REQUEST: Mature Metal info dump


WTB MM Queen's Keep / Jailbird (profile for specs)
Sep 2, 2021
For those of you who purchased a Mature Metal cage, would you mind sharing your overall experience?
What would you have done differently? What kind of adjustments did you need to make, if any?
  • Amazing Customer Service
  • Don't be afraid to call them, you will either have @mistressmaturemetal pick-up, or her husband William who makes all of the devices
  • Make sure you know what you want, everything they make is exactly what you ask for.
  • Take their advice on everything, don't cut corners
  • Don't be cheap, get the security screw.
  • Be experienced and make sure you get a modular metal set so you have a good idea of how this all works
  • Try their cheaper plastic ring set if you are struggling to determine your size
  • Make sure you check out their other pages for example...
They are an amazing company with a great product, I prefer their Jailbird over anything though.
There’s a whole section on devices on CM, sorted by brand of maker. MM are good, but so are many other custom makers.
See if the others agree with what I found to be the single most important factor—go smaller. We’ve been through 10-15 different devices, maybe more. Started with a bad metal one from Tickleberry, 3 different CB-XXXX varieties, a custom Neosteel, 2-3 from another company i can’t recall, a second had Locked-in-steel, a Jailbird, a Lori’s, Cherry Keeper and finally, after 15 years, back to a Jailbird. I know I left something out. But this time, I wore the plastic sizer ring for 10(?) days to ensure the right size and THEN, the important thing, most important thing, I went with the smallest cage listed. It’s 1.5”. I’m just average, no complaints there, but keeping it fairly restricted has been a friggin’ miracle here. Seriously, she had me put it on 43 days ago and then sent me off to work on the road. Except for the occasional arousal moments, it fits perfectly. No issues whatsoever. I’m not certain what my hot & sexy has in store nearer term, but I do know she’s very eager/interested in long(very long) term and we finally have the cage that can do it for us. This isn’t an ad, this is what worked for us. Good luck!!
  • Be experienced and make sure you get a modular metal set so you have a good idea of how this all works
Please elaborate on this. Is modular metal a brand or are you referring to a metal knockoff? I’ve been using an HTv2 knockoff and the MM plastic sizing rings to help finalize my order.
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Please elaborate on this. Is modular metal a brand or are you referring to a metal knockoff? I’ve been using an HTv2 knockoff and the MM plastic sizing rings to help finalize my order.

I am referring to buying a cheap Chinese set that would come with multiple rings and possibly multiple cages that attach to each ring so you can get a little more seasoned/experienced before dropping 300 to 500 dollars on something that may not fit due to a lack of experience on your end.
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Is plastic enough or do you think a metal one is needed? I’ve found the metal knockoffs tend to be rough.

I would say if you are gonna go with a MM you are better off with metal from the start, but that is just my opinion… it only took me like a month or so before saying… I gotta get a premium device.
For those of you who purchased a Mature Metal cage, would you mind sharing your overall experience?
What would you have done differently? What kind of adjustments did you need to make, if any?

Hands down, in my experience, #1. By a far distance. My situation is more experimental than every day and longer duration (though working towards that) so I can't comment on long term wear.

In that exploration journey I've tried over the years:

CB-6000 - first cage (5 years ago), and an old friend. Fits well, comfortable, good for at least a few days at a time (longest I've tried). Great quality, pain in the ass to put on, pinches periodically, but the comfort made those things tolerable at the time. This was a perfect cage for sizing the MM.

Chinese knock-offs - not going to bother, I've tried a few and they are all garbage. I can't imagine presenting one to someone, can't imagine actually wearing one for more than a couple hours, hear the horror stories about rusting, metal burrs, etc, yeah, the ones I've had are all crap.

HolyTrainer (v5) - recent buy. I want to love it. It fits incredibly well, the lock mechanism is great (no padlock dangling) and seems secure. It is a bit bulky, but is really comfortable at firs.t But then, all the material makes it pinch too much. Could be a sizing issues, I don't didn't matter because....

MM Jail Bird - recent buy - !@#%ing nirvana! This is it (in my search so far). This I will present to my wife as something to try. Great build quality, good materials, looks great, feels awesome! Zero issues. I used the dialed in CB-6000 measurements for sizing and it fits like a glove. I wouldn't be surprised if it needs adjustment should I ever get to regular long-term use, but that should be easy to take care of with their customer service.

I'm sure King or others can better speak to interactions with MM, long term usage, and the finer points. But in my experience of the products listed above, this is by far the winner. It is in an entire different league.

That said, I am curious about the Watchful Mistress as proving a little better 'cover'. The Jail Bird is quite open, but that is still surprisingly restrictive and un-touchable. Great for cleaning, no tricks needed to put it on, etc. I enjoy metal far more to plastic, though the CB-6000 and HT provide a really cozy, snug enclosure that I really enjoy.

The security screw (if it is long-term fairly tamper-proof) is a massive step up from a lock as well. Much less bulk and stuff flopping around. Feels solid and professional.
Does anyone else at times feel like they pulled a groin muscle?
Does anyone else at times feel like they pulled a groin muscle?

Only momentary pinching and tugging when bending over, caused perhaps more by clothing than Jail Bird.

I've done things like shovel snow and handle sandbags while wearing Jail Bird without trouble, though I normally take it off if I plan on doing lots of lifting and physical labor.
When I bought my jailbird there was a very big difference in comfort. It was worth every penny. I sometimes get reminded I'm wearing it due to pressure when I have an erection. But other than that I forget I'm wearing it. I was lucky to not need adjustments on my first try. But in my personal opinion, this is one of the best devices I've ever purchased. I'm planning on getting another in the future from them. I'm able to stay locked 24/7 and its easy to clean myself without taking the device off. :lock:
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When I bought my jailbird there was a very big difference in comfort. It was worth every penny. I sometimes get reminded I'm wearing it due to pressure when I have an erection. But other than that I forget I'm wearing it. I was lucky to not need adjustments on my first try. But in my personal opinion, this is one of the best devices I've ever purchased. I'm planning on getting another in the future from them. I'm able to stay locked 24/7 and its easy to clean myself without taking the device off. :lock:

I was fortunate that the Jail Bird is my first, and only to date, chastity device.

I did some, but not a lot of, research for a fictional story I was writing, and put my fictional characters in Jail Bird like devices. I somewhat naturally put myself in the same device.

I agree with what you have said.

I did use and experiment with the Mature Metal plastic sizing rings ($30), and I recommend others do the same.
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Mature Metal is an amazing company to work with. I highly recommend them.
..but as @King Hippo said, they will build exactly what you ask for.
The best thing you can do once you decide to go down this road is to Slow Down.
I know that sounds counter intuitive, after all once you have made the decision you want to pull the trigger.
...but it is much easier (and cheaper) to get your measurements right the first time (Apparently very few of us actually manage that).

1) Buy the sizing rings, and wear them for an extended period of time, (morning noon and night) until you know which size feels like the best fit throughout your day.

2) Communicate with MM. Don't be embarrassed, they have heard it all. The more they know, the better advice they can offer.

3) In my experience, If you do need to send your cage back for any adjustments, MM are quite fast on turning those around.
I am referring to buying a cheap Chinese set that would come with multiple rings and possibly multiple cages that attach to each ring so you can get a little more seasoned/experienced before dropping 300 to 500 dollars on something that may not fit due to a lack of experience on your end.

I'm probably too late to the party for the OP, but if anyone else comes along, I'll second the suggestion of finding out what else fits. Some guys get lucky right off the bat, but since this is a rather expensive custom cage sized exactly how you want, it's worth it to figure out exactly what fits best.

The most important thing is knowing what size *solid* base ring will work. What's the smallest size you can get your balls through and wear extended without reducing circulation. Devices like the CB6k that have two piece rings, or ones that are hinged, won't necessarily tell you what you can get your balls through.

Also I found that over time, what I could wear got smaller and smaller as my body adjusted. I ordered my MM Queen's Keep after about three years of other devices, and I'd gone down almost half an inch in ring size from when I started. I've had my QK for 11 years now(!) and might actually need a slightly smaller ring at this point.

I'll echo every other great thing said about MM. Security screw is the way to go (I put a small bit of white teflon thread tape on when installing the device and have no problems with it backing out). I am able to wear it indefinitely, hygiene is easy, It constantly reminds me it is there without being uncomfortable
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UPDATE: I found someone to loan me a cage that was close to my dimensions. It was a little long. I played in it and got terrible kidney pain, which is not common for me with or without chastity. I think it was caused by the length of the cage.

I was obsessed with the cage for a good few years and after that, I haven’t thought about it at all. If I can get a deal on a used one, I’ll go for it. That’s about it.

Between getting a vasectomy and new medication causing libido and skin dryness, this has been a pretty crappy year for my dong and I’ve pretty much stopped my pursuit of a new cage. I may get an steel HTv2 knockoff from eBay. Right now, I’m trying to figure out how to produce more precum.
My opinion, maturemetal as a company is the best service in the industry. Jailbird is a excellent cage, im not sure you would find better service with integrity.

All of my measurements was spot on. I was high on chastity when i ordered it. Getting every option available. I would not recommend the punishment pins. Also adding an extra ring to the cage is unnecessary. I would definitely recommend the security screw. I wish it had the option for a PA.
My opinion, maturemetal as a company is the best service in the industry. Jailbird is a excellent cage, im not sure you would find better service with integrity.

All of my measurements was spot on. I was high on chastity when i ordered it. Getting every option available. I would not recommend the punishment pins. Also adding an extra ring to the cage is unnecessary. I would definitely recommend the security screw. I wish it had the option for a PA.

I'm with you. MM are great folks. They make great stuff and their service is second to none. My only "complaint" is I wish they had some dew designs and especially wish they had some for those of us who finally got a PA.

Maybe they'll see this and they'll take the comments to heart. I know a new model is a lot of work. And I know adding PA security is really a major undertaking, but I hope they at least think about it and consider it.
Excellent company to deal with. I have been wearing my Jail Bird for about 8.5 years now.

My wife sent mine back twice to have my cage cut down and made smaller over the years when she felt I had too much room to grow.. I don't have that issue anymore.

If I had a choice, I would want to be in a Neo-Steel full belt. I would like to have that secure feeling of the cable between my ass cheeks to keep the belt on tightly.

Trap ball cages, Mature Metal IMHO is the best.
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For those of you who purchased a Mature Metal cage, would you mind sharing your overall experience?
What would you have done differently? What kind of adjustments did you need to make, if any?
Great company, great product, great service. Queens Keep first, then a Watchful Mistress. Prefer the latter , because it is easier to keep clean due to a bit more access. Security screw for sure, and the oval ring. Buy the plastic sizing rings to get that size right. Most importantly, don't be in a hurry . Measure, measure, measure, test test test. Wear the rings . Take a week. Mine both fit perfectly first time. Follow all of their advice, and if uncut, get the inverted vertical bars they recommend. Very comfortable devices, but very secure. And contrary to what some say, the security screw will not back out if you tighten it properly.
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