
  1. Rune

    Feeling nauseous when staying in chastity for longer periods of time

    Over the past year, I’ve been exploring the experience of prolonged chastity without the use of a chastity device. My focus has been on refraining from ejaculation, and I've noticed some intriguing effects. Initially, after about a week, I begin to feel heightened sensations and an increase in...
  2. Lancerexford

    How I got here... long

    I started this piece in honor of small penises, but it has morphed into a description of my life in an FLR and a bit about how I got here. I write erotic fiction. I’ve promised myself that if what I share isn’t true, then I will say so. I’ve re-read this piece, and it is true except that the...
  3. C

    Last night 1 w/cntyhsbnd

    Just saving true recountings of my relationship so I can enjoy them later Last night: I had started to doze off during a rerun of True Blood. I told her I was tired in the hope we could turn out the lights and put the bed down, she said something to the effect that we could go to bed when...
  4. slavej828

    Master M and slave j

    Basic background info: I am slave j. I belong to Master M. I am 42 years old. Master M is a 24 year old female. We have been together over a year now and our relationship was vanilla until the past several months when Master M figured out my personality changes drastically for the better...
  5. Parley

    I don't ask for release or even mention sex anymore.

    I keep reading the word "sub space" in these threads. I wanted to ask others if that is where I am now at. On background, we are an older couple that used a chastity cage and orgasm denial for several years to add a bit of kink to our long and happy marriage. I might be locked for just a...
  6. S

    Hotel room experience - bbc dildos, chastity, multiple orgasms, denial, watching. Next steps!

    Ok all my Mistresses, Chaste and those starting their journey…it’s been a few weeks and I think I’m ready to talk about the experience and where we are now… We went to stay at a marriott resort in Fort Lauderdale for 4 days. We spoke about how we were going to have a night of sexual exploration...
  7. _Hannah_

    Haii, i could use some votes

    I still need a lot of votes, so i was hoping to get some help. feel free to add or remove, both are fine hihi (It's a selflock, KH is an extra account so i can change settings if needed) Let me know if i can return the favor Thank yous
  8. PornAddict103

    Diary of a Porn Addict locked in Chastity.

    I'm known only as PornAddict103, a generic but suitable alias I thought up when I first joined this community last year... I've had ADHD my whole life and became Hypersexual upon hitting puberty a long time ago. I was a real party animal from my mid teens up till about age 40. I was always going...
  9. PornAddict103

    Having fun with denial... But is it right?

    I try to keep an open mind with things, especially when it comes to this lifestyle, so I'd like some opinions on the matter... My original reason for going into chastity was to stop myself from jerking off literally all the time and be more productive. I'll admit I only accomplished half of...
  10. PornAddict103

    Dreaming of being teased & denied...

    I had an awesome dirty dream last night. I dreamed I was making out with my dream girl, on her bed. Yes, I was locked in my cock cage too... We kissed endlessly and my chastity keys were on her nightstand. I tried in vain to grab them, but every time I reached out, she just grabbed my wrist and...
  11. PornAddict103

    Too horny to sleep!

    I'm on my 3rd week of denial out of 7... I went to bed about 9:30PM and woke up somewhere around 2:30AM because I had to use the bathroom and I couldn't drift off back to sleep. I was laying in bed with my balls feeling full & heavy, so I started to hold them and that aroused me and made me...
  12. PornAddict103

    A dumb but serious question...

    I know it's a few months before Locktober, but since I'm not letting myself out of the cage anymore except for hygiene, is it fair to say that I'm already participating in it and I should just focus on not cumming during NNN?
  13. V

    Birthday surprise.

    My birthday is next week. Each year my wife makes it special sexually as I do not get to orgasm often. This year she said no orgasm on your birthday. She is going to do the ultimate tease instead. She said she will bind my hands so I cannot feel her naked body. I will be hooded so I cannot...
  14. Chastity2024

    My journal

    We have been playing with Chastity for years for more recently in the last year or two we have done more of it. At first it was more of a play toy and not much anything else. Back in February she told me to lock up for our anniversary. At first I was over the moon since she let me sleep in it...
  15. Steven Bernal

    How to tell your girlfriend?

    Hola chicos, llevo más de un año saliendo con una chica, creo que ella es la indicada, es hermosa, piel blanca, cabello negro, labios suaves, es pura feminidad, la amo con todo mi ser, su humildad. y la lealtad hacia mí me hace volverme loco por ella. Ella siempre fue un hombre reservado. Nunca...
  16. Steven Bernal

    Chastity and denial for the first time

    Hola chicos, saludos a todos desde Bogotá. Han pasado más de dos meses desde que comencé Chastity por primera vez. Tuve varios problemas con la jaula que compré anteriormente, no me sentía muy cómoda Desde dolor hasta irritación pasando por pellizcos, así que decidí buscar en internet otro...
  17. PrincessSugy

    Soy una Dominatrix Bogotana ✌️ saludos

    Un saludo cordial para todos amigos y amigas. Soy una chica colombiana amante del BDSM en toda su plenitud lo práctico hace 3 Años junto a mi pareja con la cual llevamos una relación de Dom/Sub ❤️ la castidad está en nuestra fuente de deseos ya llevamos un tiempo practicando este hermoso...
  18. PornAddict103

    A question about wet dreams...

    So, I read on various message boards that some guys in chastity started to get wet dreams after being locked up and not getting an orgasm usually in 5 to 7 month range. Some were longer and some were shorter but the majority seem to fall into that range. Then some people suggested that...
  19. atxmtb

    Chastity vs Orgasm Denial

    Chastity means different things to different folks, but for my wife and I it means being locked 24x7 and not jerking off, but PIV orgasms are ok, even encouraged. Orgasm denial is no ejaculations. I've been in Chastity for 70 days of a 6-month experience. We've started a one-month orgasm...
  20. MaggotNub

    Becoming my wife's slut

    As I've mentioned in other threads, I only recognised my submissive nature earlier in the year, and confided in my wife in the summer. We're both on a journey now as I discover what sort of sub I am, and the wife finds her inner Domme. I'm going to try and document what we get up to here...