The rise of the male chastity belt - ramblings


Just me
May 17, 2008
The Rise Of the Male Chastity Belt, The Fall of the Penis.

We all know the battle of the sexes has been going on for centuries. It's all part of the human sexual game we are part of.
For a long time now the male has had the upper hand. He has used sexual and behaviour conditioning methods to push the female
ever deepermore into a second class role. He has made the image of the penis, one of power and control. Even worhsipping it at times.

Then in the early years of the 20th century the female raised her head and demanded more involvement.
Her early struggle was epitomised by the fight for the vote in the UK. Then the outbreak of war lead her into the workplace and opened her eyes
to the fact that she could do the work as well as any man.

The feminist movement was born and strived for female equality and freedom from male oppression. We are now in the start of the 21st century and
we have an interesting situation. Male power in politics and finance is still here. But on analysis you will see that this is controlled by the older
generation of males, where male graduates were outperforming their female counterparts. If you look at the current levels of graduates, you will see that
their cream is predominantly female. These are the leaders and top executives of the future. Males are increasingly year by year falling behind their female rivals.

Female domination has been around as a male fantasy, hedonistic activity for the kinky rich even in Victorian times. Hidden from everyday women
and certainly out of the reach of the masses, who were trying to survive in a tough society.
In the 1960s during the feminist movements growth years, often female domination images were used as a backlash to warn men of what women really wanted.
However this no doubt aroused a fantasy in some men too, and again the richer members of society were able to indulge in femdom play and no doubt with
chastity play of some sort.

In the 1990s, the scandal in the UK where MPs, judges and other top men were discovered to have been visiting a dominatrix party. In the UK at least the
general public became more aware of it. Though it was generally made fun of. Then came a wonderful magazine, called Cruella in the UK.
Which suddenly portrayed the dominatrix ladies as beautiful and glamerous. It was porn, but tastefully done.
The women werent lying down with their legs spread wide as in conventional porn.
The men were usually naked in the pictures looking pathetic compared to the sexual ladies.
Even when the ladies had their pussies or breasts exposed, it was more to demonstrate what they had was better than the dangling limp organs of their male counterparts.
This magazine however though introducing me to femdom was still expensive and exclusive.

In the 21st century with the advent of mass internet use, all sorts of sites popped up to do with femdom and specialied parts of it, CBT, ballbusting, CFNM. male chastity
It suddenly became easier for people to stumble upon these femdom activities for both males and females. It has lead to devices such as the CB2000 family of devices becoming
internationally sold in large numbers. When you look at the numbers of people on various sites you can see each year, more people are discovering femdom flavours of sex.

Male chastity devices was not even a mainstay of femdom until recent years. It wasnt until last year that I saw pictures of men in chastity devices on the cruella site, the english mansion,
the OWK etc. Male chastity has an interesting position because it isnt just a femdom activity. It is less extreme than most femdom activites and attracts many vanilla users. In fact the majority of users are probably vanilla.
More and more places are becoming available to purchase the devices. New devices are released each year, more comfortable, more discrete, and more secure, allowing for longer durations.
As sales increase, prices fall and it becomes available to more to experiment with. Couples discovering male chastity and experimenting with it are now in their 20s, 30s, 40s and older so it is cutting across all generations.

The 20 year olds are interesting as they will form couples break and reform, taking with them their toys and sexual activities thus spreading the use of male chastity play more quickly.
The 40 year olds do this to some extent through divorce too.

With male chastity, what starts off as play for a day or so, generally quickly leads to longer term wear. What was the originally the male's fantasy turns to the females fun. And the male often finds the reality a lot harder than the fantasy, but by then it is too late.
His penis is locked and she has the key.

What I have noticed over the past 2 years, is that there are more women who are interested in male chastity and who are initiating it in their relationship. Women of varying ages. Many of these women think that it should be more widespread in society and even in their family, one I know even encouraging her brothers to be locked by their patners.

This year I noticed that WH Smith, the biggest UK high street newpaper/magazine stall is selling a book on keyholding of male chastity devices. On YouTube and myspace website, you can see amateur videos of men in chastity belts, and ballbusting. A lot of the ballbusting vids are younger women kicking their male friends/boyfriends in the balls, often flooring them with 1 kick. Surely 1 kick and down is an instant way to reverse the power dynamic between a male and female.

Something I noticed through our use of a chastity device, is that we now have sex more often, though this doesnt involve my penis.
My wife has never liked quickies, when she wants penetration she wants a good long session. However with my penis locked she is happy to lie back and let me bring her to orgasm with my fingers or mouth, knowing that no penetrative sex will take place.
Penetrative sex is then used more for special occassions. And when I am unlocked I am ready. My orgasms athough less frequent are more powerful than before.

A side effect of most male chastity devices is that they push the testicles more forward thus making them easier targets. The ring behind the testicles stop their defensive retraction capability which would normally reduce the effect of a direct blow to them. They are thus more vunerable and easier to access. My wife finds they are easier to grab and squeeze when I'm in chastity, and the pain I receive is more. Receiving a kick, knee or punch to the balls while wearing such a device would be devastating.

In summary, society is changing, current female graduates are better educated, and this will lead to better jobs and better pay than their male counterparts. Sexually they are discovering sex for themselves from all sorts of sources including the internet. They are discovering male chastity devices too. These devices are becoming and will become cheaper, better and more easy to buy.
The amount of male chastity device wearers has increased dramatically in the last 5 years and we should expect the increases in the next 5 to make the last 5 look unimpressive.

Anne Summers high street sex shop - marketed at women, now stocks a cheap rubbishy toy male chastity belt for 20 UK pounds. How long until they sell serious male chastity devices at a similar price? No doubt a male chastity device would become a standard toy given to a bride on her hen night or engagement present. And it wouldnt be long before the groom or fiance was wearing it fulltime.
There is no doubt in my mind that women of the future will have the political and financial power and will be making the decisions. And one of those decisions is that their male partner will wear a male chastity device. How much further this will go, how much oppressed males will become only time will tell.

As for the erect penis as a symbol of power. It is already less potent than it was. The feminist movement made it into a symbol of male aggression and a tool to be used against women. It is very hard to see what it can be replaced with. A vagina is not easily built to form an image. I think we may see the erect penis rise again as a symbol to represent female power as females will control the erections through the use of chastity belts. But in the age old battle of the sexes, we are seeing the fall of the penis. And we will probably see it totally defeated and caged within the next 20 years.
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Another thought/question.

In recent years we seem to have been moving to an environment/culture where males should override their sexual programming and not treat women as sex objects. We are being trained to feel guilty about our sexual desire to penetrate women with our penises.

Women have been trained for many years, well over 100 to deny/control their sexual urges. And over recent years being penetrated has become symbolic of being used sexually by males.

Under these rules what better way for a male to prove his love for the female, but to not have penetrative sex with her. To not use his penis.
The chastity device will be a suitable tool to help him with this activity.

Also as females are encouraged to be sexier, reveal more of their bodies, be more naked. Males are being encouraged to be more respectful. Repectfulness is shown by controlling ourselves and not getting erect.
Without the use of a chastity device this is impossible.

I wish I could find the article but one article I read was about a sexual survey taken at a UK university of undergrad women. 20 years ago the statistics were:
Had sexual intercourse with b/f: 100%
Had given blow job to b/f: 50%
Had received oral sex from b/f: 25%

The recent survey showed:
Had sexual intercourse with b/f: 50%
Had given blow job to b/f: 0%
Had received oral sex from b/f: 100%

This shows that for the educated female of today, considers the penis a lot less important part of sex than her predessors. In fact 50% of the male partners of these girls are not getting to use their sex organs in the relationship.

Just a few more rambles. Any opinions?
A few more ramblings

I have been thinking about the increase in Bi-curious females over the past few years. And it leads to an interesting situation. Males are now competing with females directly for the sexual attention of females.

Males are luckily equipped with cocks. Or you would think so until you realise that dildo and strap-on technology has come so far. These devices range in sizes, textures etc. The average penis size is 5.5 inches. You can get dildos as small as this but most are bigger. Many bi-curious women are finding that their girlfriends are providing them with cock replacement that is better than their boyfriends natural talent.

Many bi-curious and bi-sexual women now consider men for permanant relationships but women for fun sex in bed. A penis is no longer an important sexual toy in the bedroom. Hetero males love to get involved with bi and lesbian males. And many can and do. Obviously if his penis is not essential in the relationship, he must learn his place and the lower status of his penis.

I have to note the continued increase in ball-busting over the last year on the web. In fact a phenominal increase. This is certainly eating into mainstream sexual practises. Boys and men are being brought to their knees by their girlfriends and wives.

Also the main representative image of femdom is changing. It was definately woman wielding a whip before. Now it is as often a women with a strap-on.
The male chastity device is pretty much an essential item to be worn in a femdom relationship these days too.

Couples of all ages are still discovering femdom and male chastity in increasing numbers. There seem to be an increase of 20 year old males, barely out of puberty, and barely lost their virginity experimenting with being locked.

In summary, male chastity is still increasing and at a considerable pace.
this is quite a post and i think you have the beginnings of a PHD thesis. my only comment is that Femdom has been around for centuries. there are Egyptian hieroglyphics depicting Femdom activities. Matriarchal societies have flourished through the ages.
A quick update...

GCSE results 2009 - In A and A* grades the girls have increased the gap again. This year 57% of A,A* grades go to the grils.
43% to the boys.

The boys closed the gap in A-C in maths though the girls increased the gap at A and A*. A positivie note for boys - not really it just means that the girls have pushed more down from A to C levels.

Ballbusting update...The number of sites/pic/clips are increasing massively. The level of ruthlesness is also increasing. The girl stars are getting more efficient at flooring us boys.

Male Chastity...There seem to be more varieties available. The CB6000S is a great improvement by a champion company. Again more and more websites are on the money with this fetish/movement.

Personal...I am now in the CB6000S, it is more comfy, more discrete and more frustrating. I find I am wearing it longer as there are less excuses to be unlocked. My wife has become a lot faster in getting a good grip on my balls. And I have found myself in floored in the kitchen and sitting room.

Again more male chastity in femdom sites and it is commonly becoming a requisite of a femdom relationship and an essential toy for femdom sex.

I can only see these things increasing and at a greater rate over the next few years. There will be many more men following our members here into chastity and their partners holding their keys.
Richard i had never read this post. Thank you for reviving it. i was born 150 years to late to be a cowboy, 50 years to late to be a gangster and now it seems 50 years to early to be in a society of dominate women and chaste men.

Some more ponderings.

One thing that has crossed my mind is why? Why is male chastity such a potent symbol of female power. At 1st sight it's obvious you say.
yes, the male sex organ is what makes us men. Take it away from us and what are we?

I think it is more than that. For 1000s of years now we have been touting male supremacy and validating it with the seal/symbol of a large erect penis.
It has been raised as a weapon to supress women. To threaten them with. To subjugate them with.
The women's movement latched onto this and almost made the penis taboo in the case of extreme relationships. Lesbianism was considered more appropriate than using a penis for sexual pleasure.

Now we find in more recent years. The likes of Mrs Bobbit and those women who have copied her that when a woman takes the knife to a penis, she is a heroine.
She has vanquished the evil male penile demon.

I think many of us males have been brought up with the guilt of female oppression and the tool used was our penis. This for some may lead to a feeling of relaxation when handing it over, and placing it under lock and key.
At least that is partly the case in my generation.

The younger generation are probably having a different experience as they are the 1st generation that is being out-performed by their female counterparts in education.
They are wondering how can they have an equal relationship with these mentally superior bread of young females. They feel naturally obliged to make a peace offering to them.
There is only one thing they can offer that these females dont have themselves. The answer is simple. Their penis.

The penis has thus gone from a symbol of male power and suppression of the female. To an untrusted, guilt ridden object. To finally becoming a peace offering and the symbol of male subjugation.
The state of the penis has also changed. From large, erect and strong. To limp, dangling and guilty looking. To contained in a plastic or metal cage, unable to erect or threaten.

A late night pondering.
Education Gender Gap

It looks like the women of New Zealand are leading the way.
In 2009, 75% of graduates from University were female. 25% male.

In the UK, it is currently 57% female, 43% male.
The US is 41% male, 59% female. A few states have reached 61% female, 39% male.

A lot of educationalists are worried and have tried the past few years to reverse the trend.

Congratulations girls for working hard, and performing well. In a 60 year period, the numbers of university graduates has reveresed in NZ at least.
60 years ago females only numbered 20% of university places.
I like your thoughts - it's an interesting form of the chastity fantasy.

I agree that it is on the uptick and more acceptable now that it is out in the light of day but I think the expression is... water always finds it's level. Meaning that at some point you will reach a saturation point of people that find the practice acceptable.

Also, a sobering thought - many women are trafficked as sex slaves every day in the richest, most "civilized" countries in the world. The fantasy of chastity is not going to penetrate (excuse the pun) the unwashed masses any time soon I'm afraid.
Fiction or non-fiction. Who knows. These are just observations.

Water finds its own level - true. But what level will that be. I wouldn't like to predict.

All I know is it is growing in popularity ad across all age groups.

And from my personal experience, my once reluctant wife is now more keen on me staying locked than I am.

Even the path of water is hard to predict.
I'm not arguing against the greater acceptance of chastity. I am suggesting that it's a pretty broad brush to envision a world in which chastity is dinner conversation - let alone in active practice - for the average couple.

The people that buy chastity devices are pre-disposed to them. The internet simply puts information in the hands of interested parties faster than pre-Internet.

I don't mean to burst your bubble about a female-dominated society in which women keep men enslaved for their sexual pleasure. If you get your rocks off fantasizing about that, knock yourself out. :)

I'm more willing to believe that with cloning and infertilization methods options women will all become lesbians and simply form a separate culture with no need for male aggression. ;)
I've enjoyed this post - some of it I agree with, some of it I think is going to be coloured by your own preferences. I don't think it's a fair generalisation to say that we are moving from a male dominated society to a female one. It's highly variable, encultured and impossible to predict if the pendulum will ever settle, let alone in which camp but an interesting intellectual kickabout nonetheless.

It's a good point to raise about the rise of fertilisation impacting culture. I had a similar thought in that successful egg merging from two women can only ever result in a female embryo. So here's a thought - if the West suffers from increasing infertility so by use of egg merging the balance shifts towards higher female population then it's going to be an interesting world development for places in the East where infanticide and gender selective abortions heavily favour male children. I've included an article by the Washington Post (there's tons more out there) on the rise of the "bare branch" phenomenon where male to female ratio is heavily skewed. Scary stuff - rather than result in any kind of FemDomme culture, it's emperically proven to be destabilising and violent. As a Western woman, I can't think of a greater curse than to be born female in the East.

Culturally, the East not only has this skewed ratio but also women have a signifiantly lower status anyway - you only have to see these poor child brides of 8 being married off to libidinous 80 year olds to get a sense of how horrific life must be. Add to that the systemic rape culture reported on the African continent and fundamentalist Islam states stoning women to death for being raped and you actually have an incredibly bleak picture which I try not to think about too much.

It's a nice thought to think that we are moving to a more stable society with men and women enjoying equal status (let alone FemDomme) but in reality, based on sheer numbers of population and their distribution, it remains exactly that - a nice thought.
I think a lot more questions are being raised in my mind than answers.

e.g. In the India, China the large proportion of males will lead to the following generation having lower population. Both countries need this. China is achieving this themselves at the moment. Times will be hard for women, but as they westernise and develop which they are both doing, middle class women there will find themselves with the sexual power of breeding.
Again it is just opinions and views of the future.

If the rise of infertility in the west becomes a major problem, it will become the same in the east as the cause is no doubt industrial. It may become more severe in the east as more manufacturing/pollution will be based there.

And as for the west with the increase of female power and lower male status, male chastity could become simply a means of society protecting females against rape.

Basically who knows what the future will bring, but there are trends. Male chastity use is a growing trend. Femdom sex is a growing trend. Females are becoming better educated than males. Even in the east things are changing.

The flow of trends are also interesting. Often from the US, to the UK and into the rest of Europe. And from the US into Japan, Korea and then the rest of Asia.

As for Africa - the world needs to address the poverty there big time.

I don't pretend to know the future but the trends are interesting.
Every day our dog barks when the mailman comes up the drive. Last week the mail didn't get delivered and my 8 year old said "That's because Charlie (our dog) didn't bark today Daddy!"

It's easy to take a few pieces of information and draw interesting conclusions, eh?

I'll try to resist commenting on your conclusions but one in particular really gets me thinking. I don't think a male-dominated society will just go gently into the night and sit back while their numbers dwindle. Since when have male-dominated societies ever done anything gently? I see aggression, wars, rampant prostitution, rape, sex slaves - true slaves, not "chastity slaves", etc. etc.

History tends to paint humanity as a fairly rotten bunch as a whole (I know a whole lot of great individuals though). Particularly when you got a bunch of dudes leading countries by trying to prove who has the biggest cock.

Maybe I'm wrong and the dog actually does summon the mail man.

And maybe we are headed for a blissful world of female dominance and men in chastity everywhere! I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that the average guy that truly doesn't want to be a chastity slave is going to go pick himself up a set of tools and break free. It's my opinion that chastity is a choice - regardless of any fantasy otherwise.

Please believe that I like to live the fantasy that my lovely wife has me permanently chastised for her pleasure. :smilies_xxx22:

I think it's a whole 'nother thing to look out the door and see a world of male chastity. Somehow I don't think this will shatter your beliefs but I couldn't resist writing. :anim_32:

tl;dr; I appreciate the fantasy but I don't think the OP is drawing proper conclusions.
Yup, couldn't agree more. I believe that I could confidently draw the conclusion that guys who are drawn to chastity are unlikely to be the same guys who want women suppressed as they fear the sexual power that women possess. In fact I'd go as far to say that these could be two diametrically opposed positions. Exactly who is to blame for male sexually driven behaviour - the person at the other end of the cock or the woman going about her daily business? To voluntarily accept chastity puts men squarely in the camp of guys accepting the root cause. I don't believe in female supremacy and I think that a female dominated society would be a bitchy, catty awful world. Typical male skills -curiosity, technical excellence, sacrifice and logical reasoning have driven society forward. Women provide the nurture, stability and plain ole common sense to make it all hang together. It's my view that chastity is one of the tools to create balance, understanding and mutual respect by removing the uncivilised caveman - or at least harnessing him and reigning in his unwanted behaviours.

Disenfranchising men, pulling the pendulum too far the other way, is not the way forward. Mutual respect, love and understanding is.

That said, I am off now to beat my husband with a riding crop :-)