Pon Far!


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2008
I have just watched an old episode of Star Trek Voyager (Yes, I am a bit of a Trekkie)

It was the episode where a young Vulcan crewmember experiences 'Pon Far', the Vulcan Mating Ritual, also know as 'Blood Fever'

When he touches Bl'ana Torres (half klingon/half human) she also experiences the 'Pon Far'

This blood fever is so intense that if left unsatisfied you could actually die!

This got me thinking about all the people on here in chastity...

How intense do your feelings of frustration & denial get?

How much do these feelings affect your mental state?

Is it like 'Pon Far'??

You get extra credits for replying in Klingon!

Here is an excellent story...


God I wish they made THAT episode!

Usually I’m ok not really that horny that is until Master decides to torture me. Then I get so horny I could almost cry, feeling like I just want to grab my sissy cock and pleasure myself until climax. Rather wickedly though Master usually gives me the option if I want to cum, he adds that he would like to see me cum. I have to respond ‘it’s up to you sir’ not because I’ve been ordered to respond that way but because I know if I climax then It’ll take me at least a week to get back my submissive state and I hate the feeling of guilt and sometimes disgust I get when I spill my sissy cum. Usually when I say ‘it’s up to you’ he says that I can obviously go without then and leaves me to squirm until the overwhelming feeling that I need to cum dies down.

I did watch a bit of star trek years ago but don’t seem to be able to get into it as much now so no Klingon, sorry :tongue:.
[quote name='Ms Watchful's pet']

Oh and lets try....

jIH Daq HochHom vo' poH 'ej vam 'oH Daq wIj yab Daq Dung Dochmey ghorgh jIH Daq Daj joq jIH ghorgh wIj Daq wIj Daq 'ej tlhej[/QUOTE]


Now translate that!

I'd say I am horny about 50% of the time.
The other 50% I am wondering why I am not horny LOL :bigsmile:
The longer chastized, the hornier the situation becums...
The erotic mind starts up, and sometimes it's all I can think about...
Not having the control of when and how is a big turn on...