Whine about your I.S.P.


Chastity Geek
May 16, 2008
What drives you nuts about your internet connection?

In Australia, internet access is still amazingly expensive and slow compared to the rest of the world. For $60(A) a month I get a measly 7GB at somewhere around 800-1200kbps. Once thats gone our connection speed is throttled back to 64kbps :sad:. Thats why I haven't been posting a lot of late, it's the end of the month and it's taking me half and hour to download my emails, let alone load a website.

Do others have similar gripes to air?
Oh you bet!! Our ISP did a bait and switch on me, at the end of which we have lost our unlimited bandwidth and have a 60Gb/month limit.

When all of this first happened i called the day after they called me with this bait and switch. i asked them NOT TO CHANGE OUR ACCOUNT. i was assured nothing would change.

3 months on, the changes have gone thru and after a 90 minute call to "customer service" i was rudely informed that the CSR that took my original call made a mistake. They had noted my request for NO ACCOUNT change in a "memo field" of my account record. This "memo field" does not "pop-up" on supervisor systems so they had no record of my request to halt the change.

And the best part of the whole lie is that their "system no longer offers the unlimited bandwidth" option so they can't put me back to what i had.

Needless to say i am researching options and hope to cancel the account in the next couple of months.
I would have to find an internet dictionary to even have a clue what you two are talking about LOL
Mistress Michelle
Lmao... we must be very lucky!

All I know is we pay 15 per month and leave all our computers online all the time! Oh, and the Xboxes of course.

Sometimes its crap, but usually only when they are maintaining. We moan about it for a couple of days and then it passes.

I really don't know what I'm talking about, so pet can waffle on about how awful it is here! As far as I'm concerned, as long as its working, I'm happy!
Oh subhubbie, how I long for the days of unlimited free internets, aka, living at my parents house :)

Mistress Michelle, Internet Service Providers are the people who you pay money to so you can get on the internet. They are usually a telephone company too.
Ok, Now I get at least half the conversation LOL
Ours is hooked up through the phone line...High speed internet. DSL, does that sound right? We pay $45.00 a month for ours and it is unlimited.
Mistress Watchfull...just curious, how much in American money do you pay a month?
Our poor computer is old and sometimes it locks up on Me and I have to shut it down and start over but overall, we dont have any problems with the servers.
Mistress Michelle
^^ I wish I could get Verizon FIOS (I know too much about the Internet, but that is my guess).

Alas, I am in Canada and for 60 bucks a month we get 10Mbps Down/1Mbps Up. Plenty fast enough for me. They never complain about the 150 gigs a month we average up and down.

My machine is always up and running. I get sad when it isn't. I may also need a life.
I'm on the west coast USA. I have Comcast High Speed Internet that comes on my TV cable service. They charge $43.00 a month. It's been very reliable. Fast response also.
Bobbybig said:
I'm on the west coast USA. /QUOTE]

I thought you were an Aussie Bobbybig?

With regards to the exchange rates, currently the $A is almost 1:1 with the US, so it's around $58 US that I pay per month (or ~30 pounds) for my tiny 7GB.

Clearly getting ripped off big time, according to our world wide sample here. :sad:
We have Charter Cable for our cable, telephone and internet services. Late last year we went with them for all three and got a promotional package price. I believe we are paying less than $70 a month for all three, but that's just for the first year, and I'm sure it will go way up after the first year is over. We were paying about $55 to $60 a month to Charter just for cable, minus the movie channels.

We get all the higher channels, HBO, Showtime etc., but don't get the Hockey Channel, which sux. Up to 6 Mbps for internet, supposedly. I guess we normally are getting maybe 2 Mbps. Our computer is almost 6 years old and probably is putting a cap on our capabilities more so than the internet service. We need a fresh install of WinXP and to leave off all the flotsam that's on HDD now to more accurately guage the service. We got by with a maximum of 52k kbps for the six years prior to Charter internet, so we're actually very pleased overall with the internet speeds. We can actually view videos and hear internet radio now.

By the way, Charter was recently rated as the absolute worst cable/internet provider in the USA, and my experience over the years verifys that conclusion.
