Panic Attacks?


Long term member
Aug 12, 2013
Los Angeles
Have any of you experienced a type of panic attack as a result of wearing your chastity device?

I am not talking about being "extremely horny", nor am I talking about a painful erection experience or anything like that. I mean have you felt almost a panic in desperately wanting that device off?

Once in a great while I get that feeling.
Never just wearing a device. But I did have a slip out where one testicle slipped out and it was really painful. I was in a place where I had to go to the rest room and use the emergency key to unlock.

This was very stressful and I was borderline near a full blown panic attack. Thankfully I was able to walk there and hide the pain enough that no one that I know of noticed.

If you're having panic attacks I'd suggest you talk with a professional. I think you need to be open about your lifestyle and what is going on. If you can't with any that you have find one ASAP.
I appreciate you realizing the seriousness of a panic attack. Although in my case it has only happened a few times over the years AND it was only while wearing my tube. If I were to remove the tube, relaxation would be immediate.

Another detail: the keyholding duties in our house incorporate a locked Kitchen Safe on a timer. The ONLY way out of my tube is if I break either the box or cut the pin on my device. Technically, that's very easy. But there is no pleading with my wife for mercy--even if she were to offer it.
never an attack because of being locked in my belt however having had a few panic attacks in recent years from being in a total bondage session i can sympathise totally with how horrible and scary the attack can be. it never bothered me at all in my younger days no matter how secure or restrictive the session turned out to be but when my mind reacts now to feeling totally trapped and helpless the wave of fear sweeps over me.
Last night was horrible. I am catching a cold and normal breathing was labored to begin with. Obviously, I was more interested in breathing than the thing locked around my genitals.

I am glad I worked through it, though. I got up, walked around the house for a few minutes, got my mind on something else, then fell back to sleep.
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I do, with confirmation by my wife. The key is then placed in a Kitchen Safe and the timer set for the planned duration of the locking period.
imagine having a full steel belt locked around your waist? no sorry perhaps that wont be a good thing for you yet...................seriously though at least you do have in mind the fact that the pin is that simple to cut through if the attack did get to much. it will get easier as just by wearing the device more and more the realisation of having an escape route should you really need it should make you feel less worried given time.
I can only imagine a full steel belt with the key TRULY unavailable. I don't think I could do it.

For me, a chastity tube is as much a "gentle reminder" that masturbation and orgasm are not allowed as it is a hard and fast physical barrier. Hence, my wife and I are not really big on 24/7/365 wear. The idea is appealing, though, and I certainly see why it's desired and carried out by others.

What I find interesting is that this feeling of panic had nothing to do with horniness nor discomfort. I just wanted it off.
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The closest I’ve experienced to that was while trying a smaller ring on my old Chinese knockoff. I awoke with severe scrotum burning, and after failed attempts at easing the pain, realized I had to take it off. One problem - the lock would unlock, but was jammed and would not pivot to come out. It took 2 hours of effort in pretty significant pain to get the lock out. The panic became real after about 15 minutes. Awful.
what’s odd about the issue you’re having is that most of us feel the most content and comfortable in our chastity cages. However that being said I can relate and completely understand where you are coming from. Perhaps you are claustrophobic and this is instilling similar anxiety in you making the result a panic attack.

If you did want to feel like you have more control while still remaining chaste there are a couple of things you could do. If you have a steel device or plastic cagevfir that matter you could keep the spare key in one of those breakable plastic key safes and get out of your device if you felt a panic attack coming. If you have a plastic cage, worst case scenario you could safely break it off of yourself and it wouldn’t hurt the pocket book too bad of you found well fitting plastic clones for cheap. Another inexpensive route to go is to take a small prescription pill bottle and drill a small hole through the side of the cap and through the container, then drill a big enough hole in the top of the container. Put your key inside and line up the drill holes on the side, then place one of those numbered key holder tags and run it through both holes and lock it. That way your kh can check to make sure the number tag matches so you can’t just get out when you want but at least you can cut the number tag and unlock if you need too if you feel an attack coming on. Sometimes just knowing you have a way out will be enough to deter the attacks.
Not to experienced it but not surprised. Panic attacks frequently occur when people no longer feel they're in control. Now, chastity is generally a negotiated transfer of power but nonetheless there's every likelihood that at some point it may get too intense and panic occurs.

Just continue to feel - and be - safe.
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This is interesting. My wife and I usually play long term, and I've had the CBX devices, I've made metal parts for them, I've worn The Fort, and more recently I've been using a stainless steel Chinese device; each device has been more unbreakable and secure than the previous.

Several times over the last two or three years, I've had dreams in which Mrs Edge orders (or has me order), and subsequently locks me into a full stainless steel belt, sometimes a Latowski-ish, other times more like a CS-100, but always a full style belt, going around my waist. In the dreams she tells me that this will be a permanent arrangement. I know (in the dream) that I won't be able to "cheat" the belt by having a ruined orgasm in it, the way I can while wearing the cages.

I usually wake up from these dreams feeling *very* anxious (it's the word I've used to describe it to her). I'm not having a panic attack, but the anxiety that I feel is probably a factor of feeling a loss of control.

Interestingly, in our waking lives, we both find the idea of permanent chastity and denial very hot, so I'm not sure why I get anxious and nervous in the dreams. I have them every few months, and have not seen any pattern to when or why.
I think we are similar in those feelings Tom. We like chastity. Want chastity. Feel comfortable with chastity. Yet, SOMETHING makes it different on occasion.
How long have you been using chastity? If this is new to you I think the feelings will be less as you get more experience and become accustomed to be locked.

If on the other hand you are prone to panic attack’s in general life you may have to ease into it slowly until you can get a handle on your feelings.
Been doing chastity on and off for years. So being locked is hardly new to me. In fact, I find it comforting. And I am not prone to panic attacks in real life. Thus, this is really an odd feeling.
Jason, you may want to see if you can discern any pattern to the when and why you get these attacks. My guess is that the total loss of control (i.e., no safety key available) exacerbates the situation, which may have been triggered by something else. If you can figure out what triggers the feelings, you may find it easier to cope while you're having one

Here's something weird: Those dreams I mentioned? I always wake up feeling emotionally very anxious, but also *extremely* aroused. I know that my trigger seems to be my not having *any* contro, but I also seem to eroticize those feelings by associating them with being locked up

You may be able to derail those feelings by learning how to divert the panic to something else.
Thanks Tom. I am sure you are right that there are/were other mitigating factors involved that gave a sense of overwhelming loss of control. In this case, I think, was my catching a cold. My breathing was labored. I had the aches of being stricken with a virus. The chastity tube may have just been the proverbial straw breaking the camel's back. But no doubt it was the TUBE I wanted out of.
I have never had a panic attack while in chastity, but I have had panic attacks! Most of mine have mimicked a heart attack, to the point of having to go to the emergency room. If you have never had one, you have no idea how disconcerting they can be!

I have learned to recognize them for what they are and to head them off by using relaxation techniques.

They can be a very frightening experience. I suspect most here have no idea of how they feel to go through!

If you are truly experiencing a panic attack, using deep breathing techniques to control your breathing will go a long way to calm you down!
I get more stressed unlocked anymore than i do wanting to be free. I know i can please my Goddess easily in my cage vs out of my cage with the little clit i have to pleasure her with. She likes it alot but ive been locked 24/7 for almost 4 yrs coming up in january. Mistress fucks me with a 10 in long 3 diam strapon so my little 6 in when out of the cage looks really small to me. Mistress always tells me how small my clit is and how she wishes it was bigger at times like when we were you ger when i had my way with her. But our role has changed and she likes to fuck me more than being fucked because she likes the power. Plus she likes me wearing panties and doing all the chores. Lol
Yes I have experienced this. I'm also a longterm lockee, measured in months, and have had this happen about three times in ten years. Always at night when asleep. A feeling of claustrophobia. I think the constrained penis is somehow interpreted by my brain as my whole body being severely constrained. It wakes me up, heart beating fast. I need to get up and walk around for a few minutes, then feel ok and can sleep again no probs. As I say a rare event but very disconcerting when it has happened.
@chastesoon and @harddenial,

It's somewhat comforting to know that I am not alone. But I sure as heck am not happy to learn that you both have had this experience. Like Chastesoon says, they are scary. Harddenial, your description is EXACTLY what I am experiencing. I agree that the chastity device seems to trigger some sort of "fight or flight" reaction in the body. Thank goodness it is a rare event.

Last night was back to normal, thank goodness.
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