MH Macdonald

My kink: slow, slippery, unfinished hand-jobs...
Feb 5, 2022
London area
The Natural Born Beta male…

Evolved to have an under-sized penis, typically 4 inches or less when permitted to be fully erect, much smaller when flaccid; with an innate propensity to prematurely ejaculate*.

A tendency towards intense and on-going blushing, combined with a loss of mental capacity when in close proximity to members of the opposite sex.

An inclination to simping obedience and craving to be told what to do by women, the Natural Born Beta male is born follower; and it should be noted that despite often being termed ‘spineless wimps’ by their opposite number, the Alpha-Male, this is untrue. The Natural Born Beta male is simply a compliant creature.

An excellent capacity for menial toil, though for optimum productivity, empirical data highlights banning the beta male from masturbation through a strict regime on-going chastity, is recommended to prevent defiance, backtalk, and laziness.

A regular sex-drive, but unless the lucky recipient of a consoling ‘sympathy fuck’ through circumstances that we shall not consider here for reasons of good taste, it is highly unlikely any Natural Born Beta male will have moved beyond their tendency to blush and their loss of mental capacity in the company of women to have ever sowed their wild oats, and therefore, carnally, are almost all virgins. Conversely, it is commonplace for them to be hard-wired to two of their senses:

Firstly, hearing: the Natural Born Beta male’s small penis, is physically triggered by, and responds rapidly, to all kinds of feminine mockery and disdain, and especially to shared female amusement aimed at him directly or even subtly.

Secondly, smelling: the Natural Born Beta male’s small penis and nostrils are finely attuned to respond in tandem to the scent of female feet and associated footwear, through tumescence and flaring respectively; in the same way that a pretty face, smile, laughter, breasts or legs might stimulate sexual arousal Alpha-Male.

Both these attributes, lend themselves to the Natural Born Beta male being highly responsive to Pavlovian style conditioning to be responsive towards and shaped by those they serve.

Natural habitat: the Natural Born Beta male is commonly found barefoot, chaste and in the kitchen.

In conclusion, it should be noted that while Mother Nature can be considered to maketh such male maggots, the Natural Born Beta male being Mother Nature’s gift to women to ensure they are freed up to enjoy life to the full without the distraction of the menial and mundane, nurturing is still required to shape and mold them to their full potential, and women are still obliged when spotting one they can tolerate, to take them under their wing (before the patriarchy gets into their heads and creates both confusion and chaos, detrimental to a Natural Born Beta male’s mental health ) training and shaping them, personalising them to first meet, and then over time exceed their expectations.


A premise explored through the story arc of the oh-so-chaste and achy, prick-teasing Modern-Day-Series eBook series
because i said so 2.jpg
because i said so 3 pink.jpg
because i said so 1.jpg

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*NB: if wanted, in his submission to the Divine Feminine with suitable supervised training, most, if not all Natural Born Beta males can be trained to cum faster and faster, for those of an age where it is advisable to their prostrate healthy, while still enabling to get them back to their chores asap.