My journey


Apr 19, 2009
Brief intro to start.........

51 yo male who has taken his wife for granted for way too long and who has developed some really bad habits towards her.

I am absolutely disgusted by my behaviour and decided that something had to be done.

Lots of research led me to believe a CB would be an ideal solution for me and so I ordered a CB-6000 with PoI.

This arrived this morning (22nd April 2009) and a quick visit to the smallest room soon saw it fitted.

I had no idea how I was going to approach my wife with this new addition to my anatomy, so, I just made her a coffee, sat next to her on the sofa and after an initial chat, placed her hand on my CB.

I was amazed that she seemed to understand my rather feeble attempts to explain what I was doing and why. She took the keys without hesitation and has hidden them away somewhere.

I will need to remove the CB a few times over the next day or so to get the exact fit but after that I am committed to 24/7 and for as long as my KH wishes to keep me locked.

My feelings at this point are somewhat mixed I must admit. I have been used to "having a play" whenever I wanted. Well, that's now out of the question obviously but I keep feeling aroused by my situation. Is this normal ?

I've put the smallest PoI in at the moment but think I might need to move up to the biggest to stop this immediately.

Not sure what will happen later when in bed. Obviously never been locked before and have read many posts on the 'Net about problems with night time erections. Hopefully the PoI will help to curn those feelings as soon as they start.

Well, that's a brief intro into my reasons for being locked.

I will add more later as things develop.
24 hours and counting

Well, its been 24 hours and no problems from the CB-6000 to report.

This is down, mainly, I think to all the wonderful posts here that members have posted on how they have dealt with the "physical" side of the device. To all you folks, my heartfelt thanks.

Not too much discussion between my KH (wife) and myself yesterday after my initial confession. I will let her think about things and see what she comes up with. If nothing by the weekend, I'll try and move things on a little bit.

Spent a lot of yesterday doing chores. This was soemthing I explained to my Kh when I told her about my CB. I have to contribute more and not treat her as some sort of unpaid servant. She seemed to understand this and, hopefully, we can move this side of things on to a more formal arrangement as well.

I massaged my KH last night and applied lotion on her back, legs and feet. This is something she sometimes wants, but last night she seemed to be happier to let me do this for her.

My KH didn't want me wear my CB to bed last night, but I just gently said I need to get used to wearing it and things seemed to be OK with her.

Could not believe how aroused I got. I don't always have night erections but last night, well, this morning, about 4am I started. It wasn't painful as I did remove the PoI as I thought it better to get a correct fit with the right ring and spacer before moving on. Don't want any problems this early in my chastity.

After that, as soon as I managed to get myself calmed down and drop off to sleep, up it popped again !! I was so happy laying there feeling my CB stopping any access for play and my partner sleeping soundly beside me. I felt so submissive and warm towards her. It was one of the best feelings I have had in my life.

Bit tired now due to lack of sleep, but, so, so happy with the way things are going.

Having been used to playing, generally just edging, as I still wanted some sort of restraint on my cumming, I now feel so happy that I cannot just do what I want, when I want.

Can't wait to get things formalised a bit and agree a release date for a potential cum, but I'm not going to rush things and the CB will stay firmly locked until things are right between us.

Enough for now. Will post more tomorrow or sooner if anything groundbreaking happens.

Thanks for reading.
Good luck with your journey. It sounds like you and your wife need to do more serious communicating about the whole concept, before too long, or you'll wind up topping from the bottom a lot. That was the situation I ran into with my wife, before I gave up. Here's hoping you have better success! :innocent0002:

Glad to read your journal. It sounds like you have a wonderful wife who understands - at least tolerates - your desire to wear the CB... I have a few questions/comments thought:
  • I wasn't really clear on why she wanted you to remove the CB for bedtime - was she needing something "hard" from you? If so, was it fair to deny her that?
  • Would you ever get to the point where you'd wear a strap-on to service her and still give you what you need in chastity?
  • Or would you service her orally and forgo an O - be there just for her?

Anyway, if my questions are too nosy I'm sorry. I just want to learn where headed with your chastity and more of the reasons why your doing this in the first place.

In my experience the erections will begin to die down at some point and it's at that time that your mind will start to go in interesting directions - for me I turn into a wanton slut, but for you it might be something else - crotchety, grouchy, super-mega horny? Have fun!! The journal will help you maintain some perspective with the new chastity experience, I think.
Hi lauren1fem,

No, your questions are not too nosey. Quite the opposite. They are the sort of questions that need asking and thought given in any reply.

So, to answer

I wasn't really clear on why she wanted you to remove the CB for bedtime - was she needing something "hard" from you? If so, was it fair to deny her that?

I just think that about 11 that morning I sprang a CB on her. As I say, I thought she was amazingly calm but it was still a lot to take in and I don't think she understood all the ramifications of me being locked away. This is something we need to discuss and discover over the coming days.

Would you ever get to the point where you'd wear a strap-on to service her and still give you what you need in chastity?

If my KH wanted that I would without hesitation. My pleasure is not an issue. I've been able to masturbate when I want and enjoy myself so now its time for a change.

Or would you service her orally and forgo an O - be there just for her?

As mentioned above, my pleasure counts for nothing. I have acted SO badly over the time we have been married that things HAVE to change. I am not the sort of person to be unfaithful, its just not me and I love my wife to bits so how I could treat her has I have has disgusted me.

A lot comes from my childhood, last born and big gap between so I was almost an "only child" and was spoiled rotten.

This has obviously had an influence on me later in later life and due to circumstances over the last few months, I have had a chance to look long and hard at myself and this is where I discovered the person I had become. Not nice so now its my turn to make amends.

I am more than happy to let people know how I have acted and am not worried about criticism, rather, I welcome it to help me become a better man. What I am at the moment is not the man I want to be.

Thanks for writing and I hope this answers some of your questions ?
Sure. Thank you for responding. I respect your new direction and keeping things honest will of course go a long way for you. Keep the posts coming and good luck on your journey.
My Journey - 25th April 2009

Well, not an amazing amount to report.

One key had been available for me since Wednesday when I first fitted my CB-6000 to use so that I could experiment with ring/spacer combinations.

Last night I removed the CB-6000, shaved and then refitted.

I put the key on the sofa when I had finished and it has now disappeared. It is not back in the place where it was originally kept.

I haven't yet said anything about the key and nothing has been said to me either. I wonder what is going through my KH's mind ?

I didn't push a very brief conversation when in bed last night. She said that she understood, or thought she did, why I have fitted a CB. She did admit that I had been much more helpful round the house this week so I'm hoping that she will appreciate the reasons behind the CB.

I do need to broach the subject of release dates and possible extensions for bad behaviour. Will try and do this later this evening.

Still getting night erections. Not painful in any way but the feeling of frustration at not being able to even touch is amazing. I lay there and feel my partner next to me and feel so warm and loving towards her. I have to try and tell her about this as well.

So many things to talk about.................
Things have moved on quickly

I now know I am going to be locked for some time.

Last night whilst in bed I started to play with my KH.

She said "Who said you could do that ?" I replied "No one" and carried on !!

After a few minutes she rolled onto her back and threw her leg over mine and nestled it against my CB, moving it every so often to jiggle the CB around.

I thought now would be a good time and said "So, you've got the keys hidden away then ?"

"Yes, I have" was all she replied.

At this point I realised that she might well be coming round to the idea of having me locked up and controlling my behaviour.

As she warmed up even further I asked "Does it make you horny with me all locked away ?"

"If you weren't all locked up you could put it in me" she replied

"I don't think I've been good enough for that"

"No, you haven't"

"I need to be locked up for a good while yet"

"Yes, you do"

At this point I placed her hand on my nipple. She knows I love to have my nipples treated roughly when we play and tonight was no execption. She went to work with her nails and pinched, hard.

This, together with her leg had me moaning in no time.

Well, 3 orgasms later she was happy. I was straining against the CB and left to suffer.

I knew better than to push things further at this point, so we had a cuddle and then dropped off to sleep.

I suffered erections most of the night and felt like I could explode.

Its now just gone 10am local time and I'm still locked up and feeling like I've eaten a pack of Viagra whilst trying to get on with my chores !!

Will try and discuss things later if the opportunity arises but I'm not going to do or say anything which will jeopardise the massive amount of progress that has taken place since I fitted the CB 5 long days ago.
My Journey - 30th April 2009

Well, I now have a release date from my first lock down 8 days ago.

It will be 23rd May 2009. So, this will be from 22nd April when I first locked on my CB-6000. Not too bad a start to my locked up life !!

I am still quite amazed at how my KH has taken to me wearing my CB and that she will talk to me, albeit, in small chunks, about it.

We were laying in bed and I just jokingly said "Do you know, its been a week now since I locked myself up"

"Well, I told you that you could take it off it you wanted" she replied but from the way it was said I just sensed something more.

"You haven't mentioned the keys since I gave them to you at the weekend."

"You could have given them to me and asked me to remove it"

"I thought you would ask for them" came the reply.

We had already briefly talked about my wearing the CB all the time when I first put it on and the only thing she mentioned was about me not wearing it when we go on holiday at the end of May. So, once again, there was something not being said here in her reply.

I then said "OK, it can stay on until we go on holiday and then I'll leave it off while we're away"

"You won't go all horrible again will you when you take it off ?" she asked

"You can just lock me up again and that will sort that out" was my reponse

That seemed to go down well and we left it at that.

I then tried to explain how it felt wearing the CB. How heightened my senses were of her, as a person, and the feelings I had towards her. How hard it is (literally !!) when I get aroused laying in bed next to her.

I told her how she was moving her leg in her sleep one night and rubbing it against my leg while I was straining against my cage. She laughed !! I could not believe it - she laughed and said she wouldn't do it again, whilst still laughing !!

I explained how much I enjoyed playing with her whilst locked up and that maybe she could unlock me once in a while, wind me up, and then lock me away again. No arguments so this will almost certainly happen at some point.

I'm going to let things ride for a few days, unless she raises anything, before seeing what else we can extract from my new role.

So, I'm locked, have no idea where either of the keys are and know that, unless there is a problem with the CB, I'm "out of action" until 24th May - exquisite toture !!
My Journey - 1st May 2009

Nothing much to report apart from another strange remark from my KH.

Sex has never been high on her list, but, this morning whilst I was giving her a shower, I remarked that I had had been VERY aroused overnight and during a lay in this morning.

She laughed and said "Well, we haven't got time before we go out"

That just served to make it even harder which I'm sure she noticed.

Wonder what might happen as I wear the CB longer ?

Certainly unexpected things are happening at the moment !!
My Journey - 2nd May 2009

Nothing too much to report apart from another weird comment from my KH.

Whilst she was watching the TV yesterday someone was playing with a Rabbit vibrator. I didn't actually see it but my KH suddenly said "I've got one of those upstairs"

"What's that ?" I asked

"You know, that thing you got me for Xmas the other year, that vibrator with ears"

Now, if you knew my KH you would appreciate what a strange remark this was for her to make. She is really very 'nilla and very rarely mentions anything about sex or related matters. However, the things she has been saying since I got the CB have been quite an eye opener for me.

Also, tonight, I asked for the key so that I could have a shave and have a really good clean of both myself and the CB.

When I finished I placed the key back on her bedside table (and this will disappear somewhere) and then went downstairs with the padlock. I said to her "You lock it".

Well, she's got a broken wrist at the moment so it wasn't the easiest but, to my surprise, she did.

This again is something I would not have expected in my wildest dreams.

I wonder where it will all end !!
omega369 said:
Nothing too much to report apart from another weird comment from my KH.

Whilst she was watching the TV yesterday someone was playing with a Rabbit vibrator. I didn't actually see it but my KH suddenly said "I've got one of those upstairs"

"What's that ?" I asked

"You know, that thing you got me for Xmas the other year, that vibrator with ears"

Now, if you knew my KH you would appreciate what a strange remark this was for her to make. She is really very 'nilla and very rarely mentions anything about sex or related matters. However, the things she has been saying since I got the CB have been quite an eye opener for me.

Also, tonight, I asked for the key so that I could have a shave and have a really good clean of both myself and the CB.

When I finished I placed the key back on her bedside table (and this will disappear somewhere) and then went downstairs with the padlock. I said to her "You lock it".

Well, she's got a broken wrist at the moment so it wasn't the easiest but, to my surprise, she did.

This again is something I would not have expected in my wildest dreams.

I wonder where it will all end !!
it doesn't.
My suggestion (it works for me in a similar situation) is to offer your thoughts as to how things could be, but only in small steps.
I tend to send Madam links for things and let her go from there.
Suprisingly friday night she mentioned me cuming into a cup and drinking it, she said it was something she read in one of the links I sent her. 4 months ago she would / was repulsed by the idea.
My Journey - 5th May 2009

I am, I think, at the climbing walls stage.

First time locked and at 13 days and counting down to release on 23rd May 2009.

Still getting night and early morning erections and this morning had a play with my KH.

She had her leg under my balls and was pushing them around listening to me moan and groan.

She also played with my CB and asked if I wanted to "come out". I said "No" and there were no arguments from her. I half expected her to say that she wanted me out, but no, locked I stayed and her enjoying herself.

I was writhing around in a mixture of pleasure, frustration and resignation that I am locked and will not be allowed to come until at least May.

My KH seems to be enjoying things and was very aroused by my predicament that's for sure.

Once she was satisfied she just got out of bed and left me moaning and trying to find some sort of relief - there wasn't any needless to say !!

She seems to know how to really make me suffer !!
My Journey - 7th May 2009

Another big step forward yesterday on behalf on my KH.

I am feeling incredibly horny almost constantly (and "celebrated" 14 days in my CB-6000 yesterday !!) and when my KH came into the room I started to kiss her neck which always was a favourite of hers. I just wanted to rip her clothes off and ravage her there and then. I told her this and she said "wait till later"

Well, later arrived and I spent a considerable amount of time kissing her all over - from her neck down to her toes.

She manoeurved me between her legs and I started to work on her with my caged cock. She writhed around and was loving it !!

Eventually I lay beside her and she again made me stimulate her with my caged cock. Needless to say I was fit to burst !!

We agreed that I would not be let out at this time and I carried on to give her two long, luxurious orgasms.

I was breathing like I had run a marathon !!

We had a cuddle and I told her some more about what it made me feel like wearing the CB. She is still very new to the whole chastity way of life and asked if I could still cum whilst locked up. I assured her that this wasn't possible as I can't get a complete erection and there is no way to stimulate it. We chatted about a few more things and then went off to sleep.

I might be let out at the weekend if I behave myself although this won't be for an orgasm. Just to be played with, possibly allowed penetration, and then back in the cage again.

Can't wait.................
My Journey - 18th May 2009

Its been a while since my last post so thought it time for an update.

My KH seems to be well into her role now. I have asked her how she feels about things and have been greeted with various levels of derision, humour and other remarks that have hit the spot !!

I have not been allowed out of my CB since it was locked on except for a weekly clean and my KH is quite happy with that arrangement. She has no problem with me going out wearing the CB and I have even been on interviews whilst securely locked.

Was hoping to to be let out a couple of weekends ago but wasn't. I have been given the "silent" treatment with regards to any sexual contact with my KH. She knows how desperate I have been to play with her and has just ignored me.

The last week and this weekend was horrible. I was making quite good progress in getting her round to a play session. Then, on Friday, whilst doing some DIY in the garden I lost my temper and was not nice to my KH. Later when I was rubbing my CB against her whilst trying to apologise she simply said "You're not allowed to do that" and pulled away, leaving me aching and feeling very worthless.

Last night, I was so aroused that I was making thrusting movements against the bed clothes trying to gain some sort of relief, any relief. My KH turned over and started using her foot on my CB and balls. I started playing with her and so it started..........

She just kept toying with me using her foot and quietly saying "I'll let you out if you want". I knew that she was testing my resolve and kept asking if I wanted to be released. Teasing, teasing and all the time working on my CB and balls.

Somehow, and I don't know how, I managed to resist the temptation and ended up, 2 orgasms for her later, still locked up and waiting for my release on or around the 24th.

Been out for an interview today with a semi-premanant erection in my cage since last night. The slightest thing is given me arousal at the moment including having the laptop on my lap and typing this entry !!

Gotta go as its starting to get unbearable, lol !!
My Journey - 19th May 2009

Help !!!!!

I guess the time had to come when my first ever chastity period would start to be REALLY difficult - and these last two days have been so very, very difficult.

Guess it started after my last play session, and, since then, I have been walking round semi hard. I have been to an interview which I thought might have calmed me down, it probably did, but not a lot !! Shopping today, walking around supermarket, chatting to people, and down below, things going berserk !! God, what would people think, lol

I was awake last night about 1am and just couldn't get soft. I eventually managed to try bed again about 2-30am. However, the slight improvement lasted about 5 minutes as once I was able to feel my KH next to me - up it came again.

Its now up and down like being a teenager again. Just been trying to ignore it whilst doing some work in the garden. Sort of worked, but then up it came again..........

My KH has just taken her shoes off and the sight of her bare feet (I'm not a foot fetishist) :jerkit:
My Journey - 21st May 2009

After suffering from almost constant erections all this week, I was doing some washing up and, not knowing my KH was there, groaned and took a very large breath.

"What's wrong" she asked from behind me

I was a bit surprised but I told her, that, since our last play session, I had been almost constantly hard. I took a chance and showed her my state of arousal.

Now, my KH is not the sort of person who initiates sex normally, so, when her hand went down the front of my trousers and started fondling me, well !!

She whispered "Do you want to go upstairs ?". What could I say ?

I was allowed to remove my CB-6000 and showed her how it all came apart. She then started to play with me. My nipples came in for some heavy work and I was gasping for breath.

I was playing with her and when she was very horny, I retrieved some clover clamps that I had purchased some time back. She had never seen these before and wanted to know what they were. I told her and clamped my nipples explaining that if she pulled the chain they got tighter on my nipples. I could tell she was unsure but she started working on me again and gave the chain a good few hard pulls.

I was in heaven, but, after 2 orgasms for her, that was it !!!

She really is beginning to see the benefits of having me locked away and craving for release. I have taken on the vast majority of the work around the house leaving my KH free to do what she wants rather than running the house while I sit there like a useless lump.

She still won't "tell" me what to do as this isn't really in her nature but, having seen how she has taken to being a KH, I'm sure she can learn !!

I am more than happy with life at the moment and cannot help but love my KH more as each day goes by.
excellent! you'll see, your relationship will evolve to one that is mutually satisfactory. there is no closer relationship that one that involves the level of trust needed for a true BDSM relationship.
My Journey - 1st June 2009

Quick update.

I was told to remove my CB6000 on the morning of 24th May. This was the day we flew from the UK to the US.

It felt SO strange not wearing anything and I missed it !!

Long journey, so no action on our arrival.

However, early the next day, about 4am, we started. I won't go into massive detail as you all know what sex is about. Let's just say that by the time we had finished I felt totally exhausted.

My KH was amazing. That's all I can say.

Been 8 days now since my release and I have gotten back in the habit of touching again. Can't wait until I am locked up again on return to UK.
My journey - 8th June 2009

Well, an eventful and thoroughly enjoyable holiday has now come to an end, as has my time out of my CB-6000.

Just arrived home, very tired, but have locked on my CD.

No idea how long it will stay on this time. Last time, which was the first time I had ever worn a CD, was about 5 weeks.

The lovemaking sessions we indulged in whilst away were nothing short of sensational, so, I'm hoping my KH will keep me locked longer this time and increase the amount of teasing I endure.

Here's hoping !!
My Journey - 9th June 2009

Well, having been locked for just over a month, having a 2 week break, and now being locked again has taught me one thing - it is a lot harder (for me) even after one day of being locked again.

This stems from the fact that I had actually forgotten how great sex with your partner can be. The lovemaking sessions that we enjoyed whilst I was unlocked were nothing short of sensational.

I knew I had drifted away from being a good, attentive husband, but never realised how much. Sex was just something to make sure I got an orgasm that wasn't by my own hand. Sure, I would make sure she came, but that was more to ease my guilt I think.

Now, I realise that, by treating my KH wife with more respect, helping out around the house and, just generally being a nicer person towards her, my life is far more complete and satisfying, and I know that she is a lot happier as well.

I feel like a new person and am so glad that I took the initial gamble of buying my CD.
What have I unleashed ?

Been locked back up for 4 days now. Really finding it hard (literally) this second time round.

Have been in a state of arousal since I put my 6000 on again, and, last night, my KH just made things worse !

I was laying in bed humping thin air trying to get some sort of relief and my KH would occasionally rub her foot against mine. This would send me crazy.

Wasn't too sure if my KH was asleep and just moving in her sleep so I knew I was just going to suffer - one way or another.

After about 10 minutes I was groaning, despite trying not to make a noise, when my KH rolled over. At this point I thought I was in trouble for waking her, but no, she started on me. First target was to rub her leg against my 6k whilst I played with her.

She was very wet, right from the beginning, so my humping and moaning had obviously had an affect. She was writhing around, still rubbing my 6k with her leg.

After a few minutes, she pulled me towards her and placed my 6k against herself and started to work on my nipples. I was trying like a madman to get my device into her, stupid I know, but I was desperate, so desperate for relief.

Then came the dreaded "Would you like to take it off ? You could slip it right inside me if you do", all the time, rubbing my 6k against her. Although she still has a lot to learn, as do I, I do know that she will not let me out that easy. 3 days in, no chance !!

Well, I was made to please her for about 15 minutes. My nipples were on fire as she pinched and scratched them as she came. 2 orgasms later, I was told to stop.

After a long cuddle she turned over and said "I'm going to sleep now". She knew exactly what she was doing and I was left alone struggling still against my cage.

When I woke this morning my cage was filled with pre-cum and needed a good clean. Its now messy again and I can't see it stopping any time soon.

Trying something else today, although I haven't told my KH yet as I don't know how she will react, is that I am wearing a pair of her panties. I really like the way they hold my device firmly against me. Wondering how I can broach the subject of wearing panties full time. Have to think about that more.

Oh well, I need to clean my cage again as I can actually feel wetness in my panties now.

Have no idea how long I will be kept locked this second time as we have not discussed it yet. Last time, my first ever lock-up, was just over a month. Have a feeling it could be a lot longer this time...............

As I mentioned in an earlier post I am finding this second locked period way more difficult than the first.

Partner has not been 100% the last few days so little "action" on that side of things. Really don't know if that's good or bad the way I am at the moment :confused0086:

Had to go out for a few hours today and wore my wife's panties under my trousers. It was a delicious feeling knowing I was wearing them and locked away as well. What would people think !! Hoping I can think of some way of being able to wear panties full time. Being smaller than my normal underwear they hold the device tighter which I quite like. Just not too sure how I can approach this one..........

I seem to be either hard or part hard nearly all day. I put in the medium PoI earlier today for a while but I just seemed to like the feeling and got harder. It did take effect after a while but more from my scrotum being caught under the PoI than the points themselves. Had to remove the points as I was getting very sore. Shame. I think I need to get some smaller spacers to pad things out a little before I wear them again.

Not had any discussion about how long I will locked this time but am hoping to push it well beyond the last period. I'm sure my KH will agree as she does seem to enjoy things when the mood takes her.

Will post again when anything develops.