permanent chastity


May 18, 2008
Sometimes I wonder about making a recently ordered Lori tube permanent. nice fantasy.... reality may be different. Obviously I'll know more later.

Quick question: do any of the KH's and locked ones here have thoughts on applying chastity permenantly?

From what I've read it seems that after 5 years the locked ones are more "ok" about the matter.

Thank you

Hello dar,
permanent chastity is definitely an issue in my case. Nevertheless i wonder what you mean when using the term "permanent chastity". Do you mean the device is not just locked but irreversibly attached to the chastee or does it mean that the chastee will be denied of orgasms forever with no prospect of release?

I think attaching a device irreversibly is quite extreme and might cause serious problems with hygiene and probably health of the chastee.

As for me i am in "permanent chastity" since Christmas 2004. My steel belt will be unlocked cleaning purposes only and i am quite happy with my situation.

maid katrin
hello dar and welcome.

i am NOT permanently in chastity, simply long term occasions by Mistress Michelle's command, i do have a on-line unfortunate friend of several years that IS. not due to wanting to live the "lifestyle" but due his infidelity long ago and being caught. i can only share in MY perception of his state today after years of being in a sexless and locked marriage completely devoid of the "lifestyle" as W/we here enjoy and fantasize about it.

this is a gentleman in his late 50's locked in the discontinued Access Denied full steel belt. he's been locked that long. he is passionately in love with his Wife and to keep his marriage he agreed and committed to Her is chastity, however She has no interests in sex what so ever. occasional "cuddling" and scheduled supervised washings out of the AD device is all the affection he ever receives.

he himself is now as sexless as She after so many years. he rarely becomes "excited" then is disgusted with himself for when he has such feelings of arousal. i am hugely sorry for him and when we chat on rare occasions now because of my frustration of his total acceptance of his lack of "drive" it is like chatting with a drone. no life in him. simply obedient in his vanilla life . . . a robot, soulless.

dreams and fantasies are wonderful things that keep our lives exciting and free. reality is often full of horrors never understood until to late.

best wishes dar,
dar said:
Sometimes I wonder about making a recently ordered Lori tube permanent. nice fantasy.... reality may be different. Obviously I'll know more later.

Quick question: do any of the KH's and locked ones here have thoughts on applying chastity permenantly?

From what I've read it seems that after 5 years the locked ones are more "ok" about the matter.

Thank you


Hello Dar. i've often many many times about permanent chastity. Like Katrin, i wondered what you meant. Having a device locked on permanently never to come off may be possible, and just as possible is the ability to cum even in a device. Remaining chaste on a permanent basis but through the direction of another is just as possible in the same ways.

i have read accounts of those that have been chaste on a permanent basis for lengthy periods of time who indicated that the "high" and constant frustration eventually levels out. Eventually, being chaste is just part of your daily routine... it is what you are.

My personal concept of permanent chastity is similar to what Katrin is living. While she is locked in a device that can be (and is) removed for cleaning, it may as well be soldered in place given the complete permanency of her owner's desires to ONLY remove it when it needs to be cleaned.

i would add that my own thoughts on being kept permanently chaste (my longest period of chastity was 5 1/2 months without teasing, and 3 1/2 months with teasing) is that milking the male would need to be employed either on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. i learned a lot about milking when i ran a group on the subject and the general concensus is that it "may" be dangerous to the health of the male, and milking alleviates the hazards that may be associated with doing so. In the end, it is better to err on the side of caution and milk the male if permanency is desired.

As well, the act of milking, teasing, and affection with your partner all help to maintain the desire for each other, and the frustration of the chaste male. Reading cks's account of his friend's permanent chastity made me realize that the "high" can (and should) be maintained many years after permanency has begun, and his friend is obviously in a completely different situation to us. i would LOVE if you could have him join this group, if only to contribute a bit of his input into this thread alone. Perhaps you could ask him?

So, in the end, i feel that permanent chastity can be done (as Katrin is proof of), while still ensuring the device can be cleaned.

Katrin, are you bound when the belt comes off for cleaning? If you've already posted an answer to a similar question, please let me know and i'll search your post history.

Good topic! i hope to be able to read more.

brianna :)

p.s. if anyone has any questions about milking, please feel free...
Hello brianna,

to answer your question, i am sometimes bound, sometimes just supervised and now and then i get the keys to clean myself. Of course, in the beginning of my chastity my Mistress wouldn't trust me and i was bound every time. Over the years this has changed and Mistress knows i do not have interest in touching myself other than for cleaning purposes and can not wait to lock the belt back on so my clitty is out of sight.
However, you must not forget that the hormones have done a lot to being able to live in "permanent chastity".

Huggs and kisses

maid katrin
dar said:
Sometimes I wonder about making a recently ordered Lori tube permanent. nice fantasy... reality may be different. Obviously I'll know more later.

Quick question: do any of the KH's and locked ones here have thoughts on applying chastity permenantly?

From what I've read it seems that after 5 years the locked ones are more "ok" about the matter.

Thank you


I would love to be in permanent chastity, but would want the piece of mind that it can be easily removed by the keyholder in an emergency. Besides, I like the idea of the device being removable should the domme wish to do so, but flatly refusing to remove the device ever again! So close, yet so far from release, so to speak.

Permanent chastity would be my ideal goal if I could find a willing keyholder.:confused0068:
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I would settle for a comfortable device that was wearable for 1 or 2 months.

Not sure I would want pet to go permanent though.

I'm so sick of having the choice of either crappy plastic toys or dealing with rubbish suppliers of metal devices...

When we get the money together I think we'll be investing in mature metal.
Mistress Watchful said:
I would settle for a comfortable device that was wearable for 1 or 2 months.

Not sure I would want pet to go permanent though.

I'm so sick of having the choice of either crappy plastic toys or dealing with rubbish suppliers of metal devices...

When we get the money together I think we'll be investing in mature metal.

Agreed! If money would allow, I would love a full, custom made belt.
I was lucky enough to fit a perfect fit with my CB-6000. So I thought if it does not need to be removed, why remove it? Leave it on there, permanently! After all, I am a chastity and orgasm denial slut.