I have come up with a game that works well for my specific situation - my Wife is my KH and is reluctant to assert control. This game makes me track my performance to please her and earn a release without her being burdened by the task.
We came up a chores list - what needs to be done around the house to keep it running well. We had this discusion over dinner, and no chastity talk or discussion of who was to do what was allowed.
Later, I asked my wife to rate the chores list, 1 to 5, for how important it is for each task to be completed. 1 is nice to be done, 5 is has to be done. This was a non threatening was to approach this.
I get one point for each task completed - no matter how difficult.
I loose 1 to 5 points for each task not completed.
I get no points if she does the chore.
The goal points are set to the number of points I can reach in 4 weeks if I miss no tasks and get no penalties. Realistically, this means about 45 days between releases.
The list (of about 90 things) is broken down into groups: daily (feed the dog, bring her coffee in bed, etc), weekly (clean the toilet, wash the floor, clean the bathtub) and bi-weekly/monthly (wash the front windows, clean out the fridge).
I also have personal goals (my weight - weekly, one point for each pound lost, -2 points for each pound gained).
Exercise will be added soon.
She also assigns a M-F 'lunchtime' task so that I can get an extra point. (-2 points if it is not done)
She is to take away points for poor service or misbehavior (or just for her fun). For example, she hates it when I hug her and then slide my hands down and grab her butt - I loose a days points for that. Leaving a tissue around -1 point. Running out of milk, OJ, etc is -10 points per item.
The scale goes from -1 point (just in fun), -22 points (a whole days points- a real correction, - 150 points (lost a week), etc.
The tasks are broken down as much as possible - for example, doing the laundry, folding and putting away her cloths, and putting away my and the kids clothes are three separate tasks. Laundry is to be done on Monday (-1 point for each day late). Her clothes are to be promptly hung up and put away ( -3 points if not) and so on.
When new tasks are added, and the goal increased accordingly; for example, if the goal was 600, and a new task to be done every week is added, the new goal is 604. Credit is giver for the previous weeks (ie if we were in week three, I would get 3 free points for this month).
For simplicity, the list is tracked in 4 weeks of 7 days. Points carry over to the next month.
Other penalties:
-22 unlocking the CD for adjustment
-1 leaving hair in the shower drain
-2 being out of CD with her permission (family trips, etc)
-700 unauthorized orgasm
-150 hint or ask for early release
-22 forgetting a assigned task, and -10 for each day until it is done.
Not immediately accepting a penalty graciously means 2x penalty and -50 points.
I am tracking the chores in an excel spreadsheet.
So far the results are good. She likes the house being cleaned and all the chores being done. She also likes that I am self motivated. It is a stretch for her to give penalty points, but it is the first step in me getting her to really let me know how my performance is (yes, topping from the bottom, but she has to internalize that she has special status).
I explained that her giving playful penalty points helps me - it make this fun, keeps me focused and horny, and it also improves my behavior and is good for me. I am looking forward to the point when she gives a real penalty for something that I do wrong, not so much in play, but more as a correction.
We came up a chores list - what needs to be done around the house to keep it running well. We had this discusion over dinner, and no chastity talk or discussion of who was to do what was allowed.
Later, I asked my wife to rate the chores list, 1 to 5, for how important it is for each task to be completed. 1 is nice to be done, 5 is has to be done. This was a non threatening was to approach this.
I get one point for each task completed - no matter how difficult.
I loose 1 to 5 points for each task not completed.
I get no points if she does the chore.
The goal points are set to the number of points I can reach in 4 weeks if I miss no tasks and get no penalties. Realistically, this means about 45 days between releases.
The list (of about 90 things) is broken down into groups: daily (feed the dog, bring her coffee in bed, etc), weekly (clean the toilet, wash the floor, clean the bathtub) and bi-weekly/monthly (wash the front windows, clean out the fridge).
I also have personal goals (my weight - weekly, one point for each pound lost, -2 points for each pound gained).
Exercise will be added soon.
She also assigns a M-F 'lunchtime' task so that I can get an extra point. (-2 points if it is not done)
She is to take away points for poor service or misbehavior (or just for her fun). For example, she hates it when I hug her and then slide my hands down and grab her butt - I loose a days points for that. Leaving a tissue around -1 point. Running out of milk, OJ, etc is -10 points per item.
The scale goes from -1 point (just in fun), -22 points (a whole days points- a real correction, - 150 points (lost a week), etc.
The tasks are broken down as much as possible - for example, doing the laundry, folding and putting away her cloths, and putting away my and the kids clothes are three separate tasks. Laundry is to be done on Monday (-1 point for each day late). Her clothes are to be promptly hung up and put away ( -3 points if not) and so on.
When new tasks are added, and the goal increased accordingly; for example, if the goal was 600, and a new task to be done every week is added, the new goal is 604. Credit is giver for the previous weeks (ie if we were in week three, I would get 3 free points for this month).
For simplicity, the list is tracked in 4 weeks of 7 days. Points carry over to the next month.
Other penalties:
-22 unlocking the CD for adjustment
-1 leaving hair in the shower drain
-2 being out of CD with her permission (family trips, etc)
-700 unauthorized orgasm
-150 hint or ask for early release
-22 forgetting a assigned task, and -10 for each day until it is done.
Not immediately accepting a penalty graciously means 2x penalty and -50 points.
I am tracking the chores in an excel spreadsheet.
So far the results are good. She likes the house being cleaned and all the chores being done. She also likes that I am self motivated. It is a stretch for her to give penalty points, but it is the first step in me getting her to really let me know how my performance is (yes, topping from the bottom, but she has to internalize that she has special status).
I explained that her giving playful penalty points helps me - it make this fun, keeps me focused and horny, and it also improves my behavior and is good for me. I am looking forward to the point when she gives a real penalty for something that I do wrong, not so much in play, but more as a correction.