new to this forum but not others


Apr 6, 2009
A big hello to everyone here.
I live in england and have been into chastity for a few years now and so far I have tried the cb2000,cb3000,the curve,the exobelt,mistress loris tube,a steel pleasures model a multitude of home made devices and most recently the birdlocked.Basicaly ive tried every product going exept the cb6000 and all the belt designs out there and frankly I am sick of throwing money away I must have spent 800 on usless devices and decided it was time for the rolls royce of belts and have just been measured for a tollyboy and I am just waiting for it to be made.This is my last attemt to find a device that should do what its meant to if this does not work i will give up on the idea of chastity all together i will keep you all informed of my progress