Tantra and Chastity


Oct 23, 2008
I have been reading occasionally about Tantric teachings. In a very real sense, the tease and denial of chastity embody elements of Tantra. I am no expert, and much of the Tantra-s writings are so obscure that they are impossible to understand without being interpreted (by a Guru). Tantric teaching has a lot to say about sensuality without male ejaculation. One website I stumbled upon has had me reading for hours - this site is the most intriguing Tantra site I have ever clicked through:


Browse the site - it is a little daunting to find a good place to start, so just click on an interesting word on the left hand edge... Please let me know if there are other similar sites that you think I should browse!
Wow... that messed with my head a bit!

Does anyone else have any tantric experiences?

From what I can gather it can be very beneficial, like all forms of meditation/yoga...

One of those vicious circles - I could really do with getting to grips with my calmer side via meditation, but my life is too darn hectic!!! Lol.
Hi Mistress Watchful -

ZINNNNNNNNG - yes, that all messed with my head as well! The first time I did any significant reading about tantric teachings, I truly couldn't decide if it was terrific wisdom or terrific dribble. I think that I have decided that it holds some wisdom, and that tantra leads to "high passion and mental balance". What more could you want!

Tantra seems to be male-focused - perhaps I just read it from a male perspective, though. Anyone else read it that way?

I, too, would be very interested to know if any forum posters have melded chastity and tantra.

A wise lady told me some years ago that "you must take time for yourself - after God (if you are so inclined), partner/family, household and career, that you deserve time for yourself - even if only to close your eyes for a minute and have a pleasant memory or desirous thought." That same lady also told me some years later that every time I masturbated, I was wasting my passionate energies - "so, stop that," she said. How did she know????
Be careful

My recommendation, for what it is worth, is keep well away.

There are many charlatans who pretend that they understand and would teach Tantra, there are several schools of Tantra, there is the left hand and the right hand path. There is the total destruction of ego, and beware that those who judge others to be egoistic (Mistresses, or slaves, tops or bottoms) all share in the pain of rapid growth....Outcomes may set you back as well as move you forward.

Fingers can get very burnt!! Never assume that you can handle anything, and don't start, unless you are willing truly let go of everything and see the blood of your heart, wash the last of your earthly attachments away.

There are less painful routes to growth.:anim_39: