Hello Everyone.
Today was my first milking. (at the instruction of my keyholder) It certainly works as a means to nurse fluid from the prostate. I managed to emit about six decent sized drops of prostatic fluid.
I have a few questions to those who have experienced the process:
How much protatic fluid can one expect?
Does the amount of fluid expelled increase with practice?
How long should one spend in order to be "emptied" sufficiently?
How "full" (in length of time) should the prostate be before milking?
Will assistance from a keyholder help you be more successful?
I appreciate all serious advice. I am most interested in opinions from those who had to develop their milking success over time. Please help me to define a "successful" or "complete" milking.
Thank you.
Today was my first milking. (at the instruction of my keyholder) It certainly works as a means to nurse fluid from the prostate. I managed to emit about six decent sized drops of prostatic fluid.
I have a few questions to those who have experienced the process:
How much protatic fluid can one expect?
Does the amount of fluid expelled increase with practice?
How long should one spend in order to be "emptied" sufficiently?
How "full" (in length of time) should the prostate be before milking?
Will assistance from a keyholder help you be more successful?
I appreciate all serious advice. I am most interested in opinions from those who had to develop their milking success over time. Please help me to define a "successful" or "complete" milking.
Thank you.