Pet Trap decommissioned

Discussion in 'Mature Metal' started by lock4ever, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. lock4ever

    lock4ever Member

    Sep 16, 2009
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    So sadly my Pet Trap is going out of service. It wasn't optimal in a couple of areas for my anatomy, which was correctable, but eventually after getting within what I thought were good tolerances, I decided to finally present the idea to my mistress.

    She didn't go for it. We had a laugh about it but honestly now I'm doubly bummed to keep it around.

    So it's going back on sale, not to look for a better fit, but because the only thing keeping me will be the honor system. See the post in the For Sale if you're interested, otherwise, good luck!

    Tips for MM devices:

    1) Follow the measuring advice on the Chastity Heaven website for length, don't subtract anything! It's really the only mistake I knowingly made. A smaller device than your proper fit is not more secure or release-proof, the opposite in fact.

    2) Go with the larger gap unless you know otherwise. For small increments, gap can be adjusted at home using a vice and wrench if you are mechanically inclined.

    3) Order the included lock. Forcing a slightly different hasp through the drill holes was not easy or fun.
  2. Burger_01

    Burger_01 Chastity Geek

    May 16, 2008
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    Oh man..

    Sorry to hear it! :( At least you had a laugh!
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