Cleaning Regimen and Tip/Tricks - Staying Pleasant in Long Term Chastity


Active member
Apr 7, 2014
Curious to know what other caged specimens are doing to keep themselves clean and smelling pleasant down there while in long term chastity (> a few days). I am locked 24/7/365 from what I have been told, so developing a sound and effective cleaning regimen is essential both for hygiene/safety as well as presentation. The PA makes it impossible to remove without a key or destroying the device so I have a vested interest in learning how to live in permanent chastity.

I am in a Rigid Chastity No. 5 cage which so far has been relatively comfortable (5 weeks in so far).

I recently started using a chop stick in the shower to pry my penis away from the sides of the cage tube to allow soap and water in. I asked my wife (who is not my KH by the way) to smell me down there and she had no complaints. So far, so good.

What do you do to keep clean? What should you NOT do?
I use tooth brush every few days to scrub all the corners where rings and bars meet. Other than that no special regimens. I have mm jailbird that is really easy to clean between bars. Longest I was locked was one year and I had zero problems keeping everything nice and clean.
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I use tooth brush every few days to scrub all the corners where rings and bars meet. Other than that no special regimens. I have mm jailbird that is really easy to clean between bars. Longest I was locked was one year and I had zero problems keeping everything nice and clean.

Gotcha! The Jailbird is pretty airy so that makes it nice. Bit more difficult with an enclosed tube over the shaft. But diligence is rewarded!
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Addendum: I also blow dry myself down there after a shower to make sure it's dry before putting on underwear and pants. Moist folds of skin is a recipe for stank.
I use tooth brush every few days to scrub all the corners where rings and bars meet. Other than that no special regimens. I have mm jailbird that is really easy to clean between bars. Longest I was locked was one year and I had zero problems keeping everything nice and clean.
I use tooth brush during every shower. In loctober removed cage only once for cleaning later found it not that much required if toothbrush is used, dried later.
No complaints of itching, bad smell or anything
I have a Male Chastity Now Contender with a PA, so another example of an open metal cage similar to the Jailbird.

I've been locked 24/7 for just over a month. I use a mild soap (actually one meant for babies) which I lather all over and then use hand held shower with the water stream set to massage. I am uncut, so with a PA as well, I find I have to move the skin around to get the water in all the right places, but it does the job. For me it's about taking time with it and not rushing.

I dry with a hairdryer on a cool setting.

I've found it is quite a routine compared to keeping clean when unlocked, but worth it to stay fresh and healthy.
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Cotton swabs can help outside of the shower. They obviously don't work well when soaking wet. A good detachable shower head that can spray directly into the device is helpful as well.

I found that removal for sterilization was best. I would do the things everyone else has listed, but there are little tiny pores in stainless and other materials that can still harbor bacteria and cause smell. I have a dishwasher with a sanitize setting and would run it through on a cycle every week or two. Hopefully you can go a couple of hours without abusing your freedom.
My hubby has been locked 24/7 in an open-wire metal cage for over 9 months now. He keeps clean when showering/bathing by using mild soap and a long-bristled shaving brush, followed by a good rinse with the hand-held spray attachment in our shower.

Although he stays very clean this way, I unlock him once a week or so for a deep cleaning which I closely supervise. Only the cage portion of his device is unlocked; his base ring is permanent and is never removed.
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I'm in an Orion (see profile pic) that is somewhat open, but not totally.

I use my fingers to get soap in as best I can, then a jet shower head to rinse. And a blow drier on low-heat (or high-speed-cool to keep dry.

Every 2-3 weeks my wife unlocks me to do a thorough cleaning of my bits in the shower, plus a toothbrush+hand soap on the cage. And q-tips to thoroughly dry it.

Regimen works well, I can make it those 2-3 weeks without starting to smell too bad.

Theoretically, depending on how much she teases me I can go longer between unlockings, since the main culprit of smell seems to be dried semen from leaking.
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Yea all the above is great. I also found that having a small container (glass, plastic, bottle, even a ketchup style squirt bottle .... anything really) that can be filled with water, and then when done urinating just dip the cage end into the water and or squirt and basically rinse off any urine dribbles that might have been left behind has helped alot for me. ymmv :-)
I am allowed to remove my device for cleaning under supervision, it was once a week on my old cage, now I am in a complete tube device, madam allows me to be released twice a week.
My wife doesn’t like sleeping with me if I have the cage on so I remove it every night a put is back on first thing in the morning!
I use a HT Nano which is a very small full cage, when I have managed to wear it 24/7 during Loctober I used to remove on Wednesdays and Sundays for a good old clean, I foand any longer than that things got a bit smelly TBH
I do always wear lace knickers and tights when I have a cage on so that doesn’t help with things being somewhat tight and close to the body during the day and sometimes at night (when allowed).
Remember Hygiene first
IMHO the most important thing is that the cage should be breathable. This makes a huge difference.

Also, if sufficiently breatheable, then soaping up in the shower (while still locked) should be sufficient to keep things clean and free of odours.
I am permanent for now locked back in November doing a year as we agreed but have a suspicion this could be indefinite, but at any rate I am in a PA BAW 25 use a fingernail brush all over then clean with a rag very sudsy then a handheld shower spray works well no problems stay very clean!
as for me it comes off to shower, clean the cage and then shave cock and balls. then it goes right back on
I’m in a MM Jailbird. Soap and a cotton swab keeps everything clean and fresh. I do get unlocked every so often when my wife wants the real thing and if I have a couple minutes before I get locked up again I’ll give it a good scrub. It’s not really necessary but I figure I should take the opportunity.
I have been in a BBCS (full steel belt) with pa security for almost 2 years with it only being removed for a change to a plastic cage for travel twice in that time. Using soap and fingers and a high pressure shower spray - hygiene has never been a problem.
Kept in a cherrykeeper with bars and the crosshatch tip, I shower daily or x2 times even. A lot of soap and scrubbing all around. I think that if I skipped a shower it would be horrible :))
Also pantyliners, scented or not, depends on what my lovely wife buys. Hygiene is #1 and not an issue with this type of cage.
Our routine varies with her mood. At the moment I get unlocked once a week for a more thorough shower and shave, she hates body hair down there.

The rest of the week its body wash with one of those mesh sponges in the shower and using the shower head on massage to blast water through the gaps in the cage. I try to shave around the edges and the balls but its a bit tricky with the cage on.
Using soap and fingers and a high pressure shower spray - hygiene has never been a problem.

Same method I use with the cage pictured. Stays perfectly clean. I put some pics in my gallery that shows the shower spray in action for those interested. The tether keeps cock no more than 4mm from front of cage...but I can still slide my fingers in with liquid soap to lather it up. No need to unlock