Sex and The City Movie

Mistress Watchful

Dont believe the hype ;oP
May 11, 2008
pet took me to see the SATC movie yesterday.

My SATC background is this... I didn't start watching until everyone else was well and truly done. My husband bought me series 5 (I think) for Christmas, despite the fact I'd never seen any of them.

Because I can't watch things out of order, I had to go and buy the first four series and was going to watch each one twice before moving on to the next... but I was addicted immediately, watched Season 1 twice and then watched straight through the rest in a weekend.

The final season I would not watch until I had the DVD and could watch in one sitting!

So the movie...

I won't put any spoilers in, but the first thing that happens is a flashback for each of the girls and I cried through the lot, all those memories! :cry:

And I didn't stop crying! :cry:

I cried through every minute of the whole damn movie! Thank goodness we went to a matinee, there were only 6 or so other people there, all well spread out, so I could sob away to my heart's content.

pet has seen nearly every episode as Paramount is rerunning them, so he enjoyed (?) the movie too and admitting to tearing up a fair few times, but then he said he looked over at me and it was too funny to see me with tears constantly rolling down my cheeks!

I had no idea how much I had invested in those girls, they all are a part of me... but I guess that's the idea. :angel: