Self locked.


Junior Member
Jun 29, 2008
Hello everyone.

I have been in and out of my CB for almost 5 years now. Sad to say I have been single all those years. So I have never had a keyholder.

I am still a "beginner" when it comes to chaste lifestyle. I have been curious if anyone else here started as your own keyholder but more importantly how you were able to stop yourself from releasing yourself?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be very helpful.
Welcome! :-) Well, I'm married, but I self-lock when I'm using one of my CB-xxxx devices. I generally don't have TOO much trouble with self-control, but that may just come from my advanced age! lol.
Yes, there are certainly options for keeping keys from yourself .. mailing them, keysafes, professional keyholding services, stuff like that. Is that the crux of the question, or just how we keep ourselves interested and involved?

mikecb said:
Yes, there are certainly options for keeping keys from yourself .. mailing them, keysafes, professional keyholding services, stuff like that. Is that the crux of the question, or just how we keep ourselves interested and involved?


not that i have this issue... but i read somewhere a self-locker froze his key in a large block of ice to deter the instant desire to unlock himself.. basically if he needed out, he'd have to wait while it melted..

Not sure if that helps

gabby :cat:
Yea, there are simple things like simply leaving the keys at your workplace. That can take the immediacy away from a sudden urge. You would need to truck into work to get your keys. heh.
Keys in the ice.... melted it in the microwave. Next time folded aluiminium foil into the ice to prevent microwave use. Ah... forgot the kettle.

Trouble is, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, like handing over your keys to someone else.
Freezing it inside a b-i-g Thermos flask is a neat idea. Forget the microwave, forget the kettle and it takes a l-o-n-g time to melt ! :sign0027: