Turtles and piercing


Jun 26, 2022
USA, Missouri, St Louis area
I am one of those whose penis will “turtle” or go pretty much inside at times. Obviously this make most ball trap devices ineffective. It’s not that I can pull out of them, it’s that I can’t stay in them. Due to this, my owner is considering a PA piercing, but we are concerned about what will happen when the penis turtles while locked in a cage with a PA.

Has anyone here had experience with this? Are there tips on PA chastity for turtles?
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You can get cages that have a ring that goes on after the ball ring and it fits tighter around your penis. You want that retaining ring snug around your penis and it should prevent turtling. Check out the "INNIE" from CherryKeeper or talk to https://badassworkroom.com/collections/custom-chastity-cage

If you have a 4g PA or larger, I doubt it ill cause you any problems when it tries to withdraw.
For background I have a 2g piercing and it is more than 3 years since I stretched it to that size so it is well healed.

I have one of the badassworkroom cages with the s hook for those of us with a foreskin. With the right kind of pliers you can adjust the positioning of the piercing. Every time I have done it I was worried about cracking something so I wouldn't recommend it, but it is possible.

I discovered that for it to be comfortable doing heavy yardwork the piercing hook needed to be 8mm further back than I had measured without the cage. That puts the piercing just barely inside of the actual cage.

Figuring out the correct measurements is a real challenge, but in general I would say that there are three points

The cage needs to be wide enough that it doesn't push down on the piercing when you are fully hard.
It needs to be long enough that it doesn't push on the piercing from the front when you are full hard.
The piercing need to be far enough back that it doesn't pull when you shrink.

I believe it is possible to meet all of those, but at the same time I have only been locked up for a week since the last set of adjustments.

If you have the time, determination and disposable income then a piercing is a serious option, but there are plenty of challenges.