Brief intro to start.........
51 yo male who has taken his wife for granted for way too long and who has developed some really bad habits towards her.
I am absolutely disgusted by my behaviour and decided that something had to be done.
Lots of research led me to believe a CB would be an ideal solution for me and so I ordered a CB-6000 with PoI.
This arrived this morning (22nd April 2009) and a quick visit to the smallest room soon saw it fitted.
I had no idea how I was going to approach my wife with this new addition to my anatomy, so, I just made her a coffee, sat next to her on the sofa and after an initial chat, placed her hand on my CB.
I was amazed that she seemed to understand my rather feeble attempts to explain what I was doing and why. She took the keys without hesitation and has hidden them away somewhere.
I will need to remove the CB a few times over the next day or so to get the exact fit but after that I am committed to 24/7 and for as long as my KH wishes to keep me locked.
My feelings at this point are somewhat mixed I must admit. I have been used to "having a play" whenever I wanted. Well, that's now out of the question obviously but I keep feeling aroused by my situation. Is this normal ?
I've put the smallest PoI in at the moment but think I might need to move up to the biggest to stop this immediately.
Not sure what will happen later when in bed. Obviously never been locked before and have read many posts on the 'Net about problems with night time erections. Hopefully the PoI will help to curn those feelings as soon as they start.
Well, that's a brief intro into my reasons for being locked.
I will add more later as things develop.
51 yo male who has taken his wife for granted for way too long and who has developed some really bad habits towards her.
I am absolutely disgusted by my behaviour and decided that something had to be done.
Lots of research led me to believe a CB would be an ideal solution for me and so I ordered a CB-6000 with PoI.
This arrived this morning (22nd April 2009) and a quick visit to the smallest room soon saw it fitted.
I had no idea how I was going to approach my wife with this new addition to my anatomy, so, I just made her a coffee, sat next to her on the sofa and after an initial chat, placed her hand on my CB.
I was amazed that she seemed to understand my rather feeble attempts to explain what I was doing and why. She took the keys without hesitation and has hidden them away somewhere.
I will need to remove the CB a few times over the next day or so to get the exact fit but after that I am committed to 24/7 and for as long as my KH wishes to keep me locked.
My feelings at this point are somewhat mixed I must admit. I have been used to "having a play" whenever I wanted. Well, that's now out of the question obviously but I keep feeling aroused by my situation. Is this normal ?
I've put the smallest PoI in at the moment but think I might need to move up to the biggest to stop this immediately.
Not sure what will happen later when in bed. Obviously never been locked before and have read many posts on the 'Net about problems with night time erections. Hopefully the PoI will help to curn those feelings as soon as they start.
Well, that's a brief intro into my reasons for being locked.
I will add more later as things develop.