New member melody as directed by Cherry Leopard


Cherry Leoprd's sissy slv
Apr 10, 2009
my Master Cherry Leopard has directed me to this sight in order for me to learn, grow and participate so that i may reach my full potential as a sissy maid submissive partner.

i have been and accepted my TGness for a long time - a submissive slave for a shorter time and it is only recently i have come to embrace completely the full measure of my being a sissy maid. i most fortunate in that my Master Cherry Leopard is leading me on this journey.

i look forward to learning, growing and sharing in order to be the best sissy maid submissive i can be for my partner and Master.

Thank Y/you and let the evolving begin.

Another warm welcome to the Mansion, sissy melody. Since your Master has directed you to our site i suppose that chastity is an issue in Y/your relationship? Would you like to tell us about your chastity?

Hugs, maid katrin
Welcome to the Chasity Mansion Melody.

Cherry Leopard is must be a very supportive Master to allow you to explore your sissy side.

There are lots of very experienced sissies on this site as well as others who support them too.

Be good!

Dear respectful:

Cherry Leopard is indeed a very supportive Master.

She is leading and training me to be the best sissy submissive partner i can be for Her.

She also is leading and training me in O/our Cherry Leopard Led Relationship as Her slave and loving partner.

i am grateful to Cherry Leopard and relish O/our growing, learning, and evolving T/together.

Dear maid katrin:

i will detail my chastity in "The Tower" forum shortly as you suggest.

Update - About my avatar

Melody said:
my Master Cherry Leopard has directed me to this sight in order for me to learn, grow and participate so that i may reach my full potential as a sissy maid submissive partner.

i have been and accepted my TGness for a long time - a submissive slave for a shorter time and it is only recently i have come to embrace completely the full measure of my being a sissy maid. i most fortunate in that my Master Cherry Leopard is leading me on this journey.

i look forward to learning, growing and sharing in order to be the best sissy maid submissive i can be for my partner and Master.

Thank Y/you and let the evolving begin.


i have just now added the avatar that Cherry Leopard has provided me and directed me to use.

This apron holds a special place in my heart and life - it is the one Cherry Leopard gave me as a Valentine's Day gift this year. i have gotten to wear it a few times and it has allowed Cherry Leopard to spank me as it provides easy access to my pussy and its cheeks. i ache for the day when i may serve and be spanked again wearing this apron for and by Cherry Leopard.

Thank You CL. i love and serve You always in all ways.
Dear Miss D -

i am already learning and growing thanks to cm - thank You for Your welcome

i am a very, very lucky gurl indeed - i love Cherry Leopard
