete milking and when the milking is done you should ejaculate at the end of the milking... and it's more than a few drops. You might have an orgasm.
Assistance can help depending on how and the tools you use for the milking.
I would recommend that you try to avoid having the orgasm if possible. Or at least avoid it unless your Dom requires it. You will be happier with out it and you will become attuned to knowing when milking is needed and how long it lasts.
In my experience, the best effect is when your Domme milks you but continually strokes you just to the edge during the process. Often times this will bring me so close to orgasm, but She stops just shy of it so the milking is more along the lines of a ruined orgasm. Lot's of semen and oh so frustratingly satisfying, but no orgasm. The milking tool just helps the process along.
Whenever I have milked myself - I haven't been able to get that much out. Is it better (i.e. more produced) the longer you go between milkings/orgasms. So far I've gone 41 days since last orgasm & about 26 days since last milking. So was going to leave it another 4 days to the 1 month mark, before attempting again. I've never achieved the quantity that I've seen on some videos.
Hi David,

Milking seems to be highly variable, at least for me.

"How much protatic fluid can one expect?" In my case, sometimes just a few drops but also there are times when it is as much or more than an orgasm.

"Does the amount of fluid expelled increase with practice?" In my case, yes it did - finding the right tool and technique that worked for me took quite some time and practice.

"How long should one spend in order to be "emptied" sufficiently?" Again, somwhat variable, but anywhere from 30 minutes to 60 minutes for me.

"How "full" (in length of time) should the prostate be before milking?" For me, as little as 8-10 days and as much as 20-25 days. I did get much larger amounts when the length of time was greater. I think this depends quite a bit on age too.

"Will assistance from a keyholder help you be more successful?" Of course, if the keyholder is knowlegeable about technique and tools, it will help. Also, a keyholder who teases/excites you in the days or hours before your milking does tend to increase milk quantity :)