
Property of Madame “E”
Jan 4, 2019
United States
I have acted inappropriately... doing things that were not only AGAINST Madame’s rules but also things that DISGUSTED her. This is not the first time I’ve done this “disgusting” act. She has now sentenced me to complete 100 Requirements.

I AM ALL READING THIS... please Please PLEASE help by using the following link to cast your opinion.


I THANK YOU... each and EVERYONE who affords me their time in completing these requirements.
IF I May do something in return... PLEASE do not hesitate to ask!!!

Most Respectfully and Sincerely,
Slave “O”
Seems you'll be in a bad place for a while. The math on 178 weeks is 3 years if you figure there are 52 weeks in a year...so, you're gonna be in there a while...I didn't add any time because seems like you're gonna be punished enough..
Seems you'll be in a bad place for a while. The math on 178 weeks is 3 years if you figure there are 52 weeks in a year...so, you're gonna be in there a while...I didn't add any time because seems like you're gonna be punished enough..
Thank You so very much for affording me your time and help!
Enjoy your time I added a week. Maybe you be better for it too.


Just wanted to add an FYI... Apparently Madame E is still very unhappy with me... or maybe too happy with the results of all the assistance and help I’m being ALLOWED!
Madame added more Requirements... I was down to 55 (I believe) she added more bringing my NEW links left to “99” AGAIN!!

PLEASE PLEASE... anyone reading this... please help me???