Last Activity:
May 13, 2013
May 19, 2010 at 3:35 AM
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January 14


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I have been away...and I do mean away! I am living in Europe now and loving every minute of it!! I am in Germany but lots of travel... May 13, 2013

ms-laurel was last seen:
May 13, 2013
    1. ms-laurel
      I'm having a marvelous day...a marvelous life this it!!
      1. lockitup
        ms-laurel, Yay, my first friend. I see we share a birthday month. Hope you had a great one.
        Oct 28, 2010
      2. ms-laurel
        I did and happy birthday to you as well...hope yours was great!! I feel honored to be you very first friend here!! Have a great day!!
        Oct 28, 2010
    2. mikecb
      lol. Mood was "Crappy" several weeks ago, and I never got 'round to updateing it. :-)
    3. ms-laurel
      wow...I was just reading on the medical suite..some heavy stuff there I tell ya!! Piqued my interest...have to go read some more...evil grin.....
    4. slaveDK
      I really love you profile dear ms-laurel. We need more women of your kind..:-)
    5. ms-laurel
      Life is good today...a swift discipline session always lifts my spirits!!
      1. Mistress Becca
        Mistress Becca
        My sadistic side is in need of some exercise :)
        Oct 25, 2010
      2. ms-laurel
        There's really nothing like a little exercise my friend...
        Oct 25, 2010
    6. robert59
      it gets very cold here in the winter
    7. ms-laurel
      A beautiful fall day here. I'm out to enjoy the colors of the country!!
      1. Mistress Michelle
        Mistress Michelle
        Morning, Have fun!!
        Oct 25, 2010
    8. ms-laurel
      Finally Friday........yeah!!
    9. ms-laurel
      I just love that picture of so describes my mood since I came back from you have vacation withdrawal???
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ms-laurel
        I'm glad you said that I thought I was just losing my mind or turning into a bitch...oh wait..that already happened!!
        Oct 23, 2010
      3. Mistress Becca
        Mistress Becca
        I'm usually quite pleased to be coming home.. to my own bed, and bottles of Dr Pepper (lol) Not when I come back from Amsterdam, though :(
        Oct 23, 2010
      4. ms-laurel
        It is nice to come back to the comforts of home but the excitement of travel is really something else! Hope you are well x
        Oct 23, 2010
    10. ms-laurel
      Long day...long week so far and I'm still lagging some so its off to bed early tonight...sleep tight all....
      1. Mistress Becca
        Mistress Becca
        The week has flown by for me.. trouble is, so do the weekends!
        Oct 22, 2010
    11. ms-laurel
      I'm better this morning...but still feeling a little like an alien here.....
    12. ms-laurel
      I wish pissy was one of the moods available...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. ms-laurel
        yeah...i'm so ready to come back to london...things suck around here!!
        Oct 21, 2010
      3. Mistress Becca
        Mistress Becca
        Well, what are you waiting for?!
        Oct 21, 2010
      4. ms-laurel
        that's a good question...
        Oct 21, 2010
    13. ms-laurel
      Clothes pins on the nips already this am...what's up with that?
    14. ms-laurel
      Feeling better this am. I think I'm getting back to schedule. I don't want to do the jet lag thing again...maybe next time I'll just stay..... :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lockit
        getting your room ready now lol
        Oct 19, 2010
      3. ms-laurel
        Oct 19, 2010
      4. ms-laurel
        I came home to an unruly sub and had to do some major discipline to get him back in'd think I'd been gone for a couple weeks or something!
        Oct 19, 2010
    15. ms-laurel
      It's not yet Monday and I already have the Monday blues (I guess it is in London time!)
    16. ms-laurel
      Jet lag really sucks!!! I'm very worn out today...
    17. ms-laurel
      London and Liverpool are awesome!! I had so much fun and can't wait to go back!! No enough room here to talk about it all but it was the time of my life and I will treasure it always!! Now back to business, Palmer needs straightening out, been on his own far too long!!
    18. ms-laurel
      Thank you for the birthday wishes...everyone should feel this good on their birthday!!
    19. Goddess Jen
      Goddess Jen
      Happy Birthday!!!
    20. susie q
      susie q
      A very Happy Birthday wish to you ms-Laurel i hope it's wonderful ,curtsey
    21. ms-laurel
      Oh, by the way, if anyone if in need of some practice in verbal torment or are just bored and want to have some fun, my pitiful, sad slave is moping about being feel free to torment him at your will...Palmer will be appropriately grateful I assure you...ozoner 55 :)
    22. ms-laurel
      Well, I'm outta's busy packing and then flying out early tomorrow. What a trip, a whole other continent!! I'm not sure I'm be here much for the next few weeks and I will miss you all...see you on the flip side!
    23. kaitiff
      Thanks for your comment on my pic, it's actually me after I was left locked up that little bit too long. ;-)
    24. ms-laurel
      Last day of work and I'm off for 2 whole weeks!!! I'm so excited about my trip to London and Liverpool!!! Look out UK here I come!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mistress Becca
        Mistress Becca
        Hmm, not sure Liverpool is much to get excited about :D

        Got a tube strike here on Monday, but we should be okay.. thankfully I know my way around pretty well.
        Oct 2, 2010
      3. ms-laurel
        That sucks!!
        Oct 2, 2010
      4. Mistress Becca
        Mistress Becca
        What really sucks is the tube that goes from me to you will almost definitely be closed. Meaning I have to do a detour... putting another half hour or so on my journey! But.. I am stubborn.
        Oct 2, 2010
    25. ms-laurel
      Sometimes my mind goes in too many big trip is coming up, lots still to do at work tomorrow, packing, need to let go of the BS and enjoy the journey..............
      1. View previous comments...
      2. lockedandlovingit
        I have 2 with one on the way -- they have a great way of putting things in perspective! ;-)
        Oct 1, 2010
      3. maid rose
        maid rose
        wishing You a wonderful and exciting trip! oh, and relaxing too.
        Oct 1, 2010
      4. ms-laurel
        thank you so much~~~
        Oct 2, 2010
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    January 14
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    He will never be any better than I expect him to be. If a man cannot fully fathom the concept that he is to be an asset in my life then he is indeed a liability. I am the Gift; I will teach the men in my life how to ready themselves for me. I have expectations of goodness for those I love.​
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