Sissy to get chastity piercing


Long term member
Jun 5, 2008
My master is allowing me to have my foreskin pierced. The piercing which will go right through my forskin and through a PA that I already have will make it almost impossible for me to pleasure myself and will my it impossible for me to have penatrative sex.
I hope to be getting this done next weekend and after the ring has healed my master will be attaching a locking ring.

I know I had a rant about selflesness and training but my master would prefer me to be locked up some how. My fem fealings can get so stong that it is hard for me to see a bulge in my pants. In this way we can have the best of both worlds.

My master will have reasurance that his sissy penis is locked and I will be able to keep on wearing gaffs, so I can feel comfortable with my manhood tucked away.

I know I am a lucky sissy to have such an understanding master

Will keep you all informed, Maybe pictures to follow.
Thank you mistress watchful. I hope this will serve as a symbol of my commitment to becoming a chastity slave and hope that I can become as well trained as the many beautiful sissies on this site.
Think I'll make master something nice for dinner tonight and pamper him to thank him for putting up with such a demnding sissie (often topping from the bottom)
Slave_Kris said:
... My fem fealings can get so stong that it is hard for me to see a bulge in my pants ...

Hello kris,

i definitely know what you mean and how you feel about the nasty bulge. That's the reason why Mistress and i opted for a full steel belt right from the start (well my distinctive steel bondage fetish was important as well :angel:).

Does your Master considering such a device for the future?

Please tell us how your piercing went when it is done. I wish you all the best and curtseys to your Master. I am sure you will be a stunning sissy slave, you are such a cutie already :kiss:

maid katrin
I think he would have me in one but they are quite expensive. Got boring vanila world things to buy first :sad:.
I'm sure with a little help I'll make a good sissie. Master and I have only been on the site a few days and have learned so much.
Master might get me to put some pics up of it when it's done. Will keep you informed. I knew having a long forskin would come in handy one day :tongue:
Thank you all again.
Just finnished serving my master's dinner. He was very impressed with what I had cooked and the effort I went to.
I even curtseyed for my master for the first time. It felt good showing my respect for my master. He apriciated the sentiment.
I so happy with my new found submissive side. I was submissive before but I never really completely submitted to my master if that makes sence.
Wow, I'm surprisingly turned on by this. I quite enjoy my piercing after it healed. There's definitely no escape without cutting the lock and being noticed. Have fun!