I opted for:
Post orgasm mood swing, Feel down, not really interested in putting cage back on.
However, despite that - I'm not "not interested in putting the cage back on", because I know my keyholder will hound me until I do, but there's an internal battle that rages on in me when faced with this. Do I want to continue? Do I continue to submit? So many questions and doubts and uncertainties flood my mind.
Inevitably, yes, the cage goes back on. Depending on what's happened (orgasm, just teasing, etc), I'll either be quite subdued or experiencing a complete drop in mood post-orgasm. The subdued is usually a result of a lot of internal reflection, trying to process the conflict in my mind regarding ongoing chastity. Part of the learning curve I think.
Yes I'll get the mood swing. My wife recognises this instantly. We're still in a process of experimenting to find the most suitable process - uncaged ruined works well for a total of around 2-3 days mood drop. A regular orgasm (not PIV - lol we're way past me ever getting that again probably!) would mean a mood drop of around 7 days, "totally unacceptable" according to my wife!!
We're going for caged orgasm next, and assessing how that works. It may be the case that I could realistically expect ruined caged orgasms to be a norm in the future. Time will tell.