CB6000 rings and fit

Discussion in 'CB Range' started by subklik, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Hello all you fellow CB people:

    I have a question for those who use the AL products. When I first got the CB6000 i settled the fit with the #4 ring.
    My odd problem is small nuts with an oversized cock. So that made the CB6000 itself a bit snug even when soft i barely get in and the rings at the same time too big to contain my little nuts.
    Because of my "trunk" the #4 ring was all that could fit with comfort. Except the occasional (daily) testicle slip out of the ring.
    I would go to a private area and push the testicle back in under the ring and it would be ok again...till the next time.
    I realized that the #3 ring was in fact too tight and it caused pain almost right away that panicked me into immediate removal.
    So I just thought the #4 ring was my life sentence.

    Somewhere in the last year I ordered some spare parts as I assumed (correctly) that things would break.
    For some wierd reason I asked for and recieved for free, two new rings of size #3. quite why, when I knew they wouldn't fit is beyond me.

    So here is the real story, today i was ordered into the bathroom to clean her property up.
    Dutifully i went and obeyed noticing that my last #4 ring was glazing at the circles where the post goes through and not wanting to be
    wearing it when it breaks (ouch) i looked again at the number three ring. I have been continuously locked up for months now and i have calloused rings around the base or the "trunk" of Her cock where the ring sits and i considered the fact that now the ring no longer burns me at all and thought "what the heck", maybe the #3 will work. i crossed my fingers and i put on the #3 and it felt OK. So I waited for a bit before presenting myself to Mistress so She could click the lock shut.
    Right now it is six hours and still no problem at all. A year ago i would have been in agony and panicking with penile claustrophobia!

    i cannot see my balls ever escaping from the size three ring so i don't think it will ever go down to a size 4.
    Anyway, i am rather pleased and if this is the usual case i think other new users could take this into consideration.

    So here is the question for those who haven't nodded off to sleep from this detailed ramble:
    is it common after a year or so of constant wear, to be able to go down a ring size?

    Many thanks to all who reply.
    Was it Maid katrin who spoke of this a ong time ago???
    Or someone who is a regular here i am sure.

  2. Manteos Boy

    Manteos Boy Slave to Mistress Manteo

    Apr 18, 2010
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    I was able to.

    I actually am able to go down 2 sizes, but the nocturnal erections are murder, so I settled with one size smaller and it worked well for 2 years.

    I received my Mature Metal Jailbird yesterday and went one size smaller than I was in th CB. I slept well in it last night. I did wake up once with mild burning, but I think that's mostly attributed to a new device just fitting a little differently than I'd been used to. I'm thrilled with it. I don't think I'll need to have it re-sized.

    So, yes....I do think it's normal to be able to go down a ring size after time.
  3. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    i am amazed at how much better everything works now with this CB6000. It is like a totally new device!
    i don't know if this tube (a relatively new replacement) is better quality than the other three i broke within the first six months,
    but it seems quite a bit more sound. So after 18 months of steady use, finally being able to go down to the middle ring size, and getting a good tube, it actually seems to work well. With the second largest ring i was secure and mostly ok, but in a pinch i could easily have pulled out and gotten back in with a great deal of pain.

    With this new smaller ring security is 100% and i cannot pull out.
    So it makes me wonder about all those who gave up early on there CB6000.
    i wonder i they had persevered would they also have better results?

    Well, something to think about.

  4. petevans

    petevans Member

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Just a thought - but have you got the numbers mixed up or am I reading your post incorectly. # 1 is the largest & # 5 is the smallest. Therefore # 3 is bigger than # 4. I can't get into the CB6Ks # 4 ring but I can in CB3K # 4 ring! Of late I have been fitting into either # 2 or # 3. The # 2 after a ball-busting session. See my other post [No. 3].


    Divine Mistress Angelique's pet & plaything

  5. subklik

    subklik Office Girl

    Jun 19, 2009
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    Yah, i got it backwards. I went from the second largest to the middle ring.
    So #2 into #3.
    I have moreburning than ever but i have found that ignoring it makes a sort of callous.
    So it will be worn in and seated soon.

    There now.
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